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- "You owe me."

Taehyung arched an eyebrow. As far as he remembered, Jungkook and him didn't have any unpaid debt. Well, except for the 'kiss' between Sana and the guy but if that's what he was talking about, shouldn't it be the other way around?

- "What do you mean?"

- "I mean what I said." - Jungkook smirked. - "You owe me for saving her."

Taehyung's eyes widened.

No way...

- "I found Sana alone on the street last night, surrounded by a bunch of thugs." - He sighed. - "She's lucky I was passing by. I beated them up and offered her a place to stay."

At this point, Taehyung was rendered completely speechless. The knowledge that Sana got into such dangerous situation because of his stupidity, then the fact that she still showed concern for him after all the horrible things that happened... He felt his heart warmed and and his stomach dropped at the same time.

- "She seems sweet and genuine. It's hard to find a pretty girl who possesses those traits nowadays." - Jungkook smirked. - "Actually, I wouldn't have minded if she'd like to live with me for awhile."

Taehyung's fist unconsciously clenched tightly. But the male knew if that's what Sana truly wanted, he'd just have to let her go...

- "I understand. Please help me take care of..."

- "Didn't you hear what I said?" - Jungkook groaned. - "That's IF she'd like. But obviously, she just had to refuse because of an f*cking idiot like you."

Taehyung fought the urge to hit himself. If he'd never thought he was stupid before, he certainly did now. Since when did he become the type to jump at conclusions without thinking it through? Certainly only when Sana was concerned.

- "Why...?" - He hesitated. - "I asked her. She... doesn't have any feeling for me..."

- "As far as I remember, she didn't even know what hugging or kissing were. How did you expect her to reply to such question?"

Then it dawned to Taehyung... the real reason behind Sana's action and answer! He instantly rushed to the direction of her classroom, momentarily forgot about Jungkook's presence. Now that he knew it was his fault all along, he'd make sure to spend every possible seconds to make up for his mistakes.

'Fools.' - Jungkook chuckled dryly. - 'No wonder why they're a match.'

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