Prolouge: Y/N L/N

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different since there are no saiyans, namekians, or frost demons that come to Earth. In fact they don't even exist in that flow of time, they also have academy's for people with Quirks who want to become heroes, and then there are also people with Quirks who become villains." Supreme Kai Of Time explained.

Y/N was interested in this as he heard these humans have superpowers that are called Quirks. He started to get a little excited at seeing the different powers these humans could have and see if any of them could give him a challenge.

"So I guess you two want me to go to this new timeline to take a break right?" Y/N asked as the two of them nodded.

"There's a hero academy called U.A high, it's one of the best schools there, and don't worry about how you'll enroll, I've already spoken with the headmaster of that school, so you'll be going there as a recommended student." Supreme Kai Of Time explained.

Y/N got even more excited as he clenched his fist.

"That's awesome! So when do I leave?" Y/N asked.

"You leave tomorrow, and don't worry about your work, we already informed Trunks of this and he said he'll be glad to take over for you." Elder Kai replied.

"You should go get some sleep Y/N, and get ready for tommorow." Supreme Kai Of Time said.

Y/N nodded as put two fingers on his forehead, "I will, see ya." He said as he vanished.

Y/N then made it to his room as he took a quick shower, and after he was done he put some clothes on as he laid down on his bed.

"U.A high huh?" Y/N said as he went fast to sleep.


Y/N was now at the Time Nest with Supreme Kai Of Time and Elder Kai.

"So are you all ready to go?" Elder Kai asked.

Y/N nodded as he checked his capsules which contained multiple clothing of his Gi and other clothes, Senzu Beans, and a gravity chamber given to him by Bulma as a gift.

"Yep I'm all set!" Y/N replied.

Supreme Kai Of Time nodded as she handed him the time scroll and a map of the city.

"Have fun Y/N! Make sure you make lot of friends!" Supreme Kai Of Time said.

"Even though you're taking a break Y/N make sure to be on your best behavior while you're there." Elder Kai said as Y/N nodded.

"See ya guys!" Y/N waved as he started to disappear as the two Kai's waved back.

Y/N then appeared in a city in the distance that was similar to west city, but not as advanced.

"Woah." Y/N said while he looked at the city.

Y/N took out his map as he looked at it and saw where U.A high was located.

Y/N grinned, "Welp I can't be late, I should get going." He said as he started to fly to U.A high with a bright smile on his face.


Next time on The Saiyan Time Patroller: U.A High.

Hey guys! I always had this story idea in mind and I've always wanted to make a MHA story so I'm kind of excited and want to see how this story will go.

I hope you all like this chapter! If you have any questions about this chapter or story leave me a comment below and I'll answer to the best of my ability.

See You Next Time!

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