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himself. He must love Yunho, without which he could hardly care less if Yunho had been cheating on him. He might be annoyed if Yunho had been taking advantage of him. But he does care, he cares so much he hurts himself and Yunho, because he loves Yunho.

He leaves rationality all at the door this time, choosing wisely to follow his heart, and his heart leads him right into Yunho's arms. Cupping Yunho's cheeks, he pulls the other man forward, closing the gap between them.

Their lips move slowly, gently, in a sweet yet drowning kiss. This will never grow old with Changmin, the way Yunho kisses him almost the same way he leaps off a building, the feeling of flying before free-falling with the fear of hitting hard ground, only to get snapped up and held in a protective and loving embrace, safe and warm and perfect.

The ramen gets trashed, cold and soggy by the time they come out from the bedroom again, and they end up ordering room service. It's another mystery solved for Changmin when Yunho explains about a rather secretive "vampire government" that keeps them functioning and well-hidden, at least as long as they don't do anything to blow their cover. From bank accounts to identity and even passports, they have it all covered.

Yunho's wealth is actually a combination of his own and Jaejoong's. The system works in a way similar to an inheritance, in which vampires inherit what was their maker's, Yunho inheriting Jaejoong's house and money and everything else.

Changmin's jaw drops in astonishment, mouth hanging wide open at the number of zeroes Yunho tells him his inheritance goes up to. Mansions with huge lawns and backyards begin coming to mind, but Yunho dismisses that with a laugh. He sketches out the villa on a piece of paper, Changmin filling up the gaps with his imagination as Yunho describes the layout, and in Changmin's mind, the villa is a beautiful place.

An hour before midnight, they both get dressed and leave the suite, holding hands and walking out into the snow. There aren't many people left on the streets, most heading in the direction of the district square. The pair follow, Yunho occasionally leaning closer to Changmin to whisper random things, Changmin usually smiling back and laughing.

When noise of excitement and anticipation grows louder as they near the district square, Yunho indicates for Changmin to climb on his back again, sprinting to the foot of the tallest building in the vicinity, before scaling up the building. It amazes Changmin to no end how Yunho climbs the wall so easily, with so few grips and footholds. He looks up at the sky, cloudless with a few spots of stars, afraid that looking down would cause him to panic, and startle Yunho, who's so very concentrated in the task at hand any sudden moves might cause him to let go. And that would surely be the end of the both of them.

They finally reach the roof after the longest ten minutes of Changmin's life as he immediately reaches for Yunho's hand just for some sense of security. Yunho holds him by the waist even as they near the ledge of the roof, a whole crowd below them, everyone awaiting the coming of the new year.

'What a view,' Changmin breathes, closing his eyes for a moment as the wind blows his hair into a mess. Looking ahead he can see streets brightly lit all around, like some sort of a video game. A backdrop of snow-capped mountains just about make the view perfect. He turns around, leaning against Yunho and tucking himself to fit nicely.

'I can't believe I did something so stupid I almost lost this,' he whispers, pressing his cheek against Yunho's. 'I'm so sorry, Yunho-yah. I'm sorry I almost ruined the best thing that's ever happened to me.'

Yunho places a hand on his cheek, stroking lightly, Changmin leaning into the touch. He closes his eyes, a tear falling despite himself. Yunho runs a hand through his hair, tucking loose locks behind his ear.

'Hey,' he says, cradling Changmin's chin in his palm, tiling his face to look up. 'It's over already, okay? Learn from it, put it behind us and move on.'

'Hate to break it to you, sweetheart. You're pretty, but you look awful when you cry,' he teases, thumbing away a tear as Changmin pouts in response, puffing out his cheeks.

Yunho laughs heartily this time, holding the sides of Changmin's head, rubbing their noses together. A loud cheer from below distracts them; it's a minute more to the new year, the remaining seconds counting down on a large display screen on a building. Yunho pulls Changmin close, standing hip to hip and chest to chest.

'Know what's my new year resolution?' he asks, grinning at Changmin.

'To feed me more?' Changmin teases, curling arms around Yunho's neck, pulling himself closer.

'Close,' Yunho chuckles. 'To love you with everything I have.'

'You copycat,' Changmin breathes, his face inches from Yunho's. 'Five...' he whispers, even as the crowd screams the digit out.

'Four,' Yunho sighs, tightening his hold on Changmin.



One is sealed in a kiss, Yunho leaning in. There are loud explosions above them and flashing lights on their eyelids, but neither of them notice, too tightly wrapped around each other to care. They don't stop even after the fireworks are long over, and when they do, Changmin kisses the tip of Yunho's nose once more, smiling shyly.

'Let's go back. I have something for you.'

Yunho nods, holding Changmin's hand tight as he takes a flying leap off the edge.

Within ten minutes of stepping back into their suite, Yunho finds himself between Changmin's legs, thrusting into impossible heat as Changmin gasps and writhes deliciously under him, nails drawing red lines along his shoulders and back. Changmin's world becomes everything that has a little bit of pain and a whole lot of pleasure, so overwhelmed he's plagued by incoherency, reduced to throaty moans and whimpers and gasps for more.

There's no saying no to Changmin. Not when Changmin had himself underneath Yunho, undoing the buttons of his shirt and the clasp of Yunho's jeans, offering himself up to Yunho. There's no denying Changmin of what he wants, when it happens to be what Yunho wants as well.

It's pleasure like never before, similar to the kind that comes when Yunho feeds on him, except that the source comes from between his legs and spreads up all the way to his fingertips, making them tingle and his toes curl. He positively screams when it burns, shooting up his spine and right through, nerve endings firing madly as he arches, feeling a warm splatter on his abdomen and the hot splashing inside him.

Even as Yunho eases him down from his high, massaging the soreness that's already creeping into his muscles, Changmin runs out of reasons. Everything Yunho does with him and for him brings him a step closer to an eternity with Yunho, Changmin's list of reasons not to just get on with it and become a vampire shortening quickly.

Yunho lies on his side, gently stroking the shell of Changmin's ear, their lips meeting for a messy kiss. Pulling the covers over their naked forms, Changmin curls into Yunho, the pair slotting against each other perfectly.

'Happy new year, Yunho-yah.'

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