Chương 6: Thứ do Airi để lại (Eng)

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restroom..... It was difficult."

"Of course."

In front of so many people, Kushida, in angel mode, greets Haruka with a wry smile.

"How's the situation......?"

"Ask Horikita-san about it. I have my hands full with the line right now."

Horikita, dressed in a maid's outfit, called Haruka into the waiting room.

"Good to see you."

Horikita gently patted Haruka's stiff back.

"I thought you wouldn't show your face today, but you've made up your mind now, haven't you?"

Although she was not completely recovered, Haruka nodded her head and answered, keeping her breathing calm.

"You aren't a maid by nature, so I don't expect you to be as agile as Sato-san and the others, but...... right now we're in a situation where we could really use your help."

It is inevitable that she would be thrown in a difficult situation right after coming here.

"You came here to contribute to the festival right? Can I trust you?"

"Don't worry. I won't do anything to destroy everyone's hard work..... I know you probably don't believe me."

"No, I believe you."  

Without hesitation, Horikita expresses her trust in Haruka's words.


"I can tell by looking into your eyes. Ayanokouji-kun must've persuaded you well, didn't he?"


"Kushida-san helped get me back on my feet too. I didn't expect her to approach me in a maid outfit."

"Kushida-san? So that's why she left her post..."

Horikita was busy and didn't get a chance to find out why she left.

"Anyway, I'll make sure to forget about your grudge against me until after the festival, even if you don't want me to."

" .....I understand."

"You will be in charge of pouring drinks for customers who are out of water and, if requested, taking pictures of customers too. Is that okay?"

"I'll see what I can do."  

Now that we've come this far, Haruka is the carp on the chopping block.  

"I have to take a mandatory break at 3:00 p.m., so I'll leave everything after that to you, Ayanokoji-kun. Please take care of her. "

"The best I can do is just take good photographs."

I've already taken dozens of pictures today. I've already taken dozens of shutterbugs today, so I'm getting the hang of it.

I've already taken dozens of photos today, so I'm starting to get the hang of it.

Then, with a pitcher of water and a slice of lemon, she left the waiting room and began to walk around the cafe.  

She introduces herself to each person, bowing politely to each one as she goes.  

Of course, she wasn't smooth, and she was clearly less practiced than the other maids, but that didn't stop her from getting a lot of attention from the adults.  

However, that didn't stop the adults from giving her a warm look.

Even if they didn't see the inside part of Haruka, they unconsciously develop a liking for her because of her attractive feminine side.

"Before we win or lose, our class can finally breathe a sigh of relief."


"Ayanokoji-kun and Hasebe-san! We need 3 pictures taken over here!"

The voice from Sato reached the waiting room, and we set up the cameras immediately.

Horikita must have been ready to make her last spurt for the remaining time before the break.

"See you later."  

After Horikita leaves the waiting room, I took a look at the board inside the room. 

The board was designed to show at a glance who had received the most nominations and requested to take a picture with.

Sato, in second place with 24 photos taken, was the clear winner by a landslide.  

Horikita, on the other hand, was not very sociable, with only 11 photos taken with her.

If it was just appearance that counted, then I think she's at least good as Kushida, but that's not what's important.

"Even if Haruka tries to regain the lead from this point on, she will not be able to surpass this record."  

While I was standing in front of Haruka with my camera, I heard another order from Kushida coming from the hallway that a customer who wanted a picture with Haruka.

"Alright Haruka, It's your time to get your picture taken."

"...... U-Uh-Uh."  

Her expression is stiff, perhaps because she is still reluctant to face me.  

I aimed the shutter towards them a tried to take a picture when I saw a good opportunity but...

"Should Yosuke take it instead?"

"Wait..... No, It's fine."  

She muttered to himself several times, raising her hand.

I couldn't get a full smile, but it was enough for a photo, so I clicked the shutter.  

One photo was taken alone. The other two are two-shot photos with the customer.


Finally, it was getting close to 3 p.m.

I was leaving the maid cafe to prepare for my final move.  

No one knew exactly how much we would have to sell to take first place.  

Of course, if you can sell more than half of the private points in circulation, you can definitely take first place, but that is almost impossible due to the way things are structured.  

In other words, it is important to earn as much money as possible until the moment the festival is over.  

The students' concept café was well received by both Horikita's and Ryuuen's classes.  

The one-on-one competition astonished many of the guests and encouraged both of our classes to put up a good fight.

What had seemed to be a deadlocked and competitive situation took a new turn when I came to the Japanese Dress Concept Café to see how the other side was doing.  

A long line of customers was waiting to enter the store.

"This place is just as busy as ours."  

"It was even busier than I had imagined, and I didn't have time to talk to the students in Ryuuen's class."  

Although it is not possible to judge everything just by looking at this moment, there seems to be almost no difference in the amount of points being earned.  

It's a good sign that they are aiming for the top, but even so, there is no guarantee that they will be there.

"I'm sorry to call you all the way here, Chabashira-sensei. " 

I called Mr. Chashira, who must have used points for a non-second year class.

"Have you finished using your private points?"

"Hmm? Oh, I have 80 points left. I'd say I pretty much used them all up. What about it?"

The time was right, and the teachers had finished their contribution to the festival.

"So, you are free for the rest of the day, is that correct?"

"Yes, that's right. All I have to do now is wait for the festival to end...... What on Earth do you want though?"

She didn't understand why she was called here was puzzled.  

The Japanese-style café was right behind us.

I couldn't really say if we were winning or losing against them.

However, Chabashira-sensei interprets it with her own eyes, that's fine.

"Actually, I'd like to ask for your help for about an hour."

"Wait, Ayanokoji. Your cooperation? I don't know what you mean...."

Teachers can contribute to the festival by spending points within the school.

That's the only role they were given today.

"In order to generate more sales at the maid cafe, I want to ask Chabashira-sensei to become a maid."  

I explained my strategy into words.


This may be the dumbest thing to ever come out of my mouth.

"Me... a maid? What in the world are you talking about?"

"I just told you. I'm just doing what I can to win."

"Why do I have to be a maid? I am teacher and your homeroom teacher at that. I should not be allowed to be favor my own class over others."

"I don't think that's true. Under the new rules, school teachers are to be treated as guests of honor. Homeroom teachers are not allowed to use points in their grade level. These are the only two rules that are enforced. There is no rule that only students may participate in the entertainment. In extreme cases, you should be free to serve guests. The structure is unusual, but it is not a problem if the teacher is willing to accept."

Doing this was not prohibited under the rules.

If they were to suddenly purchase goods from a convenience store, at Keyaki mall, them buying stuff at our own cafe, or something not available at the cultural festivals, it would be a clear violation of the rules.

However, from the perspective of "human resources," doing this is completely plausible.

Perhaps she was still trying to process what was going on in her head, or she was at a loss for words.

"Shall I explain it to you in a more straightforward way? There are students carrying heavy loads, and they're walking unsteadily. A passing guest offered to help and carried their luggage to their destination. Is this a violation?"

"...... it's not a violation."

"That's right. It works the same way for the students. Class A asks Class D for help, and Class D readily agrees. Is there a problem with helping out a student?"

There could be many reasons for lending help to a student.

It can be a ploy to cause problems on the inside, or in exchange for helping out they expect the favor to be returned later.

Whatever the reason, if it is within the rules, the school cannot be blamed for it.  

In fact, just walking around the school, we saw many students supporting other classes.

"Well... there isn't a problem with that I guess."

"It's the same thing. It's not against the rules for a teacher to cooperate with their students."

"No, I can't. Even so, I will be seen as helping my own class."

"That's right. Even if it's broadly allowed, it doesn't mean that such opinions won't be voiced."

This is why clear rules need to be utilized and legitimized.

"We will pay for any private points that may be incurred when borrowing teachers. The school should have considered this possibility in anticipation of this festival."

"No way -- but, that's not well thought out..."

I was right on the money.  

Chabashira-sensei is also a teacher at this school and has taken care of other classes in the past.

This school has never held a cultural festival in the past, so it's only natural that they have a variety of assumptions.

In principle, private points at the school are a powerful weapon. Not surprisingly, they can be used not only for daily necessities, but also for manpower if necessary.

There is nothing in this school that you can't buy with private points. Am I wrong?"  

To deny this is to deny the school.

And it's like admitting you're disqualified as a teacher.

Even if it is far from her intention, Chabashira-sensei as no right to refuse.

In a panic, Chabashira-sensei started reading the rules of the school festival on her cell phone.
".....If you want to ask for a teacher's help, you must pay 100,000 private points for every hour you work."

"It seems the school has its own set of hidden rules. The choice is yours." 

It's just like that time when I tried buying test points with private points.

"100,000 points an hour. It's not cheap. Are you sure you want to spend that......?


Inherently, asking teachers to cooperate with you does not help much.

Whether it's asking them to help out with cooking or serving, assuming the students already practiced these things beforehand, you're wasting private points on buying your teacher to help you out. 

However, if you use the teacher in a different way you normally would, it can be well worth the high private point price.

"Are you sure about doing this?"

"I am sorry to bother you, Chabashira-sensei, but time is of the essence right now, and I need your help even if you don't want to do this."

After 3:00 p.m., we will not be able to ask for a full hour's help, which will make this less efficient.

"Wait a minute. Why don't you ask Chie to do it for you? She's better at this kind of thing. She should be able to fulfill her duties as a teacher even in a rival class."

"I'm sure she will. But what I am looking for now is not a person who can do things dexterously, but rather a person who is clumsy. I believe that the more clumsy a person is, or the more remote she is, the more effective he will be."

"I don't understand..... I have no idea what you're talking about."  

It's precisely because she doesn't understand that she will be able to function the way I imagine she will.

" I don't have much time left. Please help me."

I paid the private points to Chabashira-sensei forcing her to take my cell phone.

"The contract is now complete."

"That's not fair, Ayanokoji. You can't just use the rules of the school like this."  

"I have no idea how to operate a maid cafe. I don't even know what will happen."

"I don't care. I'm not expecting anything from you."

The only thing that will win us this game is the fact that Chabashira-sensei will be in a maid costume staying in the classroom.


I shoved the reluctant Chabashira-sensei into the locker room and posted the text I had prepared on my cell phone and sent it to all of my classmates as a message.

The text informed the students that Chabashira-sensei would be working as a maid for the last hour of the day, and that she would be going around the school advertising to the students who were available.  

As expected, word of this started to spread quickly by mouth as well.

This is an exclusive and special event using teachers that other students would never be able to pull off.

I could feel the atmosphere in the hallway change so quickly that it instantly turned into an uproar. The maid-like Chabashira-sensei arrives, her face bright red as she runs toward them.

"I'm here, Ayanokoji. Hurry up and let me in the classroom!"

"We've been waiting for you."  

We can't keep showing her off for free, so I lead her inside the classroom.

"So, what do you want me to do here....?"

"I don't want you to do anything. Just stand still."


"I told you, I don't expect you to do anything special."

Thus, I threw Chabashira-sensei into the classroom and entrusted her with the task of simply standing there.  

She stood in the corner of the classroom looking embarrassed, without talking to anyone.

This is ultimate eroticism. 

From now on, we need to make a major change in the policy of the maid's cafe.  

The biggest concern was the large number of visitors who couldn't fit in the classrooms.

In order to solve this physical problem, it is necessary to make the customers pay a certain price.  
The idea is to have a "standing up only admission fee" to accommodate over-capacity crowds.  
A rule that allows immediate entry for paying 1,000 points to enter the classroom without waiting.  

This will allow for people who are willing to pay this fee to go on in first and let those who say they don't mind standing in line to just wait. I know that some of the guests waiting in line may complain at this point, but there are those that are willing to wait it out.

"Standing only area admission fee..... I've never heard of such an idea at a maid cafe."

The idea is to set up a standing-up-only space by the podium and at the front of the classroom where desks couldn't be set up. This will allow people to enter the room even if there are no desks or chairs to accommodate them.  

A photo shoot with Chabashira-sensei was worth 2,000 points.  

We will sell them for more than double the price of a photo of a student maid.

The guests began quickly filling up the area in front of the classroom.

"Will the customers really be willing to accept these high prices just for this...?

"Look behind you."  

Kushida, who had been staring at the board, turns around to see the customers who have paid their bill and accepted the standing only area to appear into the classroom one by one.  

The current faculty and staff are also very interested in seeing this scene, which they were unlike to see again in the future.

Although homeroom teachers in the same grade are restricted from using their private points on us, the number of teachers in the school who are in charge of grades other than just year 2 is overwhelmingly higher.  

The adults who work at Keyaki Mall have a strong image of Chabashira-sensei as a hard-nosed teacher, as they witnessed repeatedly in their daily lives.  

Adults, adults, and more adults started to flock here like waves.

Some adults from the outside may not fully understand the meaning of this phenomenon.  

However, if the discussion turns to "it can't hurt to take a look," then that's another story.  

They may not be sure what's going on, but they are tempted to watch this.

More than 10 or 20 people overflowed the maid café with people just standing around to watch.

The long line is not only decreasing, but also gaining momentum.

"That's a lot of customers, Ayanokoji-kun."

Kushida was taken aback by the amount of people that started to come here.

"Well to be honest I didn't think it'd get this big either."

"How long have you had this outrageous idea inside your mind?"

"About two weeks ago. I had it in mind as a hidden gem for the festival."

"What would have happened if we started this started earlier...?"

"The effect could have lasted two or three hours. But there is another problem. If there was enough time left, other classes could've copied our idea."

"Oh, that's right. We have less than an hour left, so even if they wanted to, they wouldn't be able to do it."

If other classes started using their teachers as well, the effect would've been lost.

"The last hour was the only time we could create this premise."

The fact that Kushida and the others had spread the reputation of the maid cafe in a positive way also helped.

"....I see. No wonder I couldn't win against you."


"Once gain, I'm impressed by how great Ayanokoji-kun is. If someone tries to make an enemy out of you, it would be a problem for them."

"You're not smiling, Kushida."

"Maybe it's because I'm half happy, but half pissed off that you're my classmate."

Although the ratio was 50-50, the latter seems to be her stronger opinion of me.

"Please don't push! Line up here! Please don't push!"  

Sudo and his team hurriedly build a wall of people to form a line, but some adults were searching for a way to see inside the classrooms, and the crowd was becoming

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