Forget Me Not (Book #5)

Forget Me Not (Book #5)

1,004 62 9

Clover Brooks is torn! She has a plan that needs to be set into action, but can she do it? Leo is planning a farewell fireworks party for the four, Annabeth, Piper, Jason, and himself before they leave on the quest. Clover has the chance to complete her plan, but will she has the strength to do so? If her plan works, will she spill some of her secrets when she gets the chance? Read the end of the Secrets Series to find out what happens!…

Camper Chaos! (Book #4)

Camper Chaos! (Book #4)

1,049 65 9

Clover Brooks is Leo's girlfriend, finally! Some new campers are coming and the whole camp is getting ready. When they arrive, things start to go terribly wrong! Will they make things right? Can Leo keep his girlfriend? Can Clover follow through with her plan? Find out in book four of the Secrets Series!…

Zoe (Book #3)

Zoe (Book #3)

399 9 1

Zoe is Clover Brooks sister. In this adventure, Zoe and her friends go with Clover to deliver Leo's breakfast, when something goes horribly wrong! Read this book #3 of the Clover Series to find out!…

The Anything Chat Room [DISCON]

The Anything Chat Room [DISCON]

4,134 148 31

How do you get to know people? Say Hi? Hang out online?Dump slime on them? Well, Gracie Tyler goes through all of that. With her love life at stake, she tries to make friends and fit in at a new school. She has to survive the torturous hallways, the deadly dances, and the beyond evil mindbenders (AKA the popular girls).With her friends Kelly, Freddy, and, most of all, Connor, Gracie must learn to make a new life in a brand new school. Online is the only place for Gracie to let out all of her feelings. She talks to her friends, trying to come up with solutions to all the problems the mindbenders give them. Rumors, jealousy, and defenatly who likes who. Watch out for those mindbenders! They have a bite to them! --------------Enjoy this thrilling love story of one girl who tries to fit in with the ever changing world, along with a special place for you to hang with friends! Even before chapter one, you can connect with people around the world who also are fans of the book!---------------------------------------Choose your ship.Play the Love Game.Make friends. This is the Anything Chat Room…

Clover's Birthday (Book #2)

Clover's Birthday (Book #2)

2,180 194 13

Clover is back! With her birthday coming up, and Leo planning a party, Clover doesn't know what to tell him. Could she be his girlfriend? You get to meet Clover's best friends and find out the surprises Leo has up his sleeves. This is Book #2 of the Secret Series. Will Clover break down? Can Leo surprise her? Read to Find out! (If you cannot find the other books, go to my page and I have a special reading list for my series! :D)…

Leo and Clover (Book #1)

Leo and Clover (Book #1)

2,175 89 3

Clover an average demigod, unless you don't count that she reads the future. Rick Riordan is head scribe at Camp Half-Blood and he gives Clover the books of the future. When Clover makes friends with Leo, THE Leo Valdez, she must keep the secret of his future. Will she tell him it during this adventure? Can she keep it a secret forever? Read to find out in the very first book of The Clover Series!(PS this was wrote before House of Hades.)NOTE: Editing is taking longer than I had expected, so I am going to take the *EDITING* off the title. Please understand I want to make it better for you guys. :)…