Tags: fanfiction
Ngủ quên bên trời

Ngủ quên bên trời

1,579 5 199

Người mà đến thế thì thôi - Đời phồn hoa cũng là đời bỏ đi…

[BTS] Purple U

[BTS] Purple U

23,183 982 144

170628Trans tất tần tật những gì liên quan tới BTS…

Evening Twilight

Evening Twilight

122 0 154

He and she were strangers who had never known each other before. They met because of a family change. The two enemies destined to fall in love, what is doomed in the deep ...…

Lists of translation story i will post

Lists of translation story i will post

8 3 2

I just put it here for now until i find a fitting description.Can anyone help me make a book cover pls? This is a list of stories but don't expect me to post this in a order that i post in this book.This is only intended to be a book for the lists of story i might post.…

[ AllIsagi ] Bloody Path

[ AllIsagi ] Bloody Path

501 52 3

Isagi Yoichi : My worshipper, my sinner and my escort, hear my call and revenge for meSora Makime : My lord, my saint and my owner, pray for me, pray for your child, to open up and make a bloody path cover with "their" blood??? : I shall follow your work and complete the revenge-------------------------------------------------------Bộ truyện đầu tiên, văn phong chưa hoàn chỉnh, rất mong được góp ý…

Dịch bài đọc trong Barron's essential words for the Ielts

Dịch bài đọc trong Barron's essential words for the Ielts

3,533 22 3

Mình sẽ dịch các bài đọc có trong quyển này, không dịch tất cả các bài, chỉ các bài mình thích thôi @.@…

Madness Combat (Random Stories)

Madness Combat (Random Stories)

164 12 2

Nếu rảnh thì mình làm mấy phần xàm lờ, hếtWarning: nếu ai dưới 12 mà ko biết gì về Madness Combat thì xin đừng đọc cái truyện này (yea mik nghĩ chắc mik làm mấy phần hài xàm gì đó nên cái câu này bỏ đi)…

[WENRENE] [TRANS] Maybe It's Because Of You

[WENRENE] [TRANS] Maybe It's Because Of You

2,548 218 4

The one where SeungWan tried to make Joohyun happy.Author: hiten256Link: https://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/1424780/maybe-it-s-because-of-you…

EXO News - 10

EXO News - 10

6,332 1,180 200

Những tin mà mình đăng lên là gom lại từ all các nguồn khác nhau Cập nhật hàng ngày những tin tức mới nhất về EXONếu bạn có ý định đem bài mình đăng đi đâu thì ok vẫn được. Nhưng đừng quên ghi CR nhé ^^~Ngôi nhà EXO luôn chào đón tất cả EXO-L…

CREATIVETALE - The AU of Destruction and Creation

CREATIVETALE - The AU of Destruction and Creation

107 4 1

Everything that we're wish for, to be eternilty, something more new and more interest but... No one know about it, because... No one like me, nobody like me or any of my creations..."Hahah! Get lost, Brat!""Go to hell already!""Just kill yourself!""You didn't deserve to live!""You nothing more than trash!!"All of those words, I feel pain, but that won't make me down, the World now I created of, will SAVE me.But... something is incomplete, hmm...I know! Some details must be fixed…

[HPfanfic] Broken minds,broken souls

[HPfanfic] Broken minds,broken souls

33 0 4

Author: An Rei (Hino)Title: Broken Minds, Broken SoulsFandom: Harry PotterRating: MGenres: Hurt/Comfort. Slash. Het. OOC!Warning.Pairings: Draco/Harry, Harry/Hermione, Draco/Astoria, some other minor couples. Could be considered having threesome if you're too sensitive.Disclaimers: Characters, story settings are created by J.K.Rowling. I'm just a fangirl writing for fun and gain no profits from this.Keywords: Minds. Souls. Breaking all.Tagline: War leaves no survivor.Author's note: Vài lời nhắn nhủ thế này thôi:- fic có plot phức tạp, chỗ để fangirl thì ít mà khúc làm nhức đầu thì nhiều, nói chung là quá nghiêm túc- fic rất điêu- Có nhiều cảnh quá khứ chen ngang, nhiều POV được sử dụng trong cùng 1 chương. Hãy cẩn thận kẻo loạn óc.- 6 chương đầu fic sẽ được update 2 chương/lần post. Về sau là 1 chương/lần.- NO blame desired. NO critic desired. I write it for fun and let me keep that fun. R&R is nice.- Câu đầu tiên của chap 1 được lấy cảm hứng từ bản dịch của The deepest, most desperate (Aster). Chỉ vì nó đã ám vào đầu và ko thể bỏ ra được ' '. Hãy đọc oneshot đấy nhé, đó là 1 fic hay.…

My Wife Is A Fox

My Wife Is A Fox

137 3 197

Her name is a beaver, not a vixen fox;It is her specialty to do destruction and trouble;It is her nature to play tricks and trick people;Seventy-two changes is her magic weapon to defeat the enemy;Inadvertently took over a business, accidentally lost the pink crystal fox pendant, and accidentally involved her in a whirlpool of conspiracy and love ...(Readers please rest assured that there are millions of words before Xianer finishes this novel. Xianer will never be an eunuch or irrigation. Xianer will never do half-way things, so please believe Xianer!)…

EXO News - 9

EXO News - 9

8,159 973 200

Những tin mà mình đăng lên là gom lại từ all các nguồn khác nhau Cập nhật hàng ngày những tin tức mới nhất về EXONếu bạn có ý định đem bài mình đăng đi đâu thì ok vẫn được. Nhưng đừng quên ghi CR nhé ^^~Ngôi nhà EXO luôn chào đón tất cả EXO-L…

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

26 0 2

THE SKIN Salvatore Mangione, MD "The power of making a correct diagnosis is the key to all success in the treatment of skin diseases; without this faculty, the physician can never be a thorough dermatologist, and therapeutics at once cease to hold their proper position, and become empirical." —Louis A. Duhring (1845-1913) "Beautys but skin deep." —John Davies of Hereford (1565-1618) BASIC TERMINOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 1. How many skin diseases exist? What are the two main categories of skin lesions? There are more than 1400 skin diseases. Yet, only 30 are important, common, and worth knowing. The first step toward their recognition is the separation of primary from secondary lesions (Table 3-1). • Primary lesions result only from disease and have not been changed by additional events (such as trauma, scratching, or medical treatment; see Table 3-1). To better identity primary lesions, pay attention to their colors, shape, arrangement, and distribution. • Secondary lesions instead have been altered by outside manipulation, medical treatment, or their own natural course. 2. What are the major primary lesions? • Hanel's: Flat, nonpalpable, circumscribed areas of discoloration cm in diameter. Typical macules are the familiar freckles. • Patches: flat, nonpalpable areas of skin discoloration >0.5 cm in diameter (i.e., a large macula). A typical patch is the one of yitillgo. • Papules: Raised and palpable lesions <0.5 cm in diameter. They may or may not have a different color from the surrounding skin. A typical papule is a raised nevus. >0.5 are 0.5 cm…