ĂN NGON LÀNH (Yummy Things)

ĂN NGON LÀNH (Yummy Things)

346 8 2

- Ký sự về sự nghiệp nấu nướng cho sự nghiệp giữ dáng và làm đẹp của tớ, và cả những món bánh kẹo hay món ăn mà tớ làm cho gia đình và bạn bè 😌Hình chụp và công thức do chính chủ thực hiện, vui lòng không mang đi nơi khác, hoặc mang đi nhưng ghi credit giùm tớ nhé ❤️- This is my cooking diary. Most of them are healthy and tasty dish. My goal is to keep fit but also have delicious meals, so I start trying eat clean like a way to lose weight and be more healthy. - And I also post some of my deserts here, too. I like baking so much ☺️Please take the photos out with full credit ❤️All are posted in my Wattpad, Instagram and my Facebook!…

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

26 0 2

THE SKIN Salvatore Mangione, MD "The power of making a correct diagnosis is the key to all success in the treatment of skin diseases; without this faculty, the physician can never be a thorough dermatologist, and therapeutics at once cease to hold their proper position, and become empirical." —Louis A. Duhring (1845-1913) "Beautys but skin deep." —John Davies of Hereford (1565-1618) BASIC TERMINOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 1. How many skin diseases exist? What are the two main categories of skin lesions? There are more than 1400 skin diseases. Yet, only 30 are important, common, and worth knowing. The first step toward their recognition is the separation of primary from secondary lesions (Table 3-1). • Primary lesions result only from disease and have not been changed by additional events (such as trauma, scratching, or medical treatment; see Table 3-1). To better identity primary lesions, pay attention to their colors, shape, arrangement, and distribution. • Secondary lesions instead have been altered by outside manipulation, medical treatment, or their own natural course. 2. What are the major primary lesions? • Hanel's: Flat, nonpalpable, circumscribed areas of discoloration cm in diameter. Typical macules are the familiar freckles. • Patches: flat, nonpalpable areas of skin discoloration >0.5 cm in diameter (i.e., a large macula). A typical patch is the one of yitillgo. • Papules: Raised and palpable lesions <0.5 cm in diameter. They may or may not have a different color from the surrounding skin. A typical papule is a raised nevus. >0.5 are 0.5 cm…

boss,twins and me?

boss,twins and me?

240 11 5

"yes i made my decision.i will leave this state and even country.anyways am not important to anyone here.so why i live among these good for nothing people and make myself miserable?"i thought.and i will protect my babies from everything i can. i wont let any harm near them. wait did i say MY BABIES? yes MY BABIES they are mine.so immediately i rang to.............after a monthnow am in Ohio. this is my new life..my new identity...my new beginning..with my little 2 months old twins....this is me Madison and this is my life.Greg pov: "you are fired"i roared at my secretary.she always messes with my appointments and always flirts with everyone who walks with a dick. i called my receptionist and asked her to give add for new secretary with that i continued my meetings and late at night i went home wishing that tomorrow i will get an efficient secretary.this is my new book. i hope everyone enjoys it.…

The osler medical handbook -john hopkin

The osler medical handbook -john hopkin

21 0 1

Section VIII – Infectious DiseasesSection Editors:Christopher Hoffmann, MD, MPH   Nicola Zetola, MDChapter 53 – Fever of Unknown OriginScott Kim, MD   Rachel Damico, MD, PhD   Paul Auwaerter, MDFAST FACTS   ▪    The contemporary understanding of fever of unknown origin (FUO) is derived from Petersdorf and Beeson's 1961 characterization of FUO. A stringent definition of FUO is composed of the following criteria[1]: temperature higher than 38.3° C measured on several occasions, 3-week duration (to exclude self-limiting fevers), negative blood cultures, no apparent explanation, and three outpatient visits or three hospital days.   ▪    Infections, malignancies, and noninfectious inflammatory diseases account for the majority of cases of FUO.   ▪    In patients older than 65 years, temporal arteritis should be considered early in any evaluation.   ▪    Patients with FUO who remain undiagnosed after exhaustive study usually have a favorable prognosis. In one study, in a cohort of 61 patients with FUO discharged without diagnosis, the 5-year mortality rate was only 3.2%.[2]…

Tomorrow Never Dies

Tomorrow Never Dies

123 2 1

Luke Hemmings//Ashton Irwin//OC. [5SOS meets Mortal Instruments?] Scout Looked from Ashton to Luke. Ashton's fingers were wrapped tightly around her wrist, his eyes pleading for her to say something, anything."Let go of me, Ashton," She says. She could hear the screams coming from outside the door, the blood curdling sound of young girls, at least thats how most people saw them."Not until you tell us who it is," he says. "Is it Luke or me? Who are you gonna choose, Scarlett?" he questions."Right now is not the best time to discuss this, Irwin. Unless you feel like dying right now, I suggest you let. me. go."After the boys of 5 Seconds of Summer are targeted by the most dangerous man the shadowhunter world has ever known, it's up to Scout to protect the boys at all cost and find love in the process.©invaderxzelda64. All story material is mine//Cassandra Clare EXCEPT FOR: Luke Hemmings, Ashton Irwin, Michael Clifford and Calum Hood. The characters, incidents and dialogue are drawn from the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real.Layout made by: MeTitle Credit: Tomorrow Never Dies By: 5 Seconds of Summer…