Tags: btsfanfic
Đợi tôi từ bỏ anh ấy mới đến

Đợi tôi từ bỏ anh ấy mới đến

9 2 1

Tác giả: XuanZhenThể loại: đời thường, học đường, SENguồn ảnh: PinterestEditor: Huỳnh NhưGiới thiệu: Cuối tháng 7 của mùa hạ năm 2012 cha tôi t/ự s/á/t trong chính căn nhà mình vì áp lực kinh tế gia đình, mẹ đau lòng quá độ từ ngày đó nên lâm bệnh suốt nửa tháng trời. Rồi một hôm, chủ trọ tìm đến cửa, bà ta vênh váo quăng hết đồ đạc trong nhà tôi ra: "Cả mẹ lẫn con, nghèo rách nghèo nát mà còn mặt dày dính chặt không đi, trọ chứ nào phải cái chợ, không có tiền thuê thì ra đường mà ở." Hai mẹ con tôi bắt xe lên thành phố kiếm sống, tôi cũng được học ở ngôi trường mới. Ngày đầu tiên của lớp 11, theo lời giới thiệu "học sinh mới" từ cô giáo, tôi bước vào lớp với tâm thế hồi hộp: "Chào các bạn, tôi vừa chuyển đến, tên Lâm Nguyễn Nguyên Ánh, mong về sau được giúp đỡ." Cô sắp chỗ cho tôi ngồi ở ghế trống cuối lớp, kế tôi là bạn học Lê Dương Nhật Anh. Và rồi thanh xuân của tôi hình như đã bắt đầu chớm nở kể từ khi Lê Dương Nhật Anh đọc một dòng đối thoại nhỏ: "You are the most important person to me."…

sofia resumen de la guerra de las 13 colonias del norte

sofia resumen de la guerra de las 13 colonias del norte

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trataba de 13 colonias que tenía Reino Unido en la costa este de América del Norte y que, de norte a sur, eran: Massachusetts, Nuevo Hampshire, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Nueva York, Pensilvania, Nueva Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Georgia . Las Trece Colonias tenían sistemas políticos, constitucionales y legales muy similares, y fueron establecidas por colonos procedentes de Gran Bretaña, en su mayoría protestantes, y de habla inglesa. ... En la década de 1750, comenzaron a colaborar entre sí, en lugar de tratar directamente con el Reino Unido .Que hacian las 13 colonias?La economía de las Trece Colonias era excelente, con una buena agricultura y ganadería, un artesanado apreciable, una pesca importante y un gran comercio. ... Los emigrantes alemanes y holandeses eran magníficos agricultores y la existencia de grandes ciudades garantizaba la colocación de los productos.guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos fue un conflicto bélico que enfrentó a las Trece Colonias británicas originales en América del Norte contra el Reino de Gran Bretaña. Ocurrió entre 1775 y 1783, finalizando con la derrota británica en la batalla de Yorktown y la firma del Tratado de París. personajes de este resumen Benjamin Franklin. Durante la lucha por la independencia, Benjamin Franklin se desempeñó como embajador de las colonias en Europa. ... George Washington. Su nombre es conocido en todo el mundo. ... Thomas Jefferson. ... John Adams. ... Alexander Hamilton. ... John Jay.litop…

Why is it necessary to learn English? State your reasons?

Why is it necessary to learn English? State your reasons?

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English is the most internationalof language. It is spoken as a native language in the United States, Australia,New Zealand, most of Canada and some other country. It is also used as a secondand foreign language by 700 million people in the remaining parts of the word.To many people, English is an important language to master because it is agateway to word scholarship and international trade. It has become the officiallanguage in the fields of politics, business, science and technology. In ourcountry, English is the main language, which is taught in schools and widelyused in business. If we know English, we can read many kinds of English booksto wide our knowledge, to communicate with the foreigners most easily and aboveall, to find a good job in the business company. In brief, it is necessary forus to know English. If we know English well, we have a better change ofimproving our lives.…

I swear, I love him

I swear, I love him

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dit verhaal gaat over een meisje jenelies (jen) dat gepest word op school. haar broer (Cameran) merkte dat en nam haar mee naar voetbaltraining, Waar hij haar harder probeerde te maken. toen ze op het veld aangerand werd door een groepje jongens kwam memphis haar helpen. langzaam werden ze verliefd...dit is mijn eerste verhaal dus ook heel erg slecht, lees het niet xd…

boss,twins and me?

boss,twins and me?

240 11 5

"yes i made my decision.i will leave this state and even country.anyways am not important to anyone here.so why i live among these good for nothing people and make myself miserable?"i thought.and i will protect my babies from everything i can. i wont let any harm near them. wait did i say MY BABIES? yes MY BABIES they are mine.so immediately i rang to.............after a monthnow am in Ohio. this is my new life..my new identity...my new beginning..with my little 2 months old twins....this is me Madison and this is my life.Greg pov: "you are fired"i roared at my secretary.she always messes with my appointments and always flirts with everyone who walks with a dick. i called my receptionist and asked her to give add for new secretary with that i continued my meetings and late at night i went home wishing that tomorrow i will get an efficient secretary.this is my new book. i hope everyone enjoys it.…

After You

After You

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[ Fanfiction - Drabble fic - Naruto fanfiction - Haruno Sakura ]~***~Author: ScNghi - Pet&Flames.Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. And, in case some of you ask, the title "After you" is just a coincidence. I had no idea that there had already been a New York best-seller novel "After You" of Jojo Moyes (and I recommend it).Pairing: will be informed in each chapter.Warning: Bisexual characters (which means there might be girlxgirl love), could be a little bit OOC (depends on your own perspective).Category: I don't know it myself, suggest me?Note: The chapters will not relate to one another. This means each chapter will have disparate plot. These are just some random short stories (oneshots) that I think it might be suitable to name them "After you" (and I would consider making them separate fictions with separate names and covers).~***~And, last but not least, this is an all-right-reserved, the importance of which cannot be stressed in just a few lines. If you (hopefully) like the stories and want to bring it elsewhere or translate it, please ask for my permission initially.…

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

Physical diagnosis secret 2ed

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THE SKIN Salvatore Mangione, MD "The power of making a correct diagnosis is the key to all success in the treatment of skin diseases; without this faculty, the physician can never be a thorough dermatologist, and therapeutics at once cease to hold their proper position, and become empirical." —Louis A. Duhring (1845-1913) "Beautys but skin deep." —John Davies of Hereford (1565-1618) BASIC TERMINOLOGY AND DIAGNOSTIC TECHNIQUES 1. How many skin diseases exist? What are the two main categories of skin lesions? There are more than 1400 skin diseases. Yet, only 30 are important, common, and worth knowing. The first step toward their recognition is the separation of primary from secondary lesions (Table 3-1). • Primary lesions result only from disease and have not been changed by additional events (such as trauma, scratching, or medical treatment; see Table 3-1). To better identity primary lesions, pay attention to their colors, shape, arrangement, and distribution. • Secondary lesions instead have been altered by outside manipulation, medical treatment, or their own natural course. 2. What are the major primary lesions? • Hanel's: Flat, nonpalpable, circumscribed areas of discoloration cm in diameter. Typical macules are the familiar freckles. • Patches: flat, nonpalpable areas of skin discoloration >0.5 cm in diameter (i.e., a large macula). A typical patch is the one of yitillgo. • Papules: Raised and palpable lesions <0.5 cm in diameter. They may or may not have a different color from the surrounding skin. A typical papule is a raised nevus. >0.5 are 0.5 cm…

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