Bakugan Fanfic : Mãi mãi bên nhau

Bakugan Fanfic : Mãi mãi bên nhau

8,888 191 36

Lấy bối cảnh sau cuộc chiến ở phần 2-new vestroia . Couple chính là Dan x Runo và Shun x Alice. Nếu dở làm ơn đừng đánh au…

Alpha and omega Rp

Alpha and omega Rp

1,362 81 40

I hope you will like it…

[Longfic] [Trans] Yes, Taeyeon. No, Tiffany - Taeny |DROP|

[Longfic] [Trans] Yes, Taeyeon. No, Tiffany - Taeny |DROP|

92,973 6,364 88

Câu chuyện xoay quanh Taeyeon với một quá khứ đầy đau buồn và cô bạn học thời tấm bé Tiffany, người có tính cách khá đặc biệt. Họ gặp lại nhau trong hoàn cảnh đầy trớ trêu nhưng điều này lại làm tương lai Tiffany thay đổi "một cách tích cực". Taeyeon với biệt đội siêu tài năng có thể giải quyết mọi việc trong tích tắc và nhóm của Tiffany, những người sẽ không từ bất cứ thủ đoạn gì để đạt được mục đích. Sẽ ra sau nếu họ "choảng" nhau??? Những cuộc đua khốc liệt vào lúc đêm khuya...Hôn nhân và Kinh doanh. Dưới sự trợ giúp nhiệt tình của hai ông bố. Taeyeon cuối cùng sẽ đồng ý kết hôn với Tiffany??? Hay Tiffany sẽ lại bỏ rơi cô ấy??…



14,352 1,818 77

Từa lưa hột dưa, tùm lum cục si rum :)) Nothing to say!…



131 5 17

Truyện kể về 12 cung hoàng đạo với những hạnh phúc, ngọt ngào và cả những rắc rối trong tình yêu tuổi mới lớn. Mỗi ngôi sao mang một tính cách, vận mệnh khác nhau nhưng họ đã tìm thấy nhau giữa cái biển người hơn 7 tỉ ấy. mình sẽ cố gắng hoàn thành câu chuyện này trong kì nghỉ hè và mình hứa sẽ không thiên vị sao nào hết nên mong mn ủng hộ ạ!!! Cảm ơn và yêu mn nhiều.…

Abandoning The Girl For The Backward

Abandoning The Girl For The Backward

27 27 27

During the Wu Muzong period of the Lingyun dynasty, the prime minister Duan Xuan divorced his wife to marry the mansion in the blue house, which caused a sensation in Beijing. Soon after his wife died, Duan Zheng abolished his second daughter, leaving only the new wife's daughter as the only daughter.Some people say that the two daughters have been killed.Some people say they escaped by chance.She smiled slightly and her eyes were cold and silent.She said, "I just ask you to end my nightmare. I never ask for other graces."He said, "I can't believe that there are no complaints in your heart, but I'm willing to take you away from the nightmare, and believe that you help me."He is willing to help her revenge, but also to help him strengthen the power.With layers and layers of cocoon, she unexpectedly discovered that her approach was not only for the game of grievances on the court, but also involved the rivers and lakes, leading to greater mysteries ...…

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

61 0 86

Her father's persecution put her in prison. He descended from the sky like a god of heaven to protect her. When she thought that she was meeting the good man in the legend, she found that she was encountering a big wolf. He was black and domineering, and directly declared: "Little woman, I want to fix you!" She tried to break away: "It is a skill to bully the weak, and I have the ability to climb into your bed by myself!" The speed is too slow, I have to do it myself! "" Don't ... "She fled into the desert, but he raised his lips, smiling like the bright moon in the night sky!…

Khi sóng chạm vào đá và tan đi

Khi sóng chạm vào đá và tan đi

76 2 1

KHI SÓNG CHẠM VÀO ĐÁ VÀ TAN ĐI.Author: OKAMI.Disclaimer: They belong to each others (hí hí).Status: oneshot. Gerne: a lil bit painful, fluff.Pairing: YunJae.Rating: PG. Soundtrack: A celebration for the death of man – Agalloch. A/N: Khi viết, Kami tâm trạng có chút không ổn định, vậy nên nếu có bất kỳ điều gì không tốt trong fic thì xin lỗi nhé. Và mong là các bạn sẽ giúp Kami chỉ ra nó không tốt chỗ nào. * Fic này viết nhân dịp sinh nhật Jaejoong. "Kim Jaejoong, hãy bớt đau khổ một chút nhé. Tránh xa rượu ra và hãy đừng bao giờ ngừng yêu Yunho. Vì Jung Yunho, hắn ta cũng là một kẻ khốn khổ mà thôi.” Summary:Đừng so sánh những nỗi đau, vì chẳng ai có thể bảo rằng mình là kẻ đau khổ hơn. Vì ai cũng có một quá khứ, vì ai cũng có những vết đau. Và vì ai cũng cần được yêu thương. Sóng sẽ thôi chạm vào đá và tan đi, khi anh không còn. ************************************************…



31 4 1

On the dark road ahead,I can't see a single step aheadI can't see anythingI can't feel anything- Colors Yoori felt restless. She had been sitting alone for at least 30 minutes. There was no familiar face so far. She only knows Jane and she was there because of her. Jane was supposed to fly Paris to pursue her study there as an exchange student tomorrow, so Yoori was invited to celebrate it. She felt kinda awkward amidst of the dancing crowd. She was not really a sociable person.Few minutes later, she finally saw a familiar face. Brian Kang. He was walking toward her who was sitting on the coach located at the corner of the club. Yoori nervously put down her drink. Yoori's heart skipped a beat when his manly scent hit her smell sense. Jane was so lucky to have Brian as her boyfriend. He's handsome, caring and romantic. But Brian is luckier to be Jane's boyfriend. She is the most attractive person in their campus. She excelled in studies and her modelling career. She is friendly, brave and beautiful. A social butterfly.So why would that Jane befriend of someone like Yoori? Yoori was not sure. But for sure, they started to talk to each other since Jane saved her from beaten by her dad in front of their campus gate."Hi," he said. Yoori acknowledged his present with a nod. They never talked to each other before eventhough they heard a lot about each other from Jane. "Do you want to stay here longer?""Huh? Where is Jane?" Yoori asked without looking at him. It had been a while since she last talked to a guy. Except her lecturers. And the loan shark who comes to her house every month. She had to agree it was rather awkward."She--""HELLO, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!""UGH SHUT UP, JAE!""YOU SHUT UP. I'M TALKING TO MY HOMIE HERE. NOT TO YOU."Yoori knew this couple. They were like the noisiest couple ever. They fought a lot but everyone knows after each fight Mery will run into Jae's arm again. They could not be separated. At least, not for too long.…