những bản nhạc mà tôi biết

những bản nhạc mà tôi biết

1,906 194 118

cái này thì ko phải là truyện mà cái này thì mk viết lời nhạc của mấy bản nhạc mà mk biết!Mk để thể loại ngẫu nhiên nhưng mà ko phải nha!…

Xingdi couple

Xingdi couple

2,869 131 64

Hinh anh cua Hung Ba couple. Ko welcome anti. Cam on vi da ung ho!😘💪…

[12 chòm sao] Let's start the game!

[12 chòm sao] Let's start the game!

47 11 1

How about play a game?You win, you'll live.You lose, you'll die.And you have to play with me and the others.If you don't play, you'll die.So,Let's start the game, shall we?!…

{Jungkook/girl} I'm a whore! Please don't have fellings for me

{Jungkook/girl} I'm a whore! Please don't have fellings for me

4 2 1

"I give you my dick and you give money. Is that right?". . . . . . . . . . . "Let me love you, my whore". . . . .. . . . "Please don't say anything! I hate you!". . . . . . . . "What should I do, my love? "…

Quotes From Kpop Song

Quotes From Kpop Song

92 1 8

những câu hát mang ý nghĩa đặc biệt trong những bài hát của Kpop.…

Call Of Infinity House Spirit

Call Of Infinity House Spirit

74 0 66

"Just give me 10 days, there will be one more in my harem." Standing on the top of Huashan, Lin Yu made a bold statement ..."Lin Yu, you baka, eat my green onion and chrysanthemum!" The onion mother expressed strong dissatisfaction ..."I don't know if the sword of the oath of victory should be used as a hatchet ..." Altolia gently wiped the sword of the oath of victory ..."Rail-gun!" A super-electromagnetic gun flashed, and someone was blasted into the distance ...Since when did you have the idea that the Lord God game should be a monster upgrade? Tell you, the Lord God game is used to vomit. if you serious you lose!…



237 2 1

A period of time ago, knew a guy and suddenly impressed with him. Then, my strength, my willpower appeared and dragged me out of the dark. I have to caught this chance to forget that deep pain, I've chosen him without any consideration, but It just like, this is an abuse. But, he lets me know better. I almost changed and realize it's is not like that, really hope it's not an abuse. He lets me know there's a real love is growing up in my heart. It's not a joke with me anymore, he's becoming the only one... What do you think?Destiny, right?…



19 0 1

There is a house that I spent a good portion of my childhood in, and the house that I, to this day, although no longer living in it, will always call my true home. I have many fond childhood memories in that house, and it's where our family lived the longest.What I'm about to describe are all real events experienced in this house by me and the rest of my family. These are true accounts, and are not exaggerated in any way.We've always known that house was haunted. Not to the point of being insane and deadly, like you see in the movies, but plenty of unnerving things have happened there. Let me start by telling you a little bit about the house. The first thing you should know is that it's very old; from the 1800's. It used to be a hotel. When my family bought it, I, being the youngest, was only a little kid. We remodeled that house, and even extended it a little. It took a very long time, but eventually, that old, rickety house from the 1800's got a brand new (modern) makeover. However, the things lingering in that house which we couldn't see, stayed.…

 ► v-trans/namjin ◀ all you need is love (and pink)

► v-trans/namjin ◀ all you need is love (and pink)

1,174 105 2

❥ pairing: namjin❥ origianl story https://archiveofourown.org/works/4819739 ❥ summary : phần lớn mọi người chỉ có một, hai quỷ con hoặc thiên thần nho nhỏ đậu trên vai như một dạng hóa thân thực tế cho cái mà họ gọi là lương tri của con người. Namjoon tội nghiệp của chúng ta được tận năm bé săn sóc, và tất cả bọn chúng đều gào lên chung một điều: 'Nói chuyện với người ta đi, mẹ nó, ông bị đần à? '❥ i have the author's permission to translate this cute fanfic ❥ do not take out…

Like A Person With A Story

Like A Person With A Story

2 0 41

Maybe, if you read too many books, you wo n't understand yourself, and if you play too much, you will not be able to act well. If you love too much, you don't know how to love.Everyone has a story, which belongs to love, and it will always be so unforgettable.Zhao Yunuo said, "Even if I meet another hundred men worse than you, I won't come back to you."Zhang Zizheng said, "You have given me so many for the first time, don't you care about the last one?"Yi Xiangyuan said: "Zhao Yunuo is my first love."…

[HPfanfic] Broken minds,broken souls

[HPfanfic] Broken minds,broken souls

33 0 4

Author: An Rei (Hino)Title: Broken Minds, Broken SoulsFandom: Harry PotterRating: MGenres: Hurt/Comfort. Slash. Het. OOC!Warning.Pairings: Draco/Harry, Harry/Hermione, Draco/Astoria, some other minor couples. Could be considered having threesome if you're too sensitive.Disclaimers: Characters, story settings are created by J.K.Rowling. I'm just a fangirl writing for fun and gain no profits from this.Keywords: Minds. Souls. Breaking all.Tagline: War leaves no survivor.Author's note: Vài lời nhắn nhủ thế này thôi:- fic có plot phức tạp, chỗ để fangirl thì ít mà khúc làm nhức đầu thì nhiều, nói chung là quá nghiêm túc- fic rất điêu- Có nhiều cảnh quá khứ chen ngang, nhiều POV được sử dụng trong cùng 1 chương. Hãy cẩn thận kẻo loạn óc.- 6 chương đầu fic sẽ được update 2 chương/lần post. Về sau là 1 chương/lần.- NO blame desired. NO critic desired. I write it for fun and let me keep that fun. R&R is nice.- Câu đầu tiên của chap 1 được lấy cảm hứng từ bản dịch của The deepest, most desperate (Aster). Chỉ vì nó đã ám vào đầu và ko thể bỏ ra được ' '. Hãy đọc oneshot đấy nhé, đó là 1 fic hay.…

Femdom Hollywood

Femdom Hollywood

156 1 92

Carrying three tea eggs to sneak into the United States, Yi Feiyang began his journey to Hollywood. Since then, there is one person who runs out of debt in Hong Kong, and the American film industry welcomes the first entertainment tyrant in history!My great first play turned out to be the adult movie "Spongebaby"? !!Is there anything wrong? Hathaway, does Jessica need any training? !!Sorry Justin, your little girlfriend, Selena, I will help you develop for free!Solemnly declare that I like Loli and I don't like uncle!Teach Hollywood, and see how the Chinese are flying at American Entertainment!镔 tie new book uploaded! I have finished several works such as "Movie Tycoon", "Cineplex Tycoon", "Great Hong Kong 1957", "Zombie Detective", "Xiao Zhongxiong" and other works. The motto is: As long as it is on the shelf, it will never be too prisoner, and it will continue to change!If you think "Teaching Hollywood" is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your QQ group and Weibo friends!…

hold me tight | hoseok

hold me tight | hoseok

93 10 1

- 'please don't let go of me...i-i will hold you tight...please babe...y-you're mine...'- 'give up on me, hoseok......i'm begging you.'---------- 'xin đừng buông tay anh...a-anh sẽ giữ lấy em thật chặt...làm ơn em yêu...e-em là của anh...'- 'từ bỏ em đi, hoseok......em xin anh.'---------‼️ Warning: trigger, self-harm, depressed, angst and suicide 💔‼️ Cảnh báo: nhạy cảm, self-harm, trầm cảm, dễ nổi nóng và tự tử 💔[vietnamese x english] author: @kaoooo_ngcategories: sad ending, oneshot*i do not own all the bts members. write for entertaining. please don't take out without my permission ✔️ *tất cả thành viên bts không thuộc về tôi. được viết với mục đích giải trí phi lợi nhuận. không đem đi đâu nếu chưa có sự đồng ý ✔️start & end: 03/2019thanks for reading! 💕 have a nice day ~…