Dongfang Yunmengtan

Dongfang Yunmengtan

181 4 120

Wedges get up! (This chapter is free)A teenager is not a dreamer, but he often feels that his life is like a dream, but beautiful but unreal, especially at night, there are always strange dreams. 26nbsp;In the slumber of his dreams, the young man walked in the sea of ​​incredible dreams. Under the blue sky, sunny daylight shines on the endless clouds and seas. The snow-white clouds seem to have no borders. The waves are flowing into the sea, and the golden 'color' sunlight that flows to the end of the sky is like a blessing of the gods. The sea of ​​clouds, compared with this magnificent picture, the eagles and birds that occasionally cross the sky are as small as duckweed in the sea.In the sea of ​​clouds, there are many "vortex eyes". The nearby clouds are centered on the vortex eyes, or they swirl around slowly or slowly. Some vortex eyes suddenly appear and dissipate. Some vortex eyes are gloomy and dark. Lightning and lightning are dangerous areas for all creatures to avoid, but there are also some vortex eyes that seem to be the long river resting place. The airflow is stable all year round. White clouds are like static cotton. The vortex flows slowly or even hardly to detect.…

Sovereignty (light novel)

Sovereignty (light novel)

7,075 546 58

1chap 1 ngày Akutagawa Tomoya cùng em gái và vài người bạn cùng lớp bị gửi đến một thế giới khác vì "sai lầm" của một Ma thuật sư của 500 năm trước. Giờ đây khi ở nơi đất khách quê người, Tomoya bị gán cho cái danh "Phản đồ", và bị đưa đến lục địa Norenth của Quỷ tộc. Tuy cậu chẳng thiết tha gì nơi thế giới cũ, nhưng để gặp lại người em gái, cậu bắt đầu chuyến đi của mình.No more Spoiler…

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

18 1 100

In the 21st century, 100,000 fans of beauty makeup, Xu Shu, a liberal arts scholar, once crossed the dynasty and was sold. Fortunately, she became a great steward of Yihonglou, although she was a little wasteful of the beauty of the world. But it doesn't matter, she tailored her debut plan for the girls. Singing and dancing must be proficient in all aspects, beauty knowledge can not be dropped, isolated sunscreen bb cream to walk. They are the most beautiful female group in the Chao Dynasty.Make ice cream, cakes, sing pop songs with homemade guitars, use chemical formulas to solve the case ... Blind your eyes with 21st century wisdom.However, she really didn't want to provoke the seven kings who had high ascetic abstinence. He brought it to him.Qi Muran: The king has given himself to you, why not marry me, what else do you want?Xu Shu: Lord Wang, I want to eat Pippi shrimp with Coke.…

Femdom Hollywood

Femdom Hollywood

156 1 92

Carrying three tea eggs to sneak into the United States, Yi Feiyang began his journey to Hollywood. Since then, there is one person who runs out of debt in Hong Kong, and the American film industry welcomes the first entertainment tyrant in history!My great first play turned out to be the adult movie "Spongebaby"? !!Is there anything wrong? Hathaway, does Jessica need any training? !!Sorry Justin, your little girlfriend, Selena, I will help you develop for free!Solemnly declare that I like Loli and I don't like uncle!Teach Hollywood, and see how the Chinese are flying at American Entertainment!镔 tie new book uploaded! I have finished several works such as "Movie Tycoon", "Cineplex Tycoon", "Great Hong Kong 1957", "Zombie Detective", "Xiao Zhongxiong" and other works. The motto is: As long as it is on the shelf, it will never be too prisoner, and it will continue to change!If you think "Teaching Hollywood" is not bad, please don't forget to recommend it to your QQ group and Weibo friends!…

Li Hei

Li Hei

262 0 120

This is a village in the 1970s, Guangyi Village, Yunze Township. The village is approximately five kilometers in radius, and there are 13 villager groups of 135 households with 1201 people. In May, the setting sun shone obliquely over the houses, bridges, and rivers in the village, as if covered with a soft layer of gold.A straight road runs through from a distance, and an eight-meter-wide bungalow stands prominently on the roadside. This is the Guangyi Village Cooperative. The door is a row of glass cabinets, displaying stationery, paper and other supplies. At the left corner of the cabinet, there are 70s signature snacks-ear ears, 2 knits per pound, no food stamps. This is the favorite of Guangyi Village children. In many cases, children between the ages of 3 and 15 can often be seen wandering in front of the counter of the cooperative, staring straight at the jar full of snacks.…

(ChanHun) Twin Flames - Linh hồn song sinh

(ChanHun) Twin Flames - Linh hồn song sinh

221 42 9

Trong truyện có sử dụng thông tin và tư liệu thực về Twin Flames từ nguồn:Cassady ( Soul mates and vs twin flames - what are the difference?John (2015): The crazy and charming theory of love in Plato's "Symposium".Sabriye Ayana ( Twin souls, the most unromantic yet greatest love story you will ever live and more and more twins are reuniting in this time.The Conversation (2017): What Plato can teach you about finding a soulmate.Thuộc về: WOOMAP/NORON.VN KHOA HỌC TÂM LINHDịch: Splendora NguyenViệc sử dụng tư liệu đã có sự cho phép của dịch giả, nếu muốn sử dụng vui lòng xin phép. Cảm ơn.Truyện và bối cảnh là của tác giả, vui lòng không áp đặt lên người thật, đời thật.Không Reup!!!…

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

61 0 86

Her father's persecution put her in prison. He descended from the sky like a god of heaven to protect her. When she thought that she was meeting the good man in the legend, she found that she was encountering a big wolf. He was black and domineering, and directly declared: "Little woman, I want to fix you!" She tried to break away: "It is a skill to bully the weak, and I have the ability to climb into your bed by myself!" The speed is too slow, I have to do it myself! "" Don't ... "She fled into the desert, but he raised his lips, smiling like the bright moon in the night sky!…

Tổng hợp những bài hát lời Việt by Sky Kaledin

Tổng hợp những bài hát lời Việt by Sky Kaledin

4,781 662 129

CO-OPERATED BY Sky Kaledin & Li YangOur video uses for non-commercial purposes. Our side only sub-words and not the one who created the original product. Please contact if there is any information you want to ask or think we are not right, and continue to support the original product instead of supporting us. We are don't own the copyrights to the "Video clips" or "Music" in the video. Thank for everything.=============Tranlastor===========Video của chúng tôi sử dụng với mục đích phi thương mại. Phía chúng tôi chỉ sub video và không phải người đã tạo ra sản phẩm gốc. Vui lòng liên hệ nếu có bất cứ thông tin gì muốn hỏi hoặc cho rằng chúng tôi không đúng, và tiếp tục ủng hộ sản phẩm gốc thay vì ủng hộ chúng tôi. Chúng tôi không sở hữu bản quyền "Video clips" hay "Music" trong video. Cảm ơn vì tất cả.Please don't arbitrarily take away without our consent. Thank you very much.@hot@tfboys@china_song@ost…

My Wife Is A Fox

My Wife Is A Fox

137 3 197

Her name is a beaver, not a vixen fox;It is her specialty to do destruction and trouble;It is her nature to play tricks and trick people;Seventy-two changes is her magic weapon to defeat the enemy;Inadvertently took over a business, accidentally lost the pink crystal fox pendant, and accidentally involved her in a whirlpool of conspiracy and love ...(Readers please rest assured that there are millions of words before Xianer finishes this novel. Xianer will never be an eunuch or irrigation. Xianer will never do half-way things, so please believe Xianer!)…

[Trans] [Twilight] [Edward Jacob] Basic Imprinting - starrycreations

[Trans] [Twilight] [Edward Jacob] Basic Imprinting - starrycreations

1,956 142 4

Title: Basic ImprintingAuthor: starrycreationsLink gốc ủng hộ tác giả: TwilightCouple: EdwardJacobRating: RTranslator: LeahBeta: LeahCover: pinterestTình trạng bản dịch: On-goingWarning: Bản dịch chỉ đúng 80% so với bản gốcPermission: Bản dịch phi lợi nhuận và chưa có sự đồng ý của tác giả, vui lòng không đem ra khỏi blog này.Tóm tắt: Jacob chỉ hiểu những điều cơ bản của dấu ấn, nhưng hắn nhận ra mình phải học một khóa cấp tốc về vấn đề này vì đã đánh dấu một người hoàn toàn không mong đợi.…

7 things marketers can learn from children 10 years old

7 things marketers can learn from children 10 years old

556 1 2

Runescape is a game many children worldwide favorite. Called "Second Life for kids", Runscape creating a virtual world where children can develop their intellectual creativity and their imagination. Here, a quite different life is constructed and certainly not less interesting arose. The question is the CMO has never talked with their children 10 years old? Please believe that we can teach you a lot of interesting lessons about marketing than is experienced industry professionals. You know their jobs and attention to small children this age. In the world of Runescape, the children participating in the game are encouraged to build social networks globally. Since then, the social characteristics of children raised. John Hestle is one of the child. John loves the Wii and care about what is warming the earth. John could read and write stories on computers since he was four years old and particularly likes to create multi-level game related to the virtual world of Runescape. John explains: "Runescape is a wonderful world where you can fight with the dragon, as many others and participate in faction." It's interesting because it is different in each access to players and players who can help expand your network. With the CMO, it is similar to social networks (social networking) and social media marketing (social media marketing).In Runescape, John has a friend who recently set up a mining company in the virtual world where people can work to have money to buy food and habitat. But as a business rival, John replied that: "I'm really upset because you did give me checks, while she could make more money by producing their own instruments and selling them go to work for you instead of him. Now we have a child of the other partners, and our friends both work for me. Money to be deposited in bank profitability. " Below is what we can learn from children like John in the world market and why the CMO should pay more attention to the future of their cli…



15 0 1

Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…

[ĐN AC+Tokyo Revengers] Đại náo thế giới mới

[ĐN AC+Tokyo Revengers] Đại náo thế giới mới

102 15 2

< Không làm học sinh ngoan ngoãn nữa! Ta hứa sẽ quậy nát thế giới mới này!>•Tên truyện: [ĐN AC+Tokyo Revengers] Đại náo thế giới mới•Bút danh: Chiristina Ciara•Thể loại: Xuyên không, hành động, tình yêu, bách hợp, đồng nhân, fanfic, np, harem, Assassination Classroom, Tokyo Revengers•Couple: Akabane Kaori x np•Văn án: Bên trong chương 1•Tình trạng: Đang tiến hành•Lịch ra chap: Bất ổnWarning:•Nghiêm cấm quảng cáo truyện, chéo truyện dưới mọi hình thức!•Truyện có thể OOC, phi logic, cân nhắc các độc giả khó tính trước khi đọc•Không đạo nhái, mượn ý tưởng, copy, ăn cắp hay chuyển ver dưới mọi hình thức•Không bê truyện tôi đi đâu cả, kể cả là review khi chưa có sự cho phép•Không gây war, nói tục chửi bậy ở dưới phần comment•Nếu phát hiện các trường hợp trên sẽ bị ăn block hoặc report•Truyện chỉ được đăng tại Wattpad/Noveltoon. Các trang khác hoặc acc khác đều là ăn cắpLƯU Ý:•Không giữ các cp đã canon như TakeHina hay DraEmma•Các cp bách sẽ là: EmmaHina, YuzuSenju•Tên ai trước người đó làm top•Nghiêm cấm đục các cp bách, nếu không muốn bị tôi đục mặt•Link book cover:•Nhân vật không thuộc về tôi, họ là của Wakui Ken•Desgin bookcover by: Moniesu (Breathing)…

Emperor Wu

Emperor Wu

22 0 38

Once a wastewood boy firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he is the strongest! Encountering Shimen, crossing Nantianmen, the young man set off a battle with the sky, who is the legend of blood! Heaven is Lordless, for me Emperor Wu!…