Tháng 12: Đông

Tháng 12: Đông

12 4 1

Tại sao mùa đông lại ấm?*** Các cậu đọc kĩ mô tả này trước khi đọc nhé:☃️ Không sao chép hay đăng tải lại nội dung dưới mọi hình thức.☃️ Nội dung được viết theo cảm xúc và suy nghĩ cá nhân.☃️ Tui chỉ viết cho bạn bè đọc và để cho vui thôi ý, nhưng ai muốn đọc cũng vẫn có thể đọc nhé! Ai không muốn đọc thì tui cũng không bắt phải đọc đâuuu!☃️ Mọi người có thể vừa đọc vừa nghe playlist cho có vibe nha! Enjoy <3…

Missing Piece

Missing Piece

43 0 3

Have you ever felt like you didn't belong? Even when you followed the every day life motions as everyone around you....only left you to feel empty. Emptiness that made you feel like something was amiss. I've felt like this for awhile maybe its my environment or the people I'm around. I'm not quite sure to be honest, I've pushed it aside for awhile hoping eventually it will disappear, keeping this feeling to myself is best. I have found though, when I'm alone or with my best friend (the only person who I feel comfortable with) I feel a little more st home with myself.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kenna lives in a town in which only females reside. She been taught that over-population is the cause of that. Its not so bad when its all your used to, but she's not used to how watched she feels or how her future is decided for her and everything else that the government forces adults to do. What's in store for Kenna is going to change everything especially when she realizes she's not human.…