

4,950 445 11

ᴛ ᴀ ᴋ ɪ ɴ ɢ ʀ ᴇ ǫ ᴜ ᴇ s ᴛ s · s ʜ ᴏ ᴡ ʀ ᴏ ᴏ ᴍ · ᴛ ᴜ ᴛ ᴏ ʀ ɪ ᴀ ʟ sRoses r red,Violets r blu,Mah yellow paint where r u?• Copyright ©2018 by @-thisismia…

Lại nữa sao??

Lại nữa sao??

32,753 3,509 51

Thì là Takemichi lỡ xảy chân chết lần nữa nên lại được đưa về thôi =)). Cơ mà sao mọi thứ lại dễ dàng vậy?Dễ ooc nha mấy má ♡♡ (●□●)…

AOV × No signal

AOV × No signal

2,118 110 8

những mẩu demo linh tinh…

Becoming avian/ Grow wings journal

Becoming avian/ Grow wings journal

855 112 44

A Vietnamese guy who is growing wings. It's just that all…

thisismahouse ; mike's

thisismahouse ; mike's

13,048 1,318 32

hm, you think it's a showroom?well nope, it's a complete JOKE!special advice: /vietsub/vừa xem lại showroom... thấy cái cờ ria ờ (career) của mình nó lên lên xuống xuống trông thảm wá :)start: dunno - end: dunno!mike's house, mike's rule!…

design shop (tạm đóng)

design shop (tạm đóng)

3,829 150 19

chào mừng các cậu đã đến với design shop nhỏ xinh của mình 🌥…

Fate Of The Northeast

Fate Of The Northeast

7 0 38

If you decide not to break your fate, you will admit it. I decided that the person who commits my inverse in the future, although far away, will ask what the world is, just to push it to the world sister paper-the protagonist was accidentally split into Xuanyuan. Mainland, and then return to reality to reborn beauty paper, brothers are not bad! Live for sister paper only! !! !! The bully who killed me cuts off the male, and the female drops left and falls down. "Recommended-ksw Dream Red Dust" Hope everyone can read it. Don't look at it. I just want to know if my level is qualified. The genre and content may not be good. I hope everyone will include a lot. Ghost Face will write a second novel after finishing this book, and will definitely work hard! !! !! Hope you all give feedback! Thanks for the new ghost author…

INFP - Mediator

INFP - Mediator

476 30 28

MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator)The MBTI is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions. The test attempts to assign four categories: introversion or extraversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling, judging or perceiving. ESTJ: extraversion (E), sensing (S), thinking (T), judgment (J)INFP: introversion (I), intuition (N), feeling (F), perception (P)Sưu tầm từ nhiều nguồn thông tin khác nhau:- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myers-Briggs_Type_Indicator- https://www.16personalities.com/infp-personality- https://personalityjunkie.com/- v...v...…

[QT] Stucky đồng nhân 11

[QT] Stucky đồng nhân 11

1,424 21 123

Convert: Vương ÂnLink: Ao3, weibo, lofter,....Stucky văn, không đảo ngược, không hỗ công.Thuẫn Đông/ Mầm Chiêm/Đội Chiêm/ Sư Chiêm Top!Steve, Bottom!Bucky…

Tổng hợp Jason x Dick Couple P5

Tổng hợp Jason x Dick Couple P5

2,311 22 200

Tổng hợp truyện về couple Jason.Todd x Dick.GaysonCảnh báo: Đa phần là truyện nhẹ nhàng, ngọt ngào , có truyện 18+…

[TIMy Team | This is my way] We Need You

[TIMy Team | This is my way] We Need You

207 11 1

Chào các YTim tương lai. Các cậu đã sẵn sàng chưa? Cùng tham gia với chúng tớ nhé!Bookcover by @-minal-…

ART work. Quotes

ART work. Quotes

6 2 1

Contact meDeviantart: @xx3hanhanFacebook: Youth Garden / Nguyen Thi NinhInstagram: thisisninh_b Design theo yêu cầu 50k / art…

My Wife Is A Fox

My Wife Is A Fox

137 3 197

Her name is a beaver, not a vixen fox;It is her specialty to do destruction and trouble;It is her nature to play tricks and trick people;Seventy-two changes is her magic weapon to defeat the enemy;Inadvertently took over a business, accidentally lost the pink crystal fox pendant, and accidentally involved her in a whirlpool of conspiracy and love ...(Readers please rest assured that there are millions of words before Xianer finishes this novel. Xianer will never be an eunuch or irrigation. Xianer will never do half-way things, so please believe Xianer!)…



15 0 1

Key difference between GATT and WTOa) The GATT was ad hoc and provisional. It was never ratified by members' parliaments, and it contained no provisions for the creation of an International Organization. While, the WTO and its agreements are permanent. As an international organization, it has a sound legal basis because members have ratified the WTO agreements, and the agreements themselves describe how the WTO will be functioning to promote trade.b) The WTO has members while, the signatories to the GATT were called “contracting parties”c) The GATT dealt with trade in goods only, while, the WTO covers services as well as intellectual property. d) The WTO has a more effective settling system.Who is entitled to Special and Differential Treatment? A: The special needs of developing country members and in particular the least developed country members are to be taken into account. The phased introduction of new SPS measures and longer time frame for compliance are to be accorded on products of interest to developing country members.What is bound tariff?The Bound tariff rate is the most-favored-nation tariff rate resulting from negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and incorporated as an integral component of a country’s schedule of concessions or commitments to other World Trade Organization members.…



3,521 239 1

Author: HigoDesigner: Dâu/ ADT teamPairing: Victuuri (Victor Nikiforov x Yuuri Katsuki)Category: BL, ABO, humor, OOC, HESummary: "Macacchin, con sắp có em rồi đó, thích không?", Yuuri cưng nựng Macacchin đang yên vị trong lòng mình, thủ thỉ với nó.Macacchin dường như hiểu được ý của mama nó, ngay lập tức ư ử vài tiếng như thể hiện sự đồng tình. Yuuri một tay xoa đầu nó, tay còn lại thì xoa cái bụng đã hơi to lên được giấu dưới lớp áo len dày. Cậu nhìn ra ngoài. Tuyết bắt đầu rơi rồi. Nó gợi cho cậu nhớ về ngày đầu tiên cậu gặp anh ở suối nước nóng nhà mình. Lúc đó cũng đang là mùa đông mà nhỉ.... Nhanh quá. Những ngày mà cậu vẫn luôn tôn sùng Victor như một vị thần, rồi đến lúc Victor thật sự trở thành huấn luyện viên cho cậu, ngày anh tỏ tình với cậu, lần trao nhẫn ở Tây Ban Nha, và cả màn cầu hôn đầy xúc động của Victor trong đêm cuối cùng của giải Grand Prix Finale nữa. Mọi thứ cứ trôi qua nhanh thật nhanh, đến mức mà cậu chẳng kịp nhận ra. Yuuri nhìn xuống thân dưới của mình, nhẹ nhàng nhắn nhủ với món quà mà cậu đã chuẩn bị suốt ba tháng nay."Ước gì ngày Giáng Sinh này cũng tới thật mau nhỉ..."-----------------------------------------------------Happy birthday, Victor NikiforovThankiu Dâu- chan/ ADT team vì cái bìa xinh xỉu nạ ❤❤…

Like A Person With A Story

Like A Person With A Story

2 0 41

Maybe, if you read too many books, you wo n't understand yourself, and if you play too much, you will not be able to act well. If you love too much, you don't know how to love.Everyone has a story, which belongs to love, and it will always be so unforgettable.Zhao Yunuo said, "Even if I meet another hundred men worse than you, I won't come back to you."Zhang Zizheng said, "You have given me so many for the first time, don't you care about the last one?"Yi Xiangyuan said: "Zhao Yunuo is my first love."…