Tay đầu gấu thuê trọ | Taejin

Tay đầu gấu thuê trọ | Taejin

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Disclaimer: Hai nhân vật chính không thuộc về mình.Rating: TPairing: Taehyung/SeokjinCategory: Actorfic, Vietnam!AU, Humor, ComedyAuthor: Matt Rood (Matthew Rouge)Fandom: BTSArchieve: Update later…

Snow's Artbook 3

Snow's Artbook 3

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[ARTBOOK] It's been such a long time since I last updated on wattpad. It used to be my super favourite social media. Honestly It means a lot cause It came to me as a precious part of my childhood, which I'll never forget. That was the time when I was really into drawing, I spent most of my freetime drawing and painting. I was so dumppp and weird that time, making a lot of mistakes, but I always grateful beacause I could be me, stroke up new relationships with so many friends who have a lot things in common. We have so many memories, can tell how beautiful they were. It just like a dream that I always wanted to come back at that time...…