Mirror Mirror on the Wall

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

981 13 21

In Mirror Mirror on the Wall Cindy gets upset and punches her dresser mirror, she passes out. However when she wakes shes stunned, she's in a whole new world- her only best friend now hates her, her worst enemy wants to hang, her mother cares and her dads back. The only problem is that this new world is not hers and her existing self hates her, and after awhile Cindy was to return home... But can she? The mirror is broke, on both sides. Is Cindy stuck in the Mirror forever? Or will she escape to the world where no one likes her but Lindy?…



2,276 914 97

xD Ôm chỗ des từ hè đến giờ lên đăng nè. :3 Gom thành một quyển, hi vọng sẽ sớm được 200 chương.._. Trình toi còn non lắm nha. Mong được góp ý, đừng gạch đá mạnh tay.…