BTS Lyrics Vietsub

BTS Lyrics Vietsub

49,725 1,302 113

Lời dịch các bài hát của BTS.Vietsub nha!Chỉ là muốn hiểu hơn nội dung và ý nghĩa các bài hát của Bangtan thôi!Cre: Sưu tầm từ nhiều nguồn!…

My favorite dramas and songs ♡

My favorite dramas and songs ♡

4,384 94 100

Tôi không sở hữu bất kì điều gì ở đây, chỉ là list phim và nhạc theo sở thích cá nhân, copy từ nhiều nguồn khác nhau.…

The Life After Life

The Life After Life

982 30 8

On a heavily raining day, Niall Horan was dying. His motorbike crashed into a tree and his life was on a thread. Death was besides him, waiting for the last breath of him to die out then take him away.He thought about his life, his family, his bandmates as the final thoughts of a dying man.Then he saw the stars, the brightest stars he had ever seen.Fifteen hours later, the dotor announced he was alive.His life was given another golden chance. What came next? [Story written in Vietnamese]…

God's Spokesperson

God's Spokesperson

12 1 74

A bad boy who is about to enter the third-rate university, but by chance he has the power of God ...Tell your brother what is your wish?If you like the style of fire, there are several novels before the fire:Spoofing the Three Kingdoms, enchanted foreign students, demon graduates, summoning corpsYou can check it out. In addition, the spokesperson of God 1 group number: 196184392.Update quickly, save more manuscripts, lasting climax, no need to fatten up and kill. It 's called refreshing and refreshing.…

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

Wear A Girl Band In Ancient Times

18 1 100

In the 21st century, 100,000 fans of beauty makeup, Xu Shu, a liberal arts scholar, once crossed the dynasty and was sold. Fortunately, she became a great steward of Yihonglou, although she was a little wasteful of the beauty of the world. But it doesn't matter, she tailored her debut plan for the girls. Singing and dancing must be proficient in all aspects, beauty knowledge can not be dropped, isolated sunscreen bb cream to walk. They are the most beautiful female group in the Chao Dynasty.Make ice cream, cakes, sing pop songs with homemade guitars, use chemical formulas to solve the case ... Blind your eyes with 21st century wisdom.However, she really didn't want to provoke the seven kings who had high ascetic abstinence. He brought it to him.Qi Muran: The king has given himself to you, why not marry me, what else do you want?Xu Shu: Lord Wang, I want to eat Pippi shrimp with Coke.…

List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

List Yaoi Đã Hoàn

227,194 2,808 176

》 Nơi Đây Đơn Giản Là Chốn Tập Hợp Tên Của Các Yaoi Đã Hoàn》 Do Tất Cả Những Truyện Ta Đã Liệt Ra Đều Đã Hoàn Nên Ta Sẽ Không Để Từ "hoàn" Ở Chổ Tình Trạng Truyện Nữa Nhé !! Ta Nói Trước Để Các Nàng Khỏi Thắc Mắc》 Mỗi Lần Ta Update 7 Truyện, Cứ 6 Truyện Thì Sẽ Có 1 Oneshot nga~~…

[Translated Fanfiction] Miraculous: Tales of Volpina and Jade Turtle

[Translated Fanfiction] Miraculous: Tales of Volpina and Jade Turtle

1,970 147 8

Author: cortanabladeTranslator: JulietteTitle: Miraculous: Tales of Volpina and Jade Turtle - Tạm dịch: Miraculous: Câu chuyện của Volpina và Jade TurtleStatus: On going - Trạng thái: Đang tiếp diễn.Original Language: English - Translated into: Vietnamese.Summary: Khi kẻ xấu mới lộ diện ở Paris, Chat Noir và Ladybug cần sự giúp đỡ. Họ không thể ở cả hai nơi cùng một lúc được.Ngài Fu đã lựa chọn mạo hiểm bằng cách tìm một Jade Turtle và Volpina mới. Nhưng lời tiên tri thần thánh đã báo trước rằng, cảm xúc của hai người họ sẽ dẫn đến tình yêu chân thành đích thực, hoặc là dẫn tới sự tiêu cực và chính nó sẽ biến hai vị anh hùng trở thành kẻ phản diện.Liệu họ sẽ cứu thế giới, hay hủy hoại nó đây?Permission: I have the permission from the author to translate the story. - Truyện được dịch đã có sự cho phép của tác giả. Vui lòng không copy hay sửa xóa hoặc mang đi website khác.Cover was made by amazing designer of @_TAWOC_ team. - Cover được thiết kế bởi team design của @_TAWOC_Disclamer: I don't own anything except the translation. - Tôi không sở hữu bất cứ thứ gì ngoại trừ bản dịch.Please click the External Link to read the original story. - Xin hãy bấm vào Liên kết bên ngoài để đọc bản gốc đầy đủ bằng tiếng Anh.…

Nhật kí cuối cấp

Nhật kí cuối cấp

13 0 10

Kkkk, thấy cũng vui nên mình làm. Dù sao cũng năm học cuối của đời học sinh…

Abandoning The Girl For The Backward

Abandoning The Girl For The Backward

27 27 27

During the Wu Muzong period of the Lingyun dynasty, the prime minister Duan Xuan divorced his wife to marry the mansion in the blue house, which caused a sensation in Beijing. Soon after his wife died, Duan Zheng abolished his second daughter, leaving only the new wife's daughter as the only daughter.Some people say that the two daughters have been killed.Some people say they escaped by chance.She smiled slightly and her eyes were cold and silent.She said, "I just ask you to end my nightmare. I never ask for other graces."He said, "I can't believe that there are no complaints in your heart, but I'm willing to take you away from the nightmare, and believe that you help me."He is willing to help her revenge, but also to help him strengthen the power.With layers and layers of cocoon, she unexpectedly discovered that her approach was not only for the game of grievances on the court, but also involved the rivers and lakes, leading to greater mysteries ...…

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

Giant Tianjiao: Overlord Pet Devil

61 0 86

Her father's persecution put her in prison. He descended from the sky like a god of heaven to protect her. When she thought that she was meeting the good man in the legend, she found that she was encountering a big wolf. He was black and domineering, and directly declared: "Little woman, I want to fix you!" She tried to break away: "It is a skill to bully the weak, and I have the ability to climb into your bed by myself!" The speed is too slow, I have to do it myself! "" Don't ... "She fled into the desert, but he raised his lips, smiling like the bright moon in the night sky!…

Miao Miao

Miao Miao

25 0 43

She, Lin Miaomiao, has a lifelong dream of walking through the mountains and rivers of the motherland and picking thousands of beautiful men! It was a pity that before she could realize it, she fell asleep after a long sleep and came to another world, and began her long journey of rivers and lakes! Prince? Wang Ye? Not interested in! Heroes? Allied? Don't catch a cold! What a good taste of a beautiful man! She didn't just hang herself on a tree, only she didn't expect that for the first time, she patted her ass and walked away, and she got caught! She didn't ask him to take charge, why did he deprive her of the right to make fun of beautiful men! Not even a glance! Someone stood in front of her, occupying all her eyes, and said coldly, "Look at me." His face was reddish, and he added in a low voice: "Tune ..... Trick me ..." against the wall ... ... This article is super marie su, don't like to spray.…

Dongfang Yunmengtan

Dongfang Yunmengtan

183 4 120

Wedges get up! (This chapter is free)A teenager is not a dreamer, but he often feels that his life is like a dream, but beautiful but unreal, especially at night, there are always strange dreams. 26nbsp;In the slumber of his dreams, the young man walked in the sea of ​​incredible dreams. Under the blue sky, sunny daylight shines on the endless clouds and seas. The snow-white clouds seem to have no borders. The waves are flowing into the sea, and the golden 'color' sunlight that flows to the end of the sky is like a blessing of the gods. The sea of ​​clouds, compared with this magnificent picture, the eagles and birds that occasionally cross the sky are as small as duckweed in the sea.In the sea of ​​clouds, there are many "vortex eyes". The nearby clouds are centered on the vortex eyes, or they swirl around slowly or slowly. Some vortex eyes suddenly appear and dissipate. Some vortex eyes are gloomy and dark. Lightning and lightning are dangerous areas for all creatures to avoid, but there are also some vortex eyes that seem to be the long river resting place. The airflow is stable all year round. White clouds are like static cotton. The vortex flows slowly or even hardly to detect.…

[QT] Evanstan đồng nhân 2

[QT] Evanstan đồng nhân 2

1,572 14 200

Convert by Vương ÂnLink: Ao3, lofter,...chủ yếu evanstan/đào bao. Không hỗ công.Cũng bao gồm tất cả các nhân vật mà họ đã thủ vai ( trừ Steve x Bucky ra vì ta có tuyển tập riêng cho nó rồi)…

Niall Horan ,...

Niall Horan ,...

153 5 1

Alice Jane Waston là một du học sinh Việt tại Vương quốc Anh.Cô có một mái tóc nâu đỏ và khuôn mặt thanh tú tự nhiên... Sau khi bị khủng hoảng gia đình và phát hiện mình là con nuôi, Alice đã cãi nhau một trận lớn với bố mẹ nuôi và bỏ nhà đi tìm gia đình thật. Cô đi vào bãi đất trống tại ngoại ô thủ đô Hanoi, nơi…

/ E n d / Thiz iz Bánh Mề's 🍞 ART ~👌

/ E n d / Thiz iz Bánh Mề's 🍞 ART ~👌

1,797 459 12

Thiz iz Mề và toàn bộ tranh trong đây đều là do Mề vẽ hết đó ~~❤Chắc sẽ có 1 vài bức bị fail vì ... Mề còn chưa vững digi nữa ;"< . Mề chỉ là 1 củ khoai tây thôi Ụ ^ Ụ- Nên nếu có gì sai sót hay bạn thích tranh Mề thì đừng ngại cmt nha , có cmt là Mề vui rồi nên cứ nói ra mọi thứ bạn nghĩ về tranh Mề , Mề nhận hết ❤ -( Mề nói thật đó , được mn notice là Mề vui rồi :33 ) Tuy nhiên vui thôi đừng vui quá , Mề không chịu được mấy thứ như :∆ Nói tục , chửi thề ∆ ( mấy bạn có thể viết tắt nhưng mà đừng viết thẳng ra hay chửi Mề hay gì đó , Mề nói thật Mề chịu không được mấy từ kiểu đó ) ∆ Copy / save / paste tranh Mề nếu chưa được Mề đồng ý ∆( vì đây là công sức của Mề , bị theft hay gì đó thì Mề buồn lắm ☹ ) ∆ Vòi Mề ra tranh mới mỗi ngày ∆ (Não Mề nó lười và savage lắm , Mề vòi mà nó còn không cho nữa mà :""∆) ~ Cám ơn mọi người đã đọc nha ~ ❤ luv u guy ❤…

1988 [j.hs]

1988 [j.hs]

15 3 2

1988 was a year of disaster.truyện đã được sự cho phép cúa tác giả.…

[allJax] Ringmaster

[allJax] Ringmaster

6 0 1

An AU where Jax was the polite rabbit owner of the Circus…

bona + dayoung = best ship

bona + dayoung = best ship

294 30 2

Au: Ankirie :">Ship: Bona + Dayoung = BoYoung (WJSN)Chủ yếu là về ship BoYoung thôi :">…

The Small Side Persons CEO

The Small Side Persons CEO

23 0 2

He was arrested, hugging her and making her daughter could not resist. He looked like a wolf constantly biting her lips and tasted the blood of her mouth ... She was so frightened and had left you out of his life after the sex occurred with his injured face.***He lifted her hand tightly, click mild blood in her lips, his voice hoarse, rushing to say: "I have tasted her blood, my network would be her network, if the Chiang betrayed them, I do Devils also will not let them! "Footsteps outside the door closer and closer. . . . . ."Now I go out to lure them! Despite outside hear what, a thousand not break out, do not tell the police!" He said every word, tightly wound Lowland left abdomen, the pain is open to go out!"Hey......" Hanah had barely reacted, just hug the little red wooden box, hid behind the door, looked at his ball back, trembling fear tensions hastily called: "I do not know you, why should I help he? I do not know who he says a!! I should do? "***…