19 0 1

There is a house that I spent a good portion of my childhood in, and the house that I, to this day, although no longer living in it, will always call my true home. I have many fond childhood memories in that house, and it's where our family lived the longest.What I'm about to describe are all real events experienced in this house by me and the rest of my family. These are true accounts, and are not exaggerated in any way.We've always known that house was haunted. Not to the point of being insane and deadly, like you see in the movies, but plenty of unnerving things have happened there. Let me start by telling you a little bit about the house. The first thing you should know is that it's very old; from the 1800's. It used to be a hotel. When my family bought it, I, being the youngest, was only a little kid. We remodeled that house, and even extended it a little. It took a very long time, but eventually, that old, rickety house from the 1800's got a brand new (modern) makeover. However, the things lingering in that house which we couldn't see, stayed.…

Call Of Infinity House Spirit

Call Of Infinity House Spirit

74 0 66

"Just give me 10 days, there will be one more in my harem." Standing on the top of Huashan, Lin Yu made a bold statement ..."Lin Yu, you baka, eat my green onion and chrysanthemum!" The onion mother expressed strong dissatisfaction ..."I don't know if the sword of the oath of victory should be used as a hatchet ..." Altolia gently wiped the sword of the oath of victory ..."Rail-gun!" A super-electromagnetic gun flashed, and someone was blasted into the distance ...Since when did you have the idea that the Lord God game should be a monster upgrade? Tell you, the Lord God game is used to vomit. if you serious you lose!…

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

midnight sun ; tonnen/wonton (three-shots)

87 12 1

midnight sun(my time with you stays everlasting before dawn)rating | fandom | pairings | genreT | riize | anton/wonbin | highschool AU, mention of highschool violence & smoking, POV first person.//"thời gian của chúng ta vô tận trước bình minh."//a/n (may trigger):this story first was made for my previous otp from my previous other fandom. it took me quite a while to think of exchanging this for tonnen, cuz i might have been really sorried for that. but i did love this storyline, i did love my setting for every scene from this, and my previous otp really did not suit the plot and setting - that's why i'd never posted any more chapter then.but tonnen suits this. and i made up my mind bringing this setting for them.btw, if anyone had read it before in the name of others, pls understand my decision. and if you're not feeling okay about this, i cannot do anything else. i will not accept something like this story was robbed cuz i'm the one and only mother, and i have access to make how the storyline and characters go on.and remember that if there has any discussion about this terribly, i just don't mind.…

Dragon Dance Sky

Dragon Dance Sky

2 0 46

The heroes in the world, I have exclusive respect, a generation of martial arts, see me effortlessly, set the sword with a sword. Going to the horizon with a sword, I am affectionate and loving, and dare to give up the sky for love. I have friends and cares, betrayed me and slashed out with a sword, the heroes of the Quartet came to see how I gave orders. . . . . I was furious, and the Octagon Cao were frightened. I have righteousness, evil, and all stand by. I am Ouyang Long.…

Emperor Wu

Emperor Wu

22 0 38

Once a wastewood boy firmly believes that as long as he works hard, he is the strongest! Encountering Shimen, crossing Nantianmen, the young man set off a battle with the sky, who is the legend of blood! Heaven is Lordless, for me Emperor Wu!…

[JaeYong] Thuyền Đến Đầu Cầu Tự Nhiên Thẳng

[JaeYong] Thuyền Đến Đầu Cầu Tự Nhiên Thẳng

932 78 4

Writer: MẻPairing: The one and only JaeYong. Category: Chính kịch; Trung Hoa Dân Quốc; Nội chiến Trung Quốc; Cực kỳ chậm nhiệt; Quân đội; Đầu sóng ngọn gió; Hào môn thế gia; Bao giờ thì yêu nhau?; Bao giờ thì lấp hố?; Thích cái gì viết cái đó; Miêu tả là chủ yếu; Cốt truyện giậm chân tại chỗ; OOC tùy cấp độ; Vờn nhau như thế rồi bảo không yêu nhau có ai tức không?; Tình huynh đệ XHCN; Thích thì drop không thích cũng drop Disclaimer: Trừ cái cốt truyện ra thì trong này không có cái gì thuộc về mình hết =))))))))))+ Ngoài ra, do tư liệu về thời Dân Quốc bằng tiếng Việt mà mình tìm thấy khá có hạn, hầu như mình toàn cóp nhặt từ phim ảnh tiểu thuyết hơn là tài liệu chính thống. Thế nên các tình tiết mang tính xã hội, lịch sử, văn hóa không thể đảm bảo đúng 100% được, nếu thấy có gì sai hãy nhắc để mình sửa nha =)))))))))Writer's note: Truyện này mình viết chủ yếu vì nhu cầu của bạn mình, chứ cũng không có suy nghĩ gì nhiều lắm lúc đào hố. Thế nên tùy duyên tùy phận, kết quả thế nào thuộc về số trời =))))))…

YeoJa ChinGu - Tuổi Thanh Xuân Của BUDDY

YeoJa ChinGu - Tuổi Thanh Xuân Của BUDDY

14,888 2,362 191

Về YeoCha ChinGu…

EXO News - 1

EXO News - 1

5,578 576 200

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