Chapter 1

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God i cant believe shes doing this to me, y/n thought. As if Jake wasn't enough, now i have to sit in a car, no wait drive! Myself and 5 other people for an eternity to Kansas city for God knows what.

Y/n huffed as she sat down on her couch, " i better call Anisa one more time to get all the information, since i have no way out of this"she said to no one.

Her eyes lit up with a thought. Maybe i could lock my door and hide or say i have work! She thought, but soon dismissed the idea as she remembered that Anisa had a key to the house.

y/n pulled out her phone from her pocket and dialed Anisa's number, on the 4th ring she finally picked up.

" hey y/n, what's going on?" " nothing really, i just thought i needed some more info on your little trip" y/n sighed " and it would help if knew who some of the people who are going to be in my car" Anisa enthusiastically said " oh! Geez i really did forget to tell you"

" well there will be me and Ian of course, then you and George, and max." now it was her time to sigh " he invited them first, and i didn't want to be all alone " you giggled " but you're not alone, you have Ian!"

" well you get the point, but since you have that soccer mom van, Ian thought you could drive" " wait" you said confused " i thought there were 5 people not counting me" " oh " Anisa said "

guess i forgot that too, sorry!" " Kat, max's girlfriend was going to come with but she had some work that came up unexpectedly"

" well bad for him good for me, now i don't have to deal with another person i don't know" " thanks Anisa, that straitened something out, oh yea, what date are we leaving?" " oh ummm, the 14th" " kk thanks, guess i'll go pack, bye" "bye" said Anisa, and ended the call.

Ha! y/n said with a giggle, the 14th is like 3 days away, i don't have to pack now! Even though anxiety said yes, her eyes said otherwise, right now it was time for bed.

y/n looked at her phones time. It was only 8, bit too early for sleep, but she couldn't stay awake anymore.

Waking up at some stage time before 9 would have to do. She'd worry about packing for the trip tomorrow.


After waking up at an undesirable time, like she thought would happen the day before, y/n decided to be responsible and pack.

but took some long breaks, and in all finished packing around 2.

"Ugh" y/n said as she plopped down next to her stuffed suitcase. She had no idea how long she'd be gone, so she had to pack for extra days just in case. " who knew packing could take so much out of you." she sighed

" guess i should make som-" before y/n could finish her sentence, her doorbell rang.


she thought " i'm not expecting anyone" y/n rolled off the bed and trudged to the door. "Coming!" she yelled. "I'll peek through the curtains to see if it's like a potential robber or something." y/n moved the certain just an inch, so she could just get a glimpse. And if she recognize them it'd be safe.

" oh, it's just Anisa, and not Ian?" she thought.

" y/n! I know your there! Open the door already!" Anisa yelled. y/n slowly pulled the door open. " heyyyy Anisa" "y/n, open the door, i want to come inside!, and meet one of your riders, max!" y/n looked over at him. "Nice to meet you y/n" he said in a Australian accent.

"George went with Ian to the store. Your lucky y/n, they're going to be the ones to buy the snacks!" you laughed " that's good, i thought i'd be stuck with everything. Anyway come on inside." Anisa and max both come inside and sat on her couch, with y/n following behind. "So, what's up?" y/n said. " oh nothing much" said Anisa.

" we were just in the area, and decided to stop by, and make sure you know about the destination." "yea, i know where. Kansas city right? For some unknown reason, and we leave tomorrow at sometime" "OK so the time we will stop by will be 4am, so we can get a good start" " then! The event is called..."

"hey i missed lunch" y/n thought " after they leave i should make a sandwich or something. But what if they don't leave, i can't just kick them out. Maybe they're going to force me to let them stay the night. 4 is very early."

"hey! y/n! Did you hear all that?" "oops" she thought " yeah, i got it all, it's all good. Nothing to worry about!" y/n said over enthusiastically " well if you say so, me and max are going to head out. We'll see you in the morning!" y/n walked them to the door and showed them out.

" yep! See you then!. Bye Anisa, max." "bye" Anisa and Max said in unison. And with that she shut the door. " OK it's time for food!"


y/n slowly regained conciseness, and groggily rolled over to block out her alarm. "This can't be happening" she thought. "That dream is amazing and i need to get back."

she slowing reached out from under her cozy blanket nest, to feel for her alarms snooze button. She felt around on her bedside table and soon found it, and tiredly but triumphantly pushed it.

But the sound kept on. "Wa the hell?" y/n said as she pushed herself up. "Wait that's my doorbell! Oh it's them!"

y/n got up regretfully, and put some sweats on, and fast walked to the door. "Sorry sorry, i'm here now." she said tiredly. "Finally!" Anisa said " it felt like an eternity out here. Are you ready to go y/n?" y/n rubbed her eyes " yeah, i'm packed.

But i need to get dressed, come on in, i'll just be a minute." she looked over Anisa shoulder to see who all was there.

Max and some guy who she had never seen before. " i think that's George" you thought. After everyone was inside, you made your way back to your room to change.

But of course you were too tired to function, so you just left your sweatpants on, and changed into a soft sweater.

" come on y/n, we don't have all day!" yelled Ian. "K, i'm done" " this morning is not going to sit well with my mood" you thought, as you made your way into your living room. " OK, ready?" you asked.

You got yeps from everyone, and made your way into the garage, and unlocked the doors,and popped the trunk. " OK everyone, use your tetras skills to stack your bags, mines already in there. I'll be in the car." you said as you made your way to the drivers side door.

" oi George, can i crash in the back?" said Max. " yea sure, guess i'll ride in front." George said tiredly. " OK Ian, that leaves us the center, so climb in." once everyone was inside, you opened the garage, and started the car and backed out. "Oki doki everyone, last chance to back out now"

"OK, OK y/n we get it your angry and sleepy, and don't want to drive." said Anisa, clearly done with you, this morning. " yes, yes. Fine, by you only asked me to come with, and pack, and drive. You never said i had to be happy about it." you said under your breath.

You heard George let out a small laugh. " well, at least someone's happy" you thought, and started up the GPS, and drove down the road. " destination, Kansas city. Estimated time, 26 hours." the GPS's monotone voice said.



" god this is already boring" y/n thought. "Plus i'm already at half a tank? How did that happen, I've only been driving for an hour. Maybe not even that long." "maybe i should try and make some conversation, they cant have left me all alone."

"wait a second" y/n said under her breath, and checked the rear view mirror to find everyone in the back asleep.

" oh my god, for real guys?" you said aloud. "Hmm?" said George in a sleepy voice, and opened his eyes a bit. " oh sorry, i was talking to myself.

I just looked in the mirror and everyone's asleep!" " guess i woke you up too George." George sat up in his seat, and rubbed his eyes. "No its fine, i wasn't sleep. I just had my eyes closed." you snicked. " if i was in your place, i'd be asleep so quick!"

he let out a soft laugh too. "From the little time I've known you, it seems like sleeping is your job! Just don't fall asleep at the wheel, and we'll be fine." "sleeping is only important to me from 10pm to 8am, and don't worry George." you turned to look at him. " my eyes never leave the road! You both laughed.

"Hey! Keep it down up there, some people are trying to sleep!" max whisper yelled from the back. " aww, and i was just going to turn the radio on." " don't even try it y/n." Ian said with his eyes closed."

" fine, fine. Go back to sleep already." George slid down in his seat again. "Count me in. wake me up when we're there." and turned his body to face the window. " after awhile i need to stop for gas" y/n thought, and looked down at the time " it's 5 now, so in like 30 minutes i'll look for a gas station."


hey,,hope you enjoyed. sorry if its kinda bad and slow, but I promise there will be more, and it'll pick up some more later. Ill add chapters on Tuesday nights , or if i'm absolutely dead, Wednesday mornings. ( I low-key need feedback, so i know if i suck or not ) Thanks!

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