Fren Fight

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Neither did Tyler or Josh spoke a word, making the already-boring ride even more boring. Tyler wasn't the kind of person to talk much, though Josh was, but he didn't want to start anything bad, knowing how grumpy his best friend can be sometimes. Besides, he'd just broken up with his girlfriend Brooke, so it was best to not say anything. If he managed to breathe something that didn't suit Tyler's mood, he'd most likely drag himself into an hour long philosophical lecture that spoke mainly of Josh and Tyler's ex.

So, Josh decided to let his mind drift to silence, resting his head gently onto the car window and gazed lovingly at the view outside. Ohio wasn't much of a pretty state, but he kind of loved it a lot. He grow up in this state, and he loved the beauty that it had when fall comes rolling by just a little too much. He loved how the trees wore a gorgeously warm red-orange color, how the weather was slightly chilly, but wasn't so cold that he had to wear multiple layers of clothes, and he loved the peaceful environment here.

"Brooke," Tyler suddenly said, startling Josh a bit. He turned sharply, looking at his best friend. Tyler didn't seem like a very friendly person anyways, yet, he still felt the need to look extra grumpy like he's about to drop a sick disstrack on Josh. To be honest, Josh felt a little anxious around his friend whenever he's like this. He knew for sure that there lived two faces in Tyler; One was the nicest, the cutest he'd ever known, and the other was Blurryface, a guy whom Josh wouldn't want to mess with. "Brooke, she, uh, texted me, when I was still in my therapy class."

"What did she say?" Josh asked gingerly.

"She still loved me, and she wanna be with me again. Honestly," Tyler rubbed his face roughly. "I want to come back with her, too, but Blurry wouldn't allow me, he said that she didn't meet up to my - or rather his - standards. We fought a little bit, but he still wouldn't let me come back to Brooke."

"Why did you let Blurry take control of you anyways?" Josh asked, fingers lacing together.

"I can't control him, you know that, Josh. He's in charge of my life, sleeping, bathing, eating, even my family relationships." Tyler sighed, though his eyes never leaving the road ahead even for just one second. Even then, Josh could tell that he was very stressed, the way that he gripped the steering wheel as if he's holding onto dear life, so hard that his knuckles basically go white. And he didn't seem like he was going to loosen up any moment now, all he did was frown and ask Josh: "How was your day?"

Josh sighed, too, resting his chin onto his palms and looked longingly at the empty road. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to tell Tyler about the shadow in Logan's office earlier, but at the same time, he didn't. He knew Tyler was the person to have creepy thoughts or jump to conclusions, even though they might be illogical. But, this might not be the kind of concern he'd better jeep to himself, he really needed to share this concern. "I saw a shadow, Tyler, it was outside my Glass box."

"What did it look like?"

Josh thought for a moment. "Tall, big, six feet and up, no limbs, but it had a pretty ugly beard. It had red eyes, glowing, and it stared at me like it's about to eat my soul alive. And it knows how to question my thoughts." That last sentence was a bit of a nonsense, but Josh felt threatened because of it.

Tyler, already not so calm, suddenly slammed the brakes and the horn, making Josh almost fall out of his seat despite being buckled up securely. Then, Tyler grabbed the hem of his friend's jacket, pulled him closer and grumbled. "I think it's time that we call for help from more professional doctors. Or even the police if that's necessary."

"Woah, what the heck, Ty?" Josh shrieked, completely scared. "I really think that it was only imaginary, I was going through a mini panic attack. Please don't jump to conclusions, Tyler, making the police mad is not funny!" But Tyler didn't seem so convinced, he jerked his chin as if to say You sure? 'Cause I'm pretty sure that we need help. "Besides," Josh continued. "D-Doctor Logan said that I wasn't mentally stable, plus me not having enough sleep for the past several days, I think it's just an illusion."

"Anxiety doesn't work like that, Josh!" Tyler almost screamed. "If I remember correctly, you only have anxiety, Josh, not schizophrenia."


"If you don't remember, allow me to remind you," Tyler said. "You're having sleep paralysis lately, too often to be considered normal. Whenever you woke up, you saw a shadow, big, small, feminine, masculine, doesn't matter, staring at you from the foot of your bed. And every dang time is the same exact one that you just described. For God's sake, you texted me at three in the morning, weeping about! Frickin' fight me, man!" Then he let go of Josh, sitting nicely and starting the engines, driving once again calmly. For awhile, he said, ever so quietly. "I just care about you, man."

Josh nodded but didn't speak.

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