BOBA. 003

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(A/N: bru i don't know what to write for this chapter.) HARDLY PROOFREAD‼️



That stupid meeting is over. It's already 5:45 now I only have an hour to get ready. I better hurry home.

"Wait Niki!" I hear Sunoo yell my name as I turn around, "I'll pick you up." I stated as I knew he was gonna ask if he had to get his own ride. I started laughing as I saw how beautiful he looked as he scratched the top of his.

Oh. It's obvious I like Sunoo. I don't understand why the whole school doesn't have a crush on him. He's literally perfect. I'm bad with my emotions so instead of trying to get close to him or admit my feelings, I made us enemies. Stupid decision but it's far too late to back out now. I planned our hang out for both reasons, one so I can count it as a date in my mindset. Also to get the assignment completed easier and while having fun. Work smarter not harder.

-Time Skip-

I finally arrived home and now it's 5:55 so I have to move even faster now. I quickly went in the bathroom and got ready, I showered, washed my face, and put on some lip balm.

I actually was struggling with my outfit for awhile and I didn't even think about what to wear when I asked Sunoo to hang out. I ended up going with a simple casual outfit. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

(celia didn't feel/know how to explain it this wonderful outfit. it's actually from a magazine!)

After I finished I grabbed my phone, airpods, wallet, and my car keys I ran out the door.
As I got in my car I pull out my phone and texted Sunoo asking for his adress since I didn't get it earlier, I really left out a lot of important questions.

sun 🌤

yo, sunoo! what's your address?
I'm about to leave

oh you're right!

it's ******* park

you're a lot closer than I thought
be ready i'll be there in 5 minutes

see you soon

I shut off my phone as I make my way to his house. I'm so excited!



I just grab a whole bunch of random clothes and try them on until I find something nice. After trying on around 7 outfits, yes i'm that fast of a changer. I found the perfect outfit. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

(still lazy </3 i have mma practice soon)

I hear a horn honk outside which tells me Nikis here, I grab my phone and wallet and quickly put it in my bag. I felt my phone vibrate, I guess it was Niki. He has no patience.

As I run out my house I trip but catch myself before I fall, I look up to see Niki standing outside his car looking like he was about to come over to me and help me.

but goddamn, he looked fine as hell in his outfit.

"Hi Niki, I like your outfit" I quickly say as I tilt my head and wave. "I like yours too sun, it makes you look less stupid." He chuckled. He guided me in the car and ran to his side to start driving.

After a few minutes he could tell I was upset, "couldn't help yourself huh?" I mumbled as I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "aw sun come on, I was kidding you generally look cute tonight, you always look cute but right now it's like overload cuteness" Niki rambled on. I looked at him as I was shocked that he said would say that, anyone could obviously tell he was flustered as his face was really red and he was avoiding eye contact.

"Really?" I asked, I wanted to tease him a little but also press on for my own good.

"yea.. now stop asking questions you book worm." he sighs, he looks deep in thought now.

"How come you always call me a book work, I don't read that much?"  I questioned ignoring the fact that he said don't ask anymore questions.

Niki he stoped at a red light and looked me dead in the eye, " you just don't listen." he chuckled. "but I call you a book worm because your always studying. Everytime Jungwon asks to hang out he has to beg you or drag you away from your research books. Then when your not studying your just reading. You never seem to go out anywhere."

"How would you know all of this?" I generally asked.

"hush hush!"

I just laughed after he hushed me and he went back to driving. The car ride was quiet, It felt comfortable but at the same time it was awkward. I didn't know how I felt. Soon enough I notice Nikis hand reaching for the radio as he turned it on, "got to quiet for my taste." He laughed.

He was right though, I'm guessing he doesn't like the quiet either.

He turned the volume up and Butter by BTS was playing, "ooh I forget about this song" I chuckled to myself. Soon enough me and Niki started singing the songs that came in the radio. It was actually a lot of fun.

Without even realizing it we arrived at the boba shop and it was already dark now, when I left the sun was still out. As Niki parked he saw me about to open my door and he reached his arm over and quickly stopped it, " a true gentleman would open the door for you. here I am" he winked as he rushed out the car and to the other side.

what is up with him today? he's being oddly romantic I expected him to be mean..

"Thank you" I said as he helped me out the car. I felt like a princess, my dad would yell at me for thinking that if he was here. "You're welcome" Niki smiled. That was actually the first time I saw him smile to me. Whenever I saw him smile at school he'd look at me right after then stop smiling and would start glaring at me. He's very confusing tonight. "Come on sun!" He chuckled as he grabbed my hand and started pulling me to the boba shop.

Calm down Sunoo

You're perfectly fine.

He didn't do it on purpose it just happened by coincidence.

He just happened to have not notice he's holding your hand it's alright.

"Niki! Why'd you park so far from it I can't keep up with you!" I sighed as I was running behind him and couldn't slow down because he's was holding me.

"Don't worry Sun it's alright! It's more fun running to the place I promise." He laughed as he kept running. "Do you not see all those cars speeding past?!" I yelled. "Of course I do! That's the fun part." He laughed even louder as he hears my gasp. "Niki! I'm scared." I shouted.
"Don't worry I'm right here, I got you Sun." He giggled as he looked back at me and smiled. It felt like everything froze. As soon as we started to pass all the cars stopped.

"Niki! What the hell was that? Why'd they all stop like that?!" I asked as I kept shoving me as we walked in the Boba shop, "I don't know to be honest I tried it out once and they stopped. After that they always stopped so why not do it everytime I come?" He giggled as he held the door open for me. I sighed heavily, he's so carefree.

"H-Hello how can I help you today?" The lady at the cash register asked. She looked our age and the only person she was staring at was oddly me. Before I could answer her Niki answered for me, we agreed before hand that he was ordering to keep me from embarrassing myself. "I'm ordering for us." He deadpanned, "I'll have a strawberry milk tea with extra boba and you can give him the oreo slush, with boba" I would've struggled saying that so that's why I let him order for us. "Ah— coming right up. Your cost is $27.89" she simply said. "Since when did the price for boba get so high?!" Me and Niki said in unison. "What? If you can't afford it you can pay for yourself and I'll pay for the one next to you.." She said straight to Niki, smirking. "No trust me, I can pay for both of us." He pulled out his card and swiped it on the card reader. "hmm, okay. Your order will be ready soon!" she exclaimed. "May I ask who's making them?" I asked cautiously. "ah— y-yeah its yeonjun in the back, and my names irene!" She happily introduced herself as she stuck her hand out for a handshake. I reached for it before Niki stopped me. "The flu is going around.." He mumbled as he pulled me away. I really wanted to laugh but I suppressed it.

It was so tense between the Irene and Niki for the rest of the night. As we were waiting for our drinks no one else was coming in to order so her and Niki practically had a glaring contest. Then whenever she looked my way she'd stick a piece of hair behind her ear, smile, and then wave at me. "She's weird. I don't like her." Niki grumbled as he crossed his arms and faced the complete opposite way from her. "She obviously jacked our price up higher. I saw the original price would've been $12.56.." I stared at him wide eyed, "why didn't you say anything?!" I screeched. "Because it would've called a scene and I didn't want Yeonjun hyung to come out, he's my cousin. That's the new girl he told me about and I don't wanna upset him." He sighed.

"So you'll call him hyung but not the one you forced to come out here?" I asked as I rested my face on my hand and held eye contact with Niki. "You agreed to come. If you didn't want to we could've hung out at one of our places." He fired back as he started to hold the eye contact as well. "Oh well I'm sorry! I didn't know I had another choice." I shot right back. "If you didn't want to come out here then you should've told me!" He said. "No one ever said I didn't want to. If anything I'm very happy ai came!" I stated. "Then why'd you make it seem like you didn't wanna come?!" He laughed, "because I'm bored." We both sighed realizing that whole convo was very stupid.

"You are such a idi-" Niki's words got cut off as the girl from the cashier slammed two drinks down on the table, luckily none spilled nor did the container bust. "Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to spam them down but I couldn't help but over here your convo that I had to stop that hot from offending you." She sweetly said as she only stared at me and when she did stare at Niki, she'd give him the side eye. "oh— it's alright. We joke like that with each other!" I lied. "that's not a good habit .." she mumbled as she smiled and walked away.

"She tried to drug me." Niki deadpanned. "What are you talking about?!" I said as I got up. "Come here and look at my drink.. she didn't even try to hide it." He laughed. I walked over and you could obviously see white particles that weren't apart of his drink. "Wow.. she's crazy" I mumbled not know what to do in that situation. "Here give me your drink and get ready to run again I'll keep yours safe." Niki smirked as he looked back at me. I simply nodded my head and slowly walked towards the door and watched Niki wondering what he was about to do.

"Was there a problem with your drin-" She was quickly cut off as Nikis milk tea came in contact with her face. "Try and drug me again and I'll call the police!" He laughed as he ran towards the door, grabbed my hand, and ran out running any way away from his car. "Wouldn't it be easier to go to the car?!" I asked as I try and keep running. "Nah! She's chasing us and I don't want my car or your ride home recked." He laughed as he pulled me into an alleyway to loose her.

Sooner or later she ran right past the alley way. So we had a solid 10 minutes to get back to the car. As I was too busy watching making sure she got far away I was wondering why Niki was so quiet. I look next to me and he's not there.

"he left?!" I gasp.

"No sun, I'm right here.."

I look straightforward and boom, he's in front of me. This alley is creepy cramped. After finally realizing the way we were in I automatically backed away only to run into the wall behind me which shoots me forward now my head is laying on Niki chest.

"ah— I'm sorry." I ramble as I walk out side ways so we both can get out the alleyway. "It's alright no worries sun, it's funny your shorter than me and this just actually helped me realize it more." He laughed, before I could get a word in he grabbed my hand again and starting running to his car so we can head home.

-Time Skip; Sunoos house-

"Thank you for today. Yes it was chaotic but I had fun!" I smiled at Niki as he smiled too. "No problem. I had fun to and we'll do it again on friday!" He exclaimed. "Without even asking if i was free first?" I laughed. "We'll you don't seem to be hanging out with Jungwon anytime soon as he is always with his boyfriend." He chuckled and he leaned on his car. "you do have a point bur how about you kidnap for the weekend and we'll all go out Friday ? Your friends and mine?" I suggested, Jungwon wanted to do karaoke on Friday me this week, he wouldn't mind if he can take his boyfriend.

"Sure I don't mind." Niki smiled, but he seemed a little sad. "uh— I'm sorry for how I am at school with you.. I generally wanted to be friends but I don't know how portray my feelings.." Niki apologized. "oh! It's alright no worries." I laughed as I tried not to burst out laughing. "If I'm still mean just know I'm still struggling" He noted. I nodded my head. "We'll it's about time I go now, again thank you for tonight I had fun and can't wait to do it again!" I said as I started fidgeting with my fingers behind my back. "Me too, it's pretty late. I'll leave once I see you get inside safe and sound." He said. I laughed and nodded my head as I walked in my house. Mom was sleep on the couch, she most of been waiting for me..

I look out the window and wave at Niki as he drives away and surprisingly he saw me and waved back.

tonight was so much fun.


So i was supposed to post this last night but I fell sleep. Reminder that this is the longest chapter i've written so they're will be a lot of grammar mistakes even when I proofread so please bare with them. Since I worry this long one the next few chapters may be a little shorter (800-1600 words) this one currently is 2649 words 😄 Thank you for reading!


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