RAINY. 010

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A/N: this chapter wasn't planned out I'm winging it.



Niki quickly helped Sunoo put his shirt back on and made them be in a position where It couldn't be suspicious and turned the tv on. As if they were watching netflix.

"Niki! oh. I didn't know you had someone over.." Niki's sister, Konon embarrassingly said. "Anyways, Niki I told you to have the door locked ! Yet the door was unlocked and your shoes seems like they were just chucked off as if you weren't paying attention! You even took your friends shoes and did the same!"
She sighed heavily as threw Nikis mail at him. "I apologize for my brothers behavior! Anyways y'all have fun and go back to whatever you're doing! I was just coming in the check up on Niki!" She giggled before closing the door and then they heard the front door open and shut.

"Sorry about her.." Niki muttered. "Well our shoes were chucked off, we walked in the house and the moment the door closed you pinned me against the door and started making out with me." Sunoo laughed as he clung himself onto Niki. "Now let's continue shall we?" Niki eyes filled back up with lust as him and Sunoo went back to their alone time.

[ two weeks ❤︎︎ later ]

Sunoo has found himself having no time for each other now that exams had rolled around. Sunoo kept staying home studying like crazy and ignored Niki whenever he wanted to hang out. Niki on the other hand couldn't give a single fuck about exams or his studies. He just wanted to spend all his time with his hyung, his sunshine, his sunoo, though it never worked out that way since Sunoo kept ignoring him.

Sunoo sometimes but rarely facetimed Niki while he's studying. Surprisingly, Niki never got bored. He'd just admire the way Sunoo looked while he was focused. He would have the front part of his hair tied up into a ponytail as he was wearing one the shirts that his dad gave him, Sunoo told Niki he didn't like he dad though he liked the big shirts he got from him.

Now though it's been days since Sunoo last facetimed Niki and let's just say Niki isn't handling it well. Whenever Sunoo does answer his text they're quick and short reply's "yeah" "sorry, studying." "maybe later" "not rn sorry niki" So Niki being Niki, instead of depriving himself of Sunoo how about he distracts himself, by heading down to a studio.

hmm, looks like it's going to rain today, might as well bring my umbrella in case it rains early.

Then Niki made his way out of his house, already telling that it's going to rain hard as the mood outside it's already gloomy. Yet, so many people walk the streets.


When has the studio ever been closed? Never, so why is it closed today? I got on the bus which is a 15 minute drive but the next bus won't come until another two hours. The distance for walking back is 45 minutes. Niki sat in deep thought wondering if he should go home or just find something to do around the city.

Then it started pouring. You're kidding. 

Niki quickly looked for shelter somewhere but noticed that all the shoppes had closed. "What the fuck?" Niki muttered confused on why everything was closed today. He had no choice but to open up his umbrella and walk home.

-Niki's Pov-

How the hell did I manage to take a wrong turn and not notice?! For all the years I've lived here and always came down to the city I should know the way by heart now. I have no idea where I am and I've taken so many wrong turns already. After a few minutes of thinking I sigh and pull my phone out, never thought i'd do this again..

Niki slowly pulled up a gps to his house and sighed disappointedly as he realized it'd be a 35 minute walk and the rain is showing no signs of stopping anytime soon.

After a few minutes of Niki really judging himself for getting lost and having to use a gps he finally began walking. Around 10 minutes into his legs are already giving out. "I've been walking too much for my own good." Niki mumbled to himself before he started running trying to hurry up. Quickly enough 15 minutes pass and he recognizes where he is so he can turn off his gps and take himself home.

I was never really fond of rain, whenever it rained I'd get extremely sleepy which I most definitely didn't like, I'm still young so I'd like to use my energy when I wanted to but the rain would ruin that a lot. Niki snapped out his thoughts as he sees a familiar brown hair boy standing in the rain with nothing covering him from the rain having his head down leaning on a wall.

"Sunoo hyung?!" Niki shouted just to make sure he wasn't imagining things, he'd often see illusions of Sunoo when he missed him heavily. The brown haired boy quickly lifted up his head and sure enough, it was Sunoo. I wasted no time running over to him covering him with my umbrella not giving a fuck if I got wet, Sunoo was standing in the pouring rain with no jacket on. "Niki? What are you d-doing here?" Sunoo stuttered out, he's freezing cold.

"I was going to the studio but it was closed like all the other stores, but besides that why are you out here, not only that but without an umbrella or at least a jacket?" I panicked completely confused why my hyung was outside, shouldn't he be studying?

"Well, my mom went out for a little bit and I got bored but you weren't picking up so I went on a walk but when I came back I realized I had locked the door and forgot my key." He laughed, "so I decided to walk again then it started pouring.." I stared at him in complete shock.

"my god, come on let's go to my house. You'll get sick if you stay out here any longer." I said as I grabbed Sunoos hand and began walking to my house.

Sunoo sneezed before he could even say his next words, "sorry, but my mom will be home any hour I'll be fine!"

"No more excuses! any hour is too long! You're already sneezing hyung. You have no choice."

-10 minutes later-

Niki who was still my holding Sunoos hand arrived in front of his house. If anyone were to walk past they would have checked on Niki to see if he was okay as he was wheezing trying to catch his breathe since he tried to get home the quickest he could without "endangering Sunoo."

"Come on hyung, it's warm inside and my sister is on a date with yeji today, and sola is out shopping with mom. They won't be home until later tonight."I said as I pulled Sunoo inside. I didn't get that wet surprisingly but Sunoo hyung is still wet from standing out in the rain for god knows how long.

After I helped Sunoo take off his shoes I ushered him into the bathroom first, "take a warm bath and take as long as you want when you come out I'll have some clothes for you, or I could drop them off in the bathroom while you're in there!" I said as I soon realized how embarrassing this is, Sunoo could obviously tell I was worried about him. "Just... drop them off in the bathroom. Thank you Niki" Sunoo smiled before he slipped in the bathroom.

god, that was embarrassing!

Around 10 minutes later I got some clothes for Sunoo, they were obviously going to be too big on him but I mean what did he expect? I don't usually keep my old clothes.

*knock knock* "Hyung? can I come in?" I asked nervously. "Y-Yeah come in niki!" Sunoo said but it sounded like he was outta breath. I opened the door and a whole bunch of steam hit me in the face, HOW HOT DID SUNOO HAVE THE WATER. "N-Niki can you help me? Like w-wash my back?" Sunoo stuttered. "Sure sun, but I'm going to creak the door open so some steam can get out." Sunoo just hummed. I slowly walked over to the bathtub and opened the curtains, soap was up just high enough to cover Sunoos part, the makeup that was on his neck that didn't get washed off by the rain somehow, was now gone as Sunoo was scrubbing his neck harshly.

His smooth pale skin now was flushed from the heat of the shower, the soap holding onto his body at all the right places.

"Hey Niki, wouldn't it be quicker for us to just... s-shower together?"


Short chapter because this chapter was taking too long 💀 I think for the next chapter I won't do actually smut but maybe some foreplay like before (yes I gotta bring back some heated scenes as this was your fluff chapter) i'm debating if i should add some jerking off. so for the love of god please give me your opinions I legally cannot update without getting intel 💀



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