Chapter 4

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Now, this may be sort of weird, but my brother and sisters wanted to be in the series, so I put them in. I had them make up last names and whose son or daughter of greek god they wanted to be, so I had to find a way to make them related to me. I still don't know how, but in the story we are related. Sorry for the confusingness! Vote, Comment and Enjoy! Happy Reading!

(PS happy reading is my trademark)

Clover POV

When I made it to Thalia's pine tree, everything was maham. The Stoll brothers were arguing about who should be the one to take the cute girls’ luggage. Katie was having another fight with Pollex. A few of the Aphrodite kids were fighting over who’s hair looked best. Everyone, whatever job they had, were standing on the hill, waiting apparently, or fighting over something. I wanted to scream, and I did so.

“EVERYONE!! SHUT UP!!” Everyone fell silent and looked at me. I took a deep breath and started,

“Thank you. Let’s get to positions. Demeter and Dionysus, head to the kitchen. Hermes, bottom of the hill, by the road. Athena, top of the hill. Hephaestus, bottom of the hill, on our side. Aphrodite, down by the road with Hermes. Apollo, you will be meeting the new campers at the cabins. Break up into groups for each cabin. No Artemis or Hera cabins.” A few of the kids groaned. I continued,

“Ares, I know you are to supervise everything, but no harm will come to the new campers. If you have questions, first come to Athena’s cabin. If we don’t know, as Chiron. Got it?” Clarisse glared at me with pure hatred, but agreed. I knew she would kill me later, but I didn’t back down. I returned to assigning positions,

“Jason, stay with Aphrodite’s cabin. I think that is everyone, am I right?” Nobody spoke up. “Good. Let’s get to our places, the bus will be here soon.” People left to do their jobs, but I stood by the pine tree. I hated when I had to yell to get people’s attention. It made me feel.... bossy. Like Drew. Speaking of Drew, she was starting to bother Piper and Jason down by the street. I sighed, and was about to go break it up, but someone tapped my shoulder. I turned and saw my sister standing there, Zoe Turner. Her short blond hair was hanging in her face and she had a hand on her hip. Her blue eyes looked at me, as if waiting for an answer.

“Well....?” she asked. I blinked,

“Sorry, what?” Zoe rolled her eyes in that little sister way that drove me crazy.

“Is Carl and Amanda coming on the bus?” she asked. I shrugged,

“Maybe.” Okay, this might be a good time to explain my family. I had a brother named Carl Walters, who was the son of Hermes and a sister named Amanda Grove, who was the daughter of Dionysus. We were brother and sister, but it was SUPER confusing. How so many gods were attracted to our family, I had no idea. And no, our parent’s did not cheat on each other. I know, I lost you, but just hear me out. We all have different last names, but still, we were related by brother and sister. Okay, before I get to into the technicalities, I should just move on.

(Shut up Leo! I don’t care if you find it weird, it is just the way it is. *punches him and he makes comment back* Ugh, you are impossible...)

“They better, and if they aren’t there, I am calling mom.” said Zoe, leaning up against me. I smiled. Zoe would always do things without thinking. (Perhaps you noticed in the last book)

“Carl I am sure is coming. He needs to get trained better. Amanda told me she was a little nervous to come. She didn’t want to be the odd one out.” Zoe shrugged. She understood what I meant. I ruffled her hair and said,

“Go on. Go stand with your cabin by the road.” Zoe flattened her hair and hit me playfully. She waved goodbye and ran off to welcome the campers. I shook my head. I couldn’t believe she was that old already. I remembered when I was that young, stumbling across the border with my brother and sisters. Long story short, monster’s chased us and my mother told us that we should hop on a plane to New York. We did and made our way to camp, with help from a satyr. My brother and sister went back to live with mom and dad while I watched Zoe at camp. It was heartbreaking at times, not being able to see my mom or dad, but I was able to get used to it. Zoe shared the same feelings sometimes. I sighed and looked down at the camp. The cabins gleamed in the sun and the smell of the strawberries was so comforting, as if I were back in Utah. There was a super loud, HONK!! and a bus came down the road. I looked into the windows and saw some of the familiar faces. Carl was sticking his hand out the window, moving his hand up and down with the wind. Amanda was messing with a mini pegasus, which she has called Buttercup. The bus stopped in front of Half-Blood hill and made all kinds of screeching sounds. When the doors opened, kids started pushing their way out of the hot bus. Carl jumped off and brushed his long hair out of his face. My mom had complained that he looked like Justin Bieber with that hairdo, but Carl was too stubborn to cut it. Amanda hopped off and stuffed her pegasus in her pocket before anyone noticed. She was a huge fan of horses. I smirked. She should meet Hazel, I thought. Then, I realized that Hazel hadn’t come into the story yet. I waved and Carl was the first one to see me. His face lit up and he yelled,

“Clover!” He came barreling toward me and I prepared for a huge bear hug. He hugged me super tight and I tried to hug him hard back. Amanda followed Carl and slammed into me with a big hug as well. We stood there and hugged each other as hard as we could until Carl let go. He smiled up at me with a huge mischievous grin. Amanda had her hair pulled up in a headband that helped her thick hair stay out of her face. Her blue eyes gleamed, like Carl’s, mine and Zoe’s. That was probably the only resemblance between the four of us. Carl was ten, while Zoe and Amanda were thirteen and I was sixteen. Zoe and Amanda were twins, I guess. At least that was what I was told. I had no idea how their parents could be different, but I decided not to ask. We were all three years apart, which was pretty odd to me because in Greek mythology, three was always an important number.

“Gods of Olympus, you guys have grown!” I said, ruffling Carl’s hair. He grinned and pushed my hand away. Amanda smirked,

“Well, you think we have grown? Look at you! Sixteen already?” I nodded,

“I know, doesn’t time fly?” Amanda leaned in and put a hand around my ear, as if she were going to whisper something.

“Did you get him?” she asked, almost rasping in my ear. I looked at her and nodded,

“I’ll tell you the details later, and maybe you can meet him.” Amanda almost looked like she would shoot into the sky like a rocket. Carl rolled his eyes,

“Girly stuff..” he muttered then looked down at the Hermes cabin unloading the luggage. “They better not ruin my lego creations. If they do, I will hurt them.” I knew he would follow through with the threat. Before Amanda, Carl, or I could say anything more, Zoe came running up the hill at full speed and grabbed her other siblings in a huge bear hug.

“OMG!! It is has been forever!” Amanda and Zoe screamed and jumped up and down, still in a hug. Carl was able to pull out of the hug and stumble away. Amanda let go and looked at Zoe, excitement filling her eyes.

“You have to tell me everything!!” The girls hugged once more and screamed with excitement. I smiled and hugged Carl again. I let go and looked at him,

“No jokes on your siblings, deal?” He frowned.

“Ah come on! Just one?” I smirked,

“As long as it isn’t on me.” Carl broke into a grin. I turned to face the girls.

“Alright you two, break it up. We need to get Amanda and Carl to their cabins.” Zoe nodded and took Amanda’s hand in hers.

“Come on! You need to see the new clothes I got!” and with that, the two girls ran off down Half-Blood hill. Carl followed behind them, his hands in his pockets of his jeans. It was nice to have my family all in one spot again, and I hoped it would stay that way. With one last smile from my sisters and brother, I left to help the other new campers get settled into their new home.

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