Chapter 8

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Sorry, but this one is extra short! Hope you enjoy it! (I own the games, not the place. Clover and her friends are mine)

 Leo POV

Leo was glad to see everyone enjoying themselves, but some part of him was sad. On the first two holes, Clover made it hole in one. Leo had to get it in several times, but hey, that, he didn’t think, was bothering him. They played mini golf for at least an hour and a half before deciding to move onto the next activity. Leo had cleared out one of the passageways to make a bowling alley. He had placed old pieces of metal at the end of the way so they could be used as pins. But instead of normal bowling, you had to set the balls on fire. Leo had no problem with that, but he knew the others wouldn’t be able to do that. He had made sure to grab as many heavy duty gloves he could make for the them to use. Clover went first and got them all knocked down on the first try! She cheered and flung her arms around his neck.

“Leo! This is the best birthday party ever!” He smiled then the two of them sat down on one of the old pieces of engine Leo had blown up and watched the others go. A few of Clover’s friends got burned, but Sierra solved that problem. Since she was the daughter of Apollo, she was able to heal everyone who got burned. Clover had her head on Leo’s shoulder watching her friends bowl. Leo pulled out a clock and checked the time. 2:17 PM.

“Is it time for the next activity?” Leo shook his head.

“Not yet. We will play a few rounds of firing.” Clover lifted her head and asked,

“Firing? Isn’t that something guns do?” Leo laughed.

“Not all Birdbrain. The game is Firing. Instead of Bowling, it is Firing.” Clover looked like she was offended.

“Birdbrain?” she asked.  Leo spread his hands.

“What? I need a nickname for everyone.” Clover rolled her eyes and put her head back on his shoulder.

“I don’t know how many times I can say this, but thank you. I was having a pretty rough birthday until you did this.” Leo shrugged, which made Clover’s head move up and down.

“It was the least I could do.” Leo looked at the clock again and decided it was time to move on to the birthday cake and presents. He let the others to finish the round before he said,

“Hey guys, it is cake time!” Clover lifted her head and looked at him with fear. He gave her a questionable look then stood up. “This way party guests!” Clover rolled her eyes and stood up to follow. Leo lead the crowd toward the clean tables (Yeah! He cleaned things up. It’s a miracle!) and waved his hand like a butler. He even said it in a british accent.

“Your names are next to your seats. I will be right back.”

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