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- "Leave me alone."

Sana looked at the angry male in front of her with wide eyes. She knew something wasn't right when Taehyung didn't speak to her at all on their ride back, unlike usual when he'd always be the first one to initiate a conversation. It was unsettling and she was even more frustrated because she didn't know why he acted like that. Earlier, he just roughly pulled her away from that guy, proceeded to give her the silent treatment... and now he wanted her gone?

- "Why are you upset?" - Sana's voice was full of concern and it made Taehyung's gaze softened a little... But it didn't change the fact that she kissed another guy after all the things he'd done for her. His heart ached painfully whenever he saw Sana and remembered that horrible scene he witnessed hours ago.

- "Do you..." - He tried to force down the lump in his throat, determined to complete the question that he'd always wanted to ask. - "Do you have any feeling for me? I mean as in... romantic feelings..."

Sana felt her stomach dropped looking at Taehyung's current heartfelt expression. She wanted to erase the sadness in his eyes, but she honestly had no idea how to do that.

- "I..I'm sorry..." - Her head lowered. Even though it was obvious he was expecting a clear answer, Sana wouldn't lie to him no matter what. The concept of "romantic feelings" was still something foreign for her, as they've never discussed that topic since her memory was gone. Unfortunately, Taehyung misunderstood her intention and thought that was her way of rejecting him.

- "Please... stay away from me."

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