1.10. Hành trình viết bắt đầu

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Hành trình viết bắt đầu

Ngoài nghe những lý do của các tác giả khác, bạn cũng phải tìm hiểu xem mong muốn của bạn là gì nữa.

Bạn có thấy được sự tương đồng trong trải nghiệm và suy nghĩ giữa bạn và các nhà văn trong Vì sao tác giả viết không?

Hãy cùng thảo luận về những phản hồi của họ liên quan tới động lực và lý do của bạn:

>Những điểm giống nhau giữa trải nghiệm của từng cá nhân họ?

>Có bao nhiêu yếu tố ly kỳ xen lẫn sự thật trong trải nghiệm và tình huống cá nhân của họ khiến họ trở thành nhà văn?

>Yếu tố nào trong trải nghiệm và tình huống cá nhân của bạn có ảnh hưởng tới việc viết của bạn?

© The Open University


I'm just a normal abstracted student and I had never thought about writing or taken writer's work seriously. Until one day my dream of being in a relationship with someone I liked a lot fell apart. I struggled to keep myself together at that hard period of time to the moment that everything I had been abiding burst out. I knew that I couldn't take it anymore and starting writing all of those negative thinking and feeling down. After that I began to write down my "kopfkino" (an imaginative movie in your head that you are the director).


Lisa Walker

Mine was a family of storytellers, though I don't think they would identify themselves that way. Ghost stories (their own interactions with the odd) were a part of family gatherings and I was mesmerized by them. I still crave the intimacy, the bond, and the divulging of secrets that came with their storytelling. I also spent most of my childhood outraged at the injustice of a mother who doled out punishment based on her emotional state. I imagined stories, examples that I could tell her to make her understand how crazy her reasoning was. A desire for vindication and, yes, some revenge through use of shaming by fairytale started very young. Escape through imagining what should be was an everyday necessity. My reasons are very similar to some of the writers above. Maybe enough to be cliche? But why try putting stories to paper now (I'm old people)? Boredom and a love of learning.


Stacey Forbes

Many of the writers featured wrote to reconcile their feelings about themselves identity and life experiences, to make sense of themselves and the world around them. I relate particularly to Michelle and Tim. Michelle who wrote the deal with her anger at what she saw as a oppressive, sexist religion. Tim who wrote as a unhappy child trying to understand the world around him. My emotional world is very important in my writing and I find writing helps we process, understand and deal with difficult experiences

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