Chapter 11

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while but I'm back now.
And first I would like to thank JuviaGirl for making this lovely cover for my book. Thank you so much 😘😘💜💜💓💓💗💗💕💕💞💞💖💖💜

Romeo's pov
I sighed as I sat at in my seat in home room. I looked around to see that Wendy wasn't here yet. After about 30 minutes of waiting our homeroom teacher entered the class and there was still no Wendy. I leaned forward to where Chelia was seated and whispered "Where's Wendy??". "I don't know, I called her but she didn't pick up" she answered. Then suddenly as if on cue Wendy walked in with messy hair, bags under her eyes and her uniform on backwards. The whole class burst put laughing including me. "Sorry I'm late" she said glaring at everyone in the class. "Take a seat" the teacher said trying to hold in his laughter. She walked to the seat beside Chelia an sat their. "What happened to you??" Chelia asked worried. " Well my brother thought I was dating Ro- I mean a certain someone so I had to spend the whole night explaining to him that I don't have a boyfriend and to make him leave me alone I had to promise him that he would be the one to choose who'll date me and not what" she explained. "Hahahahahahaha" I laughed tears coming out of my eyes. "Shut up!!!" she yelled hitting me across the head.

"Ow" I groaned. "We need to fix this" Chelia said. "How?" Wendy asked. Chelia smiled and reached into her bag she pulled out some hair products and makeup. Wendy backed away in fear. "No way!" she yelled. "Why not?" Chelia whined. "I don't wear make up or any of those cute things" she said. "Oh atleast let me fix that birds nest on your head" Chelia huffed. "Fine, but no make up" Wend warned.

Chelia nodded and began spraying Wendy's hair with detangling spray and the brushing it. After about 10 minutes of brushing and spraying she finally done and the room smelled of hairspray. All the boys heads were out the window trying to breath and somehow the girls were immune. "Thanks Chelia" Wendy smiled. "Your welcome. Oh and your uniform is on backwards" Chelia replied.  "Why didn't anyone tell me!!" Wendy yelled and took off her jumper. All the boys blushed. "Don't change here!!" the boys yelled. "Relax I'm only Puting my jumper the right way" Wendy sighed. We all ran out the door as soon as the bell rang. Tears of joy sprang out of the boy's eyes.

"I can breathe!!"

"I've never been so happy to go to P.E"

"I was about to faint"

"How do girls survive with those products?"

"Forgot them I feel sorry for any male siblings that live with that"

"And I though girls got it easy"

All the girls sweatdropped as they stared at the boys over exaggeration. "I don't know why they are over exaggerating" Chelia said. "But it's true" I said. "Oh wasn't that bad" Wendy defended. "Oh really" I pushed open the classroom door to see our homeroom teacher and 3 other boys had fainted because they couldn't handle the stench.

"They're just weak" she retorted. I just rolled my eyes and walked in the direction of the P.E Hall.

Wendy's Pov

"OK class so today the boys are going to be playing rugby and the girls are going to do gymnastics" the teacher smiled. "Awww" most of the girls frowned. "Yes the boys cheered." Fine then what do you girls wanna do" the teacher asked. All the girls looked at eachother and began discussing what they wanted to do. Then after about 2 minutes of discussion they all yelled "ballet!!". "He'll no!!" I yelled, "Is that even a sport" I continued. "You can't hate it till you try it" Lake spoke. "Well there's no way I'd be caught dead in a tutu" I said. "Alright since everyone doesn't agree we will be doing gymnastics" the teacher grinned. "But-" I was cut off by one if the boys "Will you shut up so we can begin our rugby match" the boy yelled and the boys chuckled. "I hate you all" I murmured.

Thanks souch for reading and I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I apologise for updating.

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