Chapter 13

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I woke in to my phone ringing. "What??" i asked answering the phone. "Hey" the person answered. "What do you want, Romeo?" I asked. "Weeeeelll... Could you come over?" he asked. "Why?" I asked. "Your my girlfriend you don't need to ask why you just need to come" he said which made me wanna laugh. "Just tell me why?" I said. "I wanna show you something" I could tell he was smiling. "K" I replied. "Oh and you need to go to my moms place." he added. "I don't know where your mom lives" I said. "I'll text you the address" he said. "K" I replied. "Oh and one more thing" he said. "What now?" I asked. "Could you buy me some McDonald's on the way? Thanks love you" he said before hanging up. "That boy irritates me so much" I growled. "But I can't help but fall in love with him" I sighed dropping my phone on the table and went to get ready.

I wore a black cropped hoodie with black leggings and runners. I brushed my hair and put it up into a high ponytail.  I ran downstairs only to be stopped by my brother. "Where are you going?" he asked staring me down. "To a friends house" I giggled nervously. "I'm hoping that friends a girl" he crossed his arms over his chest. "Yeah it's Chelia's" I lied. He stared at me for a few minutes before sighing. "Be back before 7" he said. "I will" I smiled and kissed him on the cheek. "Oh and I also wanna stop by McDonalds on my way there" I said cutely. "Here" he said giving me some money. "Love you Bro" I yelled running out the door.

I walked into McDonalds and bought 2 Mcflurrys, a double cheeseburger, large fries and a fanta.

As I was walking out of McDonald's with the food I bumped into Chelia.

"Hey Chelia" I smiled. "Hey" she smiled back. "Where are you going?" I asked. "I was actually on my way to your place" she answered. "Well I'm going to Romeo's place, wanna come?" I smiled. "Sure" she said. We talked as we walked to Romeo's moms house. "I thought Romeo lived that way" Chelia said confused. "He told me to go to his moms place" I said. Looking at the address he sent to me. "The thing is... I DONT KBOW WHERE THE FUCK THIS PLACE IS!!!" I yelled out in frustration. "Let's see" she said taking my phone. "Oh yeah, this place is literally around the corner from where Eve lives" she smiled. "Eve huh" I smirked evily. She blushed "It's not like that!" she yelled in embarrassment. "I just sometimes go over to his house when he wants to hang" she blushed harder. "You love him~" I cooed. "What about you and Romeo" she said changing the subject. "Yeah we're dating" I said. "Your what?!!!" she yelled.

"Why didn't I hear of this!!" she yelled. "I texted you bit you never replied" I answered. "That's because Eve broke my phone yesterday and went to go get it fixed" she said. "Eve broke your phone?" I asked. "Well I was laughing at a text Lucy sent me. Then he teasingly grabbed my phone. And I was too short to get it so I accidentally hit his arm and he dropped it off the balcony" she explained. "I don think that's fixable" I said following her. "That's exactly what said!" She basically screamed. "But I just let him do his thing" she finished.

"So when did you and Romeo become a thing?" She asked. "Yesterday" I yawned. "That's so cute" she squealed. "Is it really?" I asked. "Yeah" she nodded.

"We're here" Chelia beamed. "Wow, it's just as big as his dad's place" I said. "Wendy!!" I heard Romeo yell. He ran out the door an the gate automatically opened. "Did you buy me the McDonald's?" He asked with stars in his eyes. I handed him the bag  "Yes!" He yelled. "Why is Chelia here?" He asked. "I'm starting to think you hate me" Chelia cried. "No I don't hate you. I just find you annoying" he smiled. "Thanks that makes me feel a lot better" she said sarcastically. "Chelia!! Wendy!!" I heard another voice call from inside. "Hey Eve" we replied. We all walked inside the humongous house. "So does Mr Condon live here with your mum" I asked. "Yeah" he sighed. "Are they home?" Chelia asked. "Yeah. My mom's in her study and the pigs asleep" he said. We walked up the stairs. "Whatever you do don't go into this, this and thinks room" he said pointing at three rooms on the right side of the hall. "Ok" we all answered. We walked into a room in the far end on the corridor. "This is my room" he said holding the door open for us as we walked in. "Awesome" Chelia and I said.

"You have stairs in your room" Chelia said. "Where does lead to?" I asked. "The roof" I answered stuffing the cheeseburger and some fries into his mouth. "Cool" I said sitting down beside him on the bed as Chelia and Eve sat on the floor. "Why did you buy two Mcflurry's?" He asked. "Oh ones for me" I said taking one of them. "I want some" Chelia smiled. I just handed her the ice cream because if I tried fighting her I'd Just end up losing. When it comes to food Chelia is a killing machine. "You can share with me" Romeo smiled. I smiled back then gave him a confused look. He finished everything I bought for him in 5 minutes except the ice cream. "What?" he asked.  "Does your mom not feed you" was all I said. "Well, kinda" he said. "What do you mean?" Chelia said. "When my mom's on a diet everybody in the house is too" I said. "So your not allowed any junk food" I said. He nodded "She won't even let me eat cereal she says it's unhealthy so I said that I'm not gonna stand for this an she said then I could starve to death." He cried. "So that's why you asked me for the McDonald's" I said hugging him. "Yeah" he said wiping​ away his fake tears. "Hahahahahahahaha" Eve laughed. "It's not funny!" Romeo snapped at him. "Its only been an hour since you are not counting the food Wendy kindly bought you that you still haven't thanked her for" Eve laughed even harder. Which made Chelia and I giggle. "Stop laughing! I'm a growing boy" he yelled then turned to me. "Thanks for he food babe" he smirked then kissed me. "Aaawwww" Chelia cooed. "What did you say you wanted to show me" I said breaking the kiss. "Oh I can't show you it now it's not time yet"he smiled. "Then when!!?" I asked impatiently. "Later" he said. "How about we play a game?" Chelia asked. "Sure" Eve answered. "Let's play-" she was cut off by the door opening. "Romeo!!" The woman yelled. "Yes mom" he whined. "Oh you have friends over" she smiled.  "Yes I do, now what do you want" he said. "I was wondering if you wanted to order a pizza for dinner because I'm not gonna be here" she said. What happened to you di-" he was cut off by his mom. "Do you want he pizza or not?" She asked glaring at him. "Yes" Romeo squeaked. She handed him some money and was about to leave when Romeo stopped her. "Wait are you gonna leave me here with the pig" he whisper shouted. "Romeo he's not a pig" his mom retorted. "Then sloth" Romeo said. "He's not a sloth either" his mom sighed. "Koala, armadillo, opossum, hippo, panda shall I continue" he said which made us burst out laughing. "Romeo just be nice" his mom said then left. "Why does she hate me?" Romeo asked. "She clearly loves you" Chelia smiled. "If she did she wouldn't level me alone with that warthog" he mumbled. "Are we gonna play that game or what?" Eve said. "Yeah, let's play truth or dare" she said we all groaned.

Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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