Chapter 8

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Wendy's Pov
We all glared at Yoshio. "Well it was a good idea at the time" Yoshio defended. "idiot" I mumbled and he heard. "No your the idiot for acctually following me" he retorted. An irk grew on my forhead. 'i seriously hate this guy' i thought. "Guys there is no point in just standing here and arguing" Chelia reasoned. "Yeah she's right we've gotta get out of here" Killua agreed. "And how are we gonna do that?" I asked. "By doing what boys do best" Yoshio smirked. "And what would that be? Flirting?" I joked. "No and even if it was Why would we flirt with men?" Yoshio asked. I just facepalmed and ignored his question 'hes so clueless'. "Anywho, the answer to your question is rough housing" Romeo smirked. "But we're only gonna knock them out" Romeo said glaring at Killua. Killua laughed nervously. "Hey would you kids quit blabbing and just save us the hassle and just get in the van!" one of the men yelled. ""Your actually dumber than I give you credit for if you think we'd actually think we're gonna listen to you fools" I commented. "What did you say little girl" One of them asked walking up to me. And as the person I was I gathered all my courage togeather and stood my ground. "I called you...." I paused pointing at each and everyone of them. "a bunch of fools" I finished. "She gonna get herself killed" Yoshio mumbled. I quickly glared at him then looked back at the angry man in front of me. "Fools?!" he looked murderous. "Wendy I think we should just go hide behind... Erm.... The boys" Chelia said trying to pull me away from the man. I got to admit I was really scared but I couldn't lose my cool. "Yeah, fool. Buffoon, halfwit, blockhead, nincompoop, moron, simpleton, imbecile, dullard, ass" I said with sass. "I'm gonna teach you how to respect your elders" He grabbed me by the collar and lifted me up. "Hey put her down!" I heard the guys yell. "Make me" the man smirked and his friends started surrounding the boys and Chelia. "This is gonna hurt a lot little girl" He snickered raising his fist ro hit me. I shut my eyes waiting for the impact but nothimg came instead he dropped me. I opened one eye to see that the man was unconscious on the floor. "Don't ever do that again!!" Romeo yelled. I quickly nodded, he was angry and it scared me. "Now get behind me we still have a few more to knock out" Romeo said glaring at Killua. Killua sighed and dropped the man which he was choking. I got up and went behind Romeo as he fought 2 of the remaining men. I glanced over to Yoshio to see all the men within a 30 centermeter radius of hum unconscious or half dead. "How did he do that?" I mumbled. "We'll explain later. C'mon"  Romeo said grabbing my hand and running. Killua did the same with Chelia. I could tell he was struggling since she was fangirling. "C'mon your lagging behind" Rome said. So I sped up but still couldn't match his speed. "How long is this alley way" Killua asked. "We're almost there" Yoshio answered. "Hey! Get back here!!" The man from before was running after us. "Can't you just forgive and forget!" Chelia yelled. "I think he needs to hear an apology first before he could forgive or forget" Romeo stated. "If your implying that I should apologise, I'm not gonna" I retorted. He rolled his eyes. We emerged out of the dark alleyway and took a sharp right. "He's still chasing us!" Chelia yelled. "Then I'll just have to alow him down" I said stopping and turning around. "Don't be stupid! Let's go!" Yoshio yelled. "Look out!" Romeo yelled and pushed me out of the way."Ahhh" Romeo yelled as a knife that the man threw cut his arm. "Romeo you ok?" I asked. "Yeah I am" he scowled and glared at me. He then grabbed my hand and we started running again. 'I think he's angry at me now'. I thought and frowned. "Hey do you kids wanna lift!" we heard an angelic voice call. "Mira!!!" the boys yelled. Yoshio quickly opened the car door and jumped in the front seat while we squished ourselves in the back. "Oh, what happened to your arm Romeo?" she asked. "We'll explain later just Go!" Yoshio yelled. "Well, I don't like your tone mister" she said. "Why is she so stubborn?" Romeo groaned. "Just go!!" Killua yelled in a menacing voice. "Fine" she sighed and drove away. We all sighed in relief. I turned to Romeo to see he had a deadly aura surrounding him same with Killua and Yoshio. "I'm gonna kill him!" they all yelled at the same time which startled Mira which made the car swerve.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Ly all bye👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋👋

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