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pretend to sleep just to stay by Jessica a bit longer. Anything to be by her side.

As if hearing her inner thoughts, the arm around Tiffany hugged her tighter. A small smile was revealed over Tiffany’s head. Anything.


While they received news on Tiffany and Jessica being alright, they had yet to hear anything from Yuri. Unlike Jessica, she had no IoSeph as back up.

Yoona was pacing left and right. Wasn’t Yuri just walking fine and helping Tiffany down? But then right after Jessica woke up, Yuri literally tumbled, falling to the ground. It was revealed later on that she after taking so many hits from those unnatural fighters, it was a mixture of exhaustion as well as injuries that went deeper than skin.

It has already been a few days. The doctors said Yuri would need another check up by today and Yoona was waiting for her as well as the result. Yoona bit her lip, stomping on the floor in frustration. Why were the doctors taking so long? As if they heard her, the doctors exited Yuri’s room, clipboard in hand. Yoona didn’t know what to make out of their expressions as they walked past.

Yoona couldn’t wait any longer. Turning the knob she let herself in only to find Yuri half dressed. Yoona couldn’t control herself. She gawked.

“Ya!” Yuri yelled in surprise, trying to get herself unstuck in her shirt with difficulty. The more she struggled, the worse it got. Darn her arms for being so stiff and slow. Her reflexes were worse than a snail’s now from all the aching.

“I…um …should…I …go…out?” Yoona mumbled, averting her gaze though was oddly tempted to not. Yuri finally got herself unstuck, throwing it on quickly and buttoning in the speed of light. It was odd for Yuri to be shy about her body. Honestly, even Yuri thought this might be her first but right now, she wasn’t feeling overly proud of it.

“I thought you guys are going to visit later today?” Yuri mumbled and Yoona nodded.

“Yes, um…that was the plan but I came earlier,” Yoona replied quietly before looking up again. Yoona stifled a smile. In her haste, Yuri had mismatched the buttons and their holes, leaving her shirt lopsided.

Yoona smiled as she walked up to Yuri.

“What are you doing?” Yuri stuttered when Yoona’s fingers met her shirt. She was less than arm’s length away.

“You idiot, you got it wrong,” Yoona scolded lightly, but secretly grinning inside. She loved the fact that Yuri was feeling vulnerable.

“You probably don’t-“ Yuri started, lifting her own hands to stop her but too late.

Yoona stopped unbuttoning, hands frozen at the sight. Yuri was bruised so badly that her skin was literally purple. Yoona had seen the swollen lip and eye back then but this…this truly hurt her.

Yoona’s gaze flickered up meeting Yuri’s eyes and asked silently for permission. Carefully, her fingertips touched her darkened skin on her chest and Yuri flinched from the electricity sent from her touch.

“Did I hurt you?” Yoona asked, startled by her reaction but Yuri shook her head.

“No,” she replied in merely a whisper but Yoona could hear it loud and clear. Her fingers grazed what seemed to be three cuts from claws of an animal on her neck. It was healing but slowly. Yoona didn’t dare think what would have happened if these cuts were any deeper.

Her hands closed into fists on Yuri’s top, pulling her in slowly and Yoona kissed where the cuts were. Yuri’s eyes widened, frozen from the shivers Yoona had just sent into her. Yoona was careful not to hurt her as she planted soft kisses on her bruises on her neck and widening the open for her to kiss her shoulders.

Yoona suddenly felt a hand on her cheek and pulling away she looked at Yuri with uncertainty.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” Yuri said with a smile. “Just that I love you more than words could describe. Forgive me for ever hurting you before. I’d beg but I can’t really bend my legs right now.”

Yoona felt soft lips against hers. Yuri’s hand caressed her cheek, kissing her gently. This time, she wanted to show more than desire. Yuri wanted to show love.

She had never tasted softer lips, never felt a softer touch. Yoona pulled back slightly, arms still around her neck. Yuri gave her a questioning look.

“Aww, am I too ugly for you now? I promise it’ll get better and I’ll be hot again,” Yuri joked and Yoona gave her a quick peck on the those teasing lips.

“I just never thought you could kiss this way,” Yoona told her, blushing. “You tend to have a stronger side.”

“If you mean last time when I went to get you, it was because I thought I wouldn’t be able to see you again so I-“ Yuri started and Yoona shook her head, interrupting her. Yuri was now fully confused.


Yoona bit her lip shyly.

“The other time…”

It finally hit.

“You told me nothing happened!” Yuri exclaimed, taken aback. “I mean, yes I was drunk but when I woke I was still-“

“I er…clothed you again,” mumbled a voice quieter than the squeak of a mouse. Yuri’s mouth dropped open, slapping a hand onto her forehead.

“And I forgot that?!?”

Yoona just stared. This really wasn’t the reaction she was expecting.

“You don’t sound overly shocked,” Yoona stated flatly and Yuri’s face split into a smile.

“I’m actually feeling more regret than shock at the moment,” Yuri grinned. “But I do get a second chance right? I’m so much better sober.”

Yoona raised a brow.

“Wow, you really are dirty. Jessica is right about you.”

“Oh well, it’s my charm,” Yuri shrugged. “But seriously, what she say?”

“The second day after I started work, Jessica told me to always be wary of you,” Yoona explained with a laugh. “Like, wear more when I’m with you. Minimum arms length distance. Didn’t you realize that for the first week I was wearing turtlenecks before I realized not to take Jessica seriously?”

Yuri scratched her head and then snapped her fingers.

“Oh yea, you did. Black first, then striped, then an interesting blue and then white,” Yuri recited from the top of her head. “Have to say you look best in the white one but of course, I liked everything else you wore more that didn’t choke your neck.”

Yoona smiled sweetly at how easily she repeated what she wore. Even she didn’t remember. She blushed even more when she realized Yuri had taken notice of her since the day she joined WYE team.

“Gasp! Daydreaming Yoona is turning red,” Yuri teased before asking. “Am I part of that daydream?”

Yoona punched her lightly but Yuri groaned in pain. Yoona’s eyes widened in horror.

“Ow, ow, ow, ow,ow,” Yuri chanted as her bruise stung.

“I’m so sorry!” Yoona squealed, fretting over nothing as Yuri revealed a mischievous grin. Yuri trapped her in her arms and lips clashed again, except Yuri was taking the initiative now.

Passionate and heated kisses were shared between the two as Yuri took her in closer than ever. Yoona’s fingers tangled with her hair and Yuri’s hand hooked on her neck. Her patient top dropped to the floor, once again revealing those bruises but Yoona could only feel burning skin under her hands, smooth and tempting.

A knock interrupted them and without warning, the door flung open. Yuri and Yoona froze in place, staring shocked at the incomers. Thank god Yuri was hidden behind Yoona.

Sooyoung and Hyoyeon had their brow raised. Seohyun on the other hand was watching something on her cell, ears plugged in. Without taking her eyes off the Keroro playing screen, she placed the fruit basket down.

“We walked into another pair…” Sooyoung muttered as she rested her head on Hyoyeon’s shoulder. “Twice a day…just our luck.”

“What a waste of worrying time,” Hyoyeon sighed as she dragged Seohyun back out.”At least the first one made us go awwww. This is just graphic.”

“Do you think we should visit Onew and Luna? I mean…three times a day is too much for me to handle.”

“Tch, you don’t have to worry. Luna has more brains than all four of them added together. She would have the decency to lock the door,” Hyoyeon muttered back and Sooyoung nodded in agreement.

“Bye Yuri unnie! Bye Yoona unnie!” Seohyun said cheerfully one last time before being pulled out. Yuri and Yoona blinked in total shock.

“Uh…I don’t mind tarnishing Sooyoung and Hyoyeon’s already corrupted minds but I thought Seohyun was totally absorbed in her screen,” Yuri started slowly.

“But she knew I was here…”


Bonus Two

YoonYul ^^ (Don't worry, I finished a JeTi bias bonus)

“Our new house,” Yuri grinned as she flung the door open. Yoona raised a brow.


“I-I mean…my…my new house,” Yuri stuttered, trying to brush it off as nothing. Yuri noticed how unfazed Yoona was and that bothered her oddly. Okay not oddly, Yuri felt downright sad but she was not going to show it. Free from her father’s reign, her first decision was to get out of the house he owned and went off to find her own. She had always wanted to live in a condo with a great view. That had been her plan and she went forward with it immediately. No longer needing to call herself a billionaire’s daughter, she was simply Kwon Yuri who wanted to make a living for herself and…

“Nice view,” Yoona commented, staring out into the city and then plopped herself down on the couch. Yuri nodded, sliding her hands into her jean pockets with a shrug.

“I’m glad you like it,” Yuri said simply. “You want a tour?”

Yoona smiled and got up, clapping her hands together as she did. Honestly, there wasn’t much of a need for a tour, simple as her new home was but Yuri was just going to drag this on longer. Purposely finding an excuse to take Yoona up here by herself, Yuri was hoping she’d get more than a ‘nice view’. She was wanting approval after all she had done to the house…or tried to do to make it look perfect.

“The kitchen is here,” Yuri pointed out, stating the obvious. “Dining room.”

Yuri looked at Yoona hopefully, wondering if the dining table had sparked something. Actually, she was hoping that the couple couch did too. One random day a long time ago, they were helping Jessica choose furniture for her new house and while Jessica was busy actually looking for furniture, Yoona and Yuri had just sat lazily on the couch watching Jessica scramble.

“Jessica, choose that table,” Yoona said, pointing at the circular glass table across from them. “It’ll fit nicely in your house.”

“Really?” Jessica paused, pondering. “I actually was thinking of a rectangular one…it’ll fit my dining room better and glass doesn’t quite match.”

Yoona’s mouth turned into a ‘O’.

“I think it looks nice,” she finished quietly.

“Jessica, why do you have to choose today to shop?” Yuri yawned, extremely tired. “We all just did all nighters for three days in a row and Yoona doesn’t even live close by.”

“It’s alright,” Yoona said hastily but couldn’t stifle her yawn. Jessica looked at both of them apologetically.

“I’m really sorry but today’s the last day the furniture goes on sale. I’ll finish this quickly. Promise.”

“You’re as cheap as ever,” Yuri sighed, leaning on the couch exhausted.

“Well, I can’t help it. Not rich,” Jessica muttered, already walking away to find another table.

“I’ll pay you to let us go to sleep!” Yuri called after her but didn’t catch a response. “Seriously, only we put up with-“

Yuri froze when Yoona leaned onto her shoulder, falling asleep. Yuri blinked nervously, hoping Jessica was nowhere near. If Jessica saw this, she’d think Yuri was taking advantage. No, Yuri simply took her hand into her own. Yuri looked down, a small smile drawing on her face before she let her hand go again.

Keeping to herself, Yuri had her own hands together on her lap despite Yoona’s being so close. Yuri simply let her sleep, pretending for one second that there was only the two of them.

“I’m done!” Jessica announced moments later. “I placed my order. Let’s go.”

Yoona jolted awake and smiled at Jessica. Yuri watched Yoona jump out of her seat and Yuri soon followed. The trio let the department store with Yuri lagging slightly behind.

Yuri put her hand on her head, slightly dumbfounded. It wasn’t supposed to be a happy memory but it stayed.

“Is this your room?” Yoona’s voice suddenly breaking through.

“Huh? Oh um yea,” Yuri answered, realizing she had stopped completely in the kitchen and Yoona left her to explore some more.

“Oh, I like the curtains,” Yoona commented, playing with it with a smile. Yuri leaned on the door , relaxed and arms crossed. All she could say was natural light suit Yoona best for she looked absolutely stunning.

Yuri cast her gaze downwards. She was still disappointed at the lack of response. She’d thought that it was more or less official now. Even JeTi went to Japan...Yuri assumed it was a semi honeymoon. Yuri loved her and well, she was pretty confident that Yoona felt the same but why was there suddenly doubt? Stupid insecure Yuri, she thought to herself. She ran into a burning building for her, Yuri pouted as she kicked thin air, Yoona had to at least understand that. That was her life she willingly thrown into pits of fire.

“Yoona,” Yuri started slowly and Yoona turned.

“Hmm?” Yoona answered.

“I bought this place…”

Yoona looked at her curiously, edging closer. She was definitely not used to hesitant Yuri.

“For…myself and…”

Yuri shook her head, ending it there. Her remaining pride didn’t want to sound too stupid. Was she going too fast? Sure, it hadn’t been that long since she finally got out of the hospital and she supposed those lonely hours in there while Yoona was at work had gotten her missing Yoona so much that she’d thought of this. Idiot!

“Let’s go eat,” Yuri suggested, motioning Yoona to follow.

“You didn’t finish your sentence!” Yoona called after her, chasing her down. Yoona tugged on her sleeve and Yuri turned back, surprised.


Now Yoona looked embarrassed.

“Just…finish your sentence,” Yoona mumbled, now tugging on her fingers. Yuri secretly smiled inside at how childish Yoona had become.

“What sentence?” Yuri said, feigning cluelessness. “Let’s go eat?”

“No…not that,” Yoona said even quieter and Yuri waited patiently for her give in. So Yuri had been played but not any longer. Yoona pointed at the table and then at the couch with an unwillingly given grunt. Yuri kept her poker face on.

“Yea, I like the furniture too,” Yuri threw out casually and watched Yoona erupt.

“Yuri, you stupid stupid stupid,” Yoona fumed, throwing Yuri’s arm away and stomped towards the door. Yuri had to laugh, grabbing hold of her wrist before Yoona could go any further. With much force, Yuri dragged her back and into her tight embrace. Yoona tried to break free but Yuri kept her locked in her grasp.

“For myself and for you,” Yuri finally declared and felt Yoona stop struggling in her arms. “I’ve bought this place so that if you ever need a place to go, you can come here and maybe if I beg enough, you will stay here…”

Yuri placed her hands on Yoona’s shoulders and pulled away.

“With me,” Yuri finished softly, wanting to make sure that Yoona understood that she would always welcome her, always want her.

Yoona paused, heart beating a bit too fast as she looked into Yuri’s eyes. No joke, no mischievous glint that Yuri usually carried with her twenty-four seven, just plain serious. Since it wasn’t too often that people saw this from Yuri, it meant a lot.

“I want you to live here with me so I can stop missing you every night, stop wondering if you got home safe and stop guessing whether or not you watch porn” Yuri repeated after the much too long of a pause. Yoona slowly lifted her hands and wrapped them around Yuri’s waist, burying herself once again in her warmth.

“I want to stay with you,” she finally answered in a whisper. “I'll be safe as long as I'm with you. You don't need to guess because I don't watch porn and you’re not allowed to stop missing me.”

Yuri split into a huge smile over her shoulder and returned the hug. Pulling back again first, Yuri smiled at Yoona and had her return it.

“I love you Yoona,” Yuri told her again. “Do you love me?”

Yoona answered with a peck on the lips. Yuri couldn’t simply let that pass. Yuri’s hand hooked tenderly on the back of her neck, pulling her in once again for something longer and deeper. Yoona’s eyes fluttered shut as Yuri’s nose grazed her own and lips connected.

She had turned so gentle, tender and careful with her touch and kisses. It made Yoona feel so delicate in her arms, never wanting to part. Still, feeling precious was one thing. Wanting her was another.

Yoona sent her arms over her shoulders, hands running through Yuri’s hair as she demanded for more. Clearly, Yoona hated Yuri’s hours in the hospital just as much as she did. The difference between passionately and hungrily didn’t seem to matter anymore as they kissed feverishly, Yuri’s back somehow meeting wall and Yoona, lost in the moment, bit down on her bottom lip. When they finally took a breather, Yuri could only be awestruck by Yoona’s actions.

“You’ve changed,” Yuri commented with a lopsided grin and saw Yoona blush, reddening her face even more.

“You changed too,” Yoona replied shyly as she pondered carefully on her next words. “You’re so much less…”

“We’ll find a balance,” Yuri said, saving her from explaining. Yuri took her hand and led her to the couch. Yuri sat down first, having Yoona sit on her lap. Yuri’s eyes flickered from her delicate face onto her own hand on Yoona’s waist.

“Somehow, I still think that this is a miracle,” Yuri admitted and Yoona lifted her hand to caress her cheek.

“No longer,” Yoona answered softly and Yuri was flushed with happiness. As if magnetically drawn or simply meant to be, their lips met again, claiming the other as their own. Yoona felt her weight shift and assisted by Yuri, she was lowered carefully down so that her back met the softness of the couch. Today, it was just them two.

“I love your house,” Yoona said mischievously in between kisses. Yuri smiled.

“Our house,” Yuri corrected. “Only for us.”

Unexpectedly the doorbell rang and Yuri groaned.

“Except when Hyoyeon and Sooyoung want to party crash. I told them not to come without calling me…”

Yuri reluctantly lifted herself up but Yoona refused to release Yuri from her grip.

“You think we can ignore them just once?” Yoona asked hopefully. Yuri broke into a grin.

“You’ve definitely changed for the better,” Yuri chuckled and as ordered, she stayed. And Sooyoung and Hyoyeon waited, party bags in hand, totally and completely ignored.

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