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Author: xylence

Chapter One

8:03 PM

Jessica tapped her watch impatiently. It was true that only a few minutes had passed and she wasn't really looking forward to this date anyways but couldn't she find someone who would be on time for once? Jessica let out a sigh and leaned back on her vehicle. A few onlookers sneaked a peek at the sleek motorcycle while others admired the young woman, twisting their necks to take one last glance at her. They ended up disappointed when they realized a bouquet of roses was strapped to the bike.

Jessica tried to ignore all the stares that she was receiving and fidgeted with her watch some more. This was one of the reasons why she disliked going out on dates, especially the ones Yuri planned for her. Jessica?s attention turned to the news lady on one of the nine televisions across from her.

"Two citizens have been taken hostage by armed men at Jasper Club on Le- "

That was all Jessica needed to hear to escape the date. The blonde put her helmet on and sped off.

Hara wouldn't mind...


Gyuri's team surrounded the remaining two men of the original seven. They had five members at gunpoint but in no way were they at an advantage. With a girl trapped in the rogue's grasp and a child in the others, it was impossible to make a move.

The two criminals were losing hope. The taller of the two, and clearly the boss, did not like the idea of getting surrounded.

"Let us all go or we'll shoot the boy," he tried his threat for the umph time. No movement. His fist tightened on his weapon and let out a frustrated grunt. It?s time to prove his threat true. He grabbed the boy by his shirt and lifted him up in plain view, gun barrel to his head. The boy cried and squirmed.

Everyone on the team looked at Gyuri for orders but none came. From behind her team leader, Tiffany couldn't take it anymore.

"Wait!" Tiffany carefully strode forward, hands up in the air with a calmness that completely contrasted her true feelings.

"Don't come any closer!" he screamed directing his gun at her.

"Let's make a deal," she said as she slowly made her way in front. A hand grabbed her arm, pulling her back to face the angry expression of her team leader.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" Gyuri hissed and her grip tightened on the wrist. Tiffany just shook her head and looked at her, determined.

"I know what I'm doing. Just trust me."

It wasn't the first time the younger girl said that to her. In fact, if Gyuri remembered correctly, it would be the seventh time and what came after the first six were just scrambled memories that she wished she had forgotten for the sake of her sanity. Just a blur of car crashes, her short boss yelling at her and a truckload of paperwork...nothing more than that.

Tiffany was indeed capable but undeniably hasty. Gyuri closed her eyes, let out a deep breath and loosened her grip. Seventh time the charm. Gyuri looked straight into her eyes.

"Don't screw this up. Lives are at stake."

The American nodded and continued her stride towards the man.

"Let's make a deal," she repeated, "You want you and your gang to get out of here unharmed and I want the same with the two civilians you are holding hostage. How about a one on one fight between you and me? All fist, no weapons, no interference and whoever wins gets what they want."

The man took the offer to consideration. He and his gang were on the losing end and yet the stupid girl had offered a chance to turn the tables. The cop looked no stronger than a typical high school girl and even if he underestimated her, he still had a backup plan.

"You better keep your word," he growled.

"You too."

They both dropped their guns to the ground and changed to a fighting pose. The girl gave a confident smirk.

You won't be smiling for long. Time to make a little girl cry.

The gigantic man lunged at her, pulling his fist back and letting it collide with that smug face of hers. Instead, he hit thin air as the girl dodged quickly and punched him straight in the stomach. He groaned but recovered quickly.

"You are going to pay for that!"

Unfazed, Tiffany blocked all his incoming hits with ease and returned every blow with deadly accuracy and strength. The man staggered back a few steps clutching his broken nose, bloodied up by a ferocious kick that he did not see coming at all.

This girl is crazy!

With a grin, Tiffany pretended to dust off her shoulder, aggravating the man even more.

So much for the big tough guy look. Let's finish this.

She started at him but came to a halt. The man in front of her pulled out a small glass container from his pocket and uncorked it. Inside was a colorless liquid. The man didn't even think twice and drained it. They promised him unmatched powers. Smacking his lips, he dropped the container. The world distorted in front of him and his mind lost all control but still he was able to sense his prey. A maniac like smile formed on his face and charged.

What the?!?

Tiffany was hit squarely in the stomach, propelling her backwards but was dragged by the arm and the man threw her mercilessly to the ground. Tiffany whimpered in pain. She didn't even have a second to breathe before the man threw his fist at her. She rolled away just in time to avoid the hit and picked herself up. Her eyes widened at the crater on the ground. Cement was not meant to be destroyed like that.

What was in the bottle?

His speed and strength increased so much that Tiffany could barely keep up with him. Nevertheless, she managed to land a few punches at him but was sorely disappointed to realize that her fist hurt more than her target. A few more minutes and Tiffany was on the ground once again, panting. Bruises covered all over her body. Her arms trembled as she struggled to lift herself up. She couldn't lose like this. Even if it killed her, she would have to win. Clearly, the man could care less as to what she wanted. He swung his foot back for the finishing strike. Tiffany shut her eyes.

For what felt like an eternity, the weakened girl opened her eyes slowly. A figure knelt in front of her, blocking the death worthy kick with the back of her arm. Blond hair flowed pass her savior's shoulders and even at this absurd moment, her confused mind screamed wow.

Jessica's arm instinctively wrapped around his leg, the other grasped firmly on his heel and pushed. He lost balance at the sudden lift. Falling back a few steps, he surveyed the newcomer. Small, just like his previous combater and similarly so, much to his annoyance, she started brushing the dirt of her shoulder as well.

"Aish! Yoona bought me this jacket," she muttered. Taunting was not in Jessica's nature but the unintentional gesture ticked off the giant nonetheless. The man started his assault once again but this competitor was ready.

Tiffany gasped as she watched the scene before her. It wasn't exactly Matrix but it was shockingly close. While she got beaten up to pulp by the never ending punches and kicks, she saw that the girl blocked, dodged and returned every single attack the other could offer and this time, they actually hurt. Incredible was an understatement.

She was not injured and was definitely not afraid but Jessica still wondered as to how this guy even managed to uphold this battle for more than a few minutes. His fighting skills were flimsy but what dragged on the battle was his zombie-like body which refused to break. His unfocused eyes also told her that his mind was not controlling his body but something else. Whatever it was, Jessica didn't have the time to fathom any longer. She slipped under his blind attempt to catch her, caught his wrist, twisted his arm around and struck him hard on his back. The man finally fell down, incapable of any more damage.

On the side, the fallen man's sidekick jumped when the blond turned to face him. He pushed the girl hostage straight at her and fled in the alleys behind the club. The teenager gave a squeal before being caught by the fighter's arms. Jessica quickly balanced the girl and ran after the remaining target. Of all the things Jessica hated, going on blind dates, her neighbor's insensitive dog, speed limits and occasionally Yuri, nothing could compare to the hatred of a criminal who ran free.


The taller girl took dominance as she pushed the other towards the wall, taking away the exhilarated girl?s clothes. The girl pinned on the wall gasped for air as she allowed the other's lips to travel freely downwards. Kwon Yuri was a hard girl to reject. The girl, and could only be referred to as 'the girl' for Yuri had neither asked nor cared for her name, deemed herself lucky to be able to receive a single night's attention of the oh-so-popular successor of Kwon Enterprises. The girl's pleasure was cut short though when a scared looking man crashed into them causing them to break apart.

Yuri wasn't all that pleased either. She picked up the man from the ground and punched him in the face without much consideration as to who he was. The man sank back to the ground unconscious. A few seconds later, a running girl turned into the alley and found the most ridiculous scene she had ever seen.

Jessica stared wide eyed at the struck man lying lifeless on the ground, a half-clothed girl in her 20s trying her best to cover herself without much success, and a rather unfazed person who she would have loved to pretend did not exist, her team member Yuri.

"Jessica! What a pleasant surprise!"

Yuri could tell she was pushing it. She noticed the shorter girl's fingers curl into a fist and before anything else happened, Yuri decided to just end it quick.

"Anyways, I see that you were chasing him and well, I just knocked him out so he's all yours now."

Yuri smiled brightly. Yuri's tone made it seem as if they were two friends that haven't talked to each other for ages and were catching up on recent activities. Jessica could have said a bazillion words, some cursing, some not at her but decided against it. She still had work to do. The blond gave an icy glare at her partner and immediately Yuri got the message and hoisted the man up, dragging him across the ground. Jessica always managed to get Yuri to do all the dirty work for her. Yuri followed Jessica wordlessly and all that was left in the alley was the embarrassed girl, searching desperately for her scattered clothes.


Gyuri threw a jacket over the injured girl and although it was a kind gesture, her frown did not agree with it. Tiffany understood exactly what that frown meant.

Meet me in the office after this is over.

Tiffany shivered from the cold. She watched as the seven gang members were forced one by one into the police van. Tiffany scanned around and found what she was looking for. Her savior was talking to Gyuri. The conversation ended as they shook hands and she turned to leave. Tiffany quickly siphoned through the crowd and ran towards the blond.

"Hey, wait!"

The girl turned and faced Tiffany.

"My name is Tiffany. Thank you for saving me tonight."

"You don't need to thank me. I was just doing my job."

An awkward silence drew upon them.

"May I ask what your name is?" Tiffany asked quietly.

Jessica returned a small smile.

"My name is Jessica."

And with that, Jessica turned back to her motorcycle and noticed the bouquet of roses still fastened securely on her bike. She lifted the strap and pulled out the bouquet. Jessica stared at it for awhile before turning back to the surprised Tiffany.

"Here. It was a tough battle. You were a bit reckless for striking that deal but you fought admirably tonight."

Tiffany could hardly hold in her surprise as Jessica handed her the roses. With a mixture of shock and delight, Tiffany watched Jessica as she drove away.

Chapter Two

The frustrated leader slammed the thick folder down, causing all her stuff on her desk to tremble. It was not her stuff that Gyuri wanted to scare but rather the thick-skulled girl across from her who just didn?t seem to understand what she was getting across.

"How many times do I have to tell you not to act rashly in situations like these?"

An unintelligible sound came from Tiffany as she found a whole new interest in her sneakers.

"Look at this. No, actually open the file. This is your record Tiffany Hwang. Understand that your record is only so huge not because of your astounding achievements but rather all the blunders you made since you ever became a police. Even with this record, I've chosen to trust you. Why? Because I believe that you are strong and capable. However, those two points doesn?t seem good enough to make up for the lack of brain usage you exert in crucial times like these."

If a mouse felt small, it was nothing compared to how Tiffany felt right now. She tried her last attempt to redeem herself.

"If we didn't do anything, the kid would've been killed," she said quietly.

Gyuri rolled her eyes and scoffed.

"Yes Tiffany. I know how important the lives of innocent people are but don?t you realize what could've happened if he defeated you? We would have to keep your promise and let everyone go! If we didn?t do what he wanted, out of anger he would?ve obliterated not only the boy?s brain but also endanger everyone who was there! Tiffany Hwang, do you understand me?"

Gyuri let out a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. The usually optimistic Tiffany was replaced by a pitiful creature who wanted nothing but to evaporate from the spot. Now that it was flung right at her, Tiffany wondered how it never crossed her mind before.

"I'm sorry."

Gyuri?s eyes softened.

"Look, I know you?re trying your best and your intentions were good. I admire how you are so willing to put yourself in front of danger to protect others, I really do. As a friend, I'm glad I've met you but as the team leader, I really don't know what to do anymore."

Gyuri picked up a letter and handed it to Tiffany.

"Bring this to the boss. Take care."

Tiffany took the letter and quietly exited Gyuri's office. She bade a long goodbye to all her team members and said goodbye to the fifteenth floor. Team KARA's floor. No longer belonging there, she sighed. Surely, the boss was tired of seeing her as well. The elevator ride could not feel any more familiar. However, this would probably be the last time taking it.


A knock sounded from her door.

"Come in."

Kim Taeyeon and Tiffany locked eyes once again and Taeyeon opened the letter handed to her by Tiffany and read with care.

"Alright. Take a seat."

The girl seated herself across from the short girl?s desk and Taeyeon began.

"Pany Pany Tippannyyyyy! What am I going to do with you? You've been in almost every single team! Panyyyyyy!" T.T

"Awww, Taetae. I'm sorry."

Childhood friends since elementary school, the pair would always call each other by their nicknames when something like this happened. Taeyeon was famous for her countless awards for being a great leader, her ability as an outstanding cop, facing danger one could not even imagine and for being the impartial and proud Head of four elite teams. There were only three people in the entire world who could get her down on her knees and that would be her mom, her dad and Tiffany.

After all these years, Taeyeon thought that she was immune to that apologetic puppy look but still, no matter how hard she tried, she would never be able to win against it.

"Okay, let's just cut the usual long speech short, shall we? Tiffany, in here Gyuri did not ask me to fire you."

Judging by the surprised look on Tiffany's face, she didn?t expect this at all.

"She's giving you a chance, just like how I want to give you another chance as well. Instead of firing you, I'm going to transfer you. I'm going to transfer you to a team that will be able to teach you great things, turning you into the great cop I know you are capable of. I'm sending you to the WYE team."

The what?

"Ummm?I think I misheard you, did you just say the 'Y' team?"

"Yes. A recent member left to go to the United States and a replacement is needed plus I feel that a change in environment wouldn't be bad for you at all."

I have never even heard of this team before. How in the world would I not know them after working here for three years?

Tiffany took a glance at Taeyeon's calendar, double checking that it was not April?s Fool day. The resolute expression on Taeyeon's face told her that this was no joke.

Suddenly, another knock came from the door and a tall, beautiful girl peeked into the room.

"Yuri! This is your new team member. Her name is Tiffany. Would you please take her down to your team and introduce her to your other team members and leader?"

"Hmm. Sure thing."

Yuri was delighted at the prospect of leading another gorgeous woman into the team. It was a complete shame that SunYe had to leave but hey, the newcomer looked absolutely hot. Yuri studied the girl from head to toe and smiled.

"Hi, I'm Kwon Yuri. Come. I?ll show you your new floor." She gestured Tiffany to follow and they both entered the elevator. The ride down was a short one. Surprisingly, the button only a few levels lower than the highest S floor was labeled Y.

"How come I've never noticed this level before?" Tiffany thought out loud. Yuri chuckled and gave Tiffany a pat on the shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. A lot of people for some reason miss this. Anyone who ever came to our floor could hardly recognize the fact that it?s actually police headquarters."

With a little ding, the elevator stopped and opened to reveal the WYE team's headquarters. It was unbelievable. In comparison to the desk-filled and gloomy floor that she once worked at, this one literally shone.

The blinds were pulled to the side and the view of the outside world was fascinating. With this height, every inch of the streets below was in plain view. Satisfied with Tiffany's 'omg' expression, Yuri took the astounded girl by the hand and led her in.

The automatic glass door slid apart to welcome the two. A vast part of the area resembled a rich, yet stylish, person?s living room, with white leather couches and a large plasma television hung on the wall. The design matched perfectly with the sparkling clean white tiles and on it was a well placed red rug. To add to the perfection, Tiffany noticed a small canteen with a large refrigerator located not far from the haven.

With much difficulty, Tiffany pulled her eyes away and surveyed the rest of the room. Now this was more like the office she was accustomed to minus the old fashion desks and ugly chairs. It wasn?t exactly office material but at least they were proper desks.

"Like it?"

No words came out. Tiffany loved it. Although it was missing a bit of the pink she absolutely adored, it was amazing.

"I'll take that open gap on your face as a yes," Yuri laughed. Tiffany immediately closed her mouth shut. She didn?t even feel it drop. Clearing her throat, she tried to redeem her dignity.

"So what does the letter Y stand for anyways?"

"Letter Y? Oh! You

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