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didn't buy one gallon. Did she buy 50 gallons?

No, Sarah didn't buy 50 gallons. How many gallons did she buy? She bought 30 gallons.

How many gallons of water did Sarah buy? Oh, none. None, zero. She didn't buy water. Sarah

bought 30 gallons of milk. She didn't buy water. How much did Sarah pay? Well, she gave the man

$100.00 and got back $10.00. What was her total? Her total was $90.00. Right. The total was

$90.00. How much change did she get back? She got $10.00 back. Right. $10.00. Did Sarah get

$15.00 back in change? No, no she didn't get $15.00 back in change.

Did John get $10.00 back in change? No, not John. John didn't get $10.00 back in change. Who

got $10.00 back in change? Sarah or John? Sarah, right? Sarah got $10.00 back in change. Did

Sarah pay $10.00? No, no, no she paid $100.00. She got $10.00 back, returned in change. How


much change did she get back? $10.00. She got $10.00 back in change.

When did Sarah get home? She got home at 11:00 a.m. Did John get home at 11:00 a.m.? No, no

John was already home. Not John, Sarah. Sarah got home at 11:00 a.m. Did she get home at

night or in the morning? Ah, she got home in the morning, a.m., in the morning. Sarah got home at

11:00 in the morning, a.m.

Was Bubba happy when Sarah got home? Yes, Bubba was happy when Sarah got home. What

was Bubba doing when Sarah got home? Bubba was waiting at the door. Was John waiting at the

door? No, no. Was Bob waiting at the door when Sarah got home? No, no, no, no. When Sarah

got home was Nancy waiting at the door? Noooo. Who was waiting at the door when Sarah got

home? Bubba. Bubba was waiting at the door. When was Bubba waiting at the door? Ah, when

Sarah got home. 11:00 a.m., right? Bubba was waiting at the door when Sarah got home at 11:00

a.m. So 11:00 a.m. 11:00 in the morning.

Was Bubba tired? No, he wasn't tired. Was Bubba hungry? Yes, Bubba was very hungry. What did

Bubba want? Ah, Bubba wanted the cat food. Right. Bubba was very, very hungry. Was Sarah

hungry or was Bubba hungry? Bubba was hungry. When was Bubba hungry? Huh, at 11:00 a.m.

Right. Or when Sarah got home. He was hungry when Sarah got home at 11:00 a.m.

Okay, that is all for mini story B. Listen to this story. Answer each question. Use your pause button

and listen many, many, many times. Okay, see you next time.


1. Bubba’s Food MS-C

Okay, welcome to mini story C for Bubba's Food. In this lesson I will ask more questions about the

story. I will ask questions you know. Questions from the story text and I will ask some questions

you don't know. If you don't know the answer, guess. Guess. Try to think of an answer. Say some-

thing. Anything. Okay, answer all the questions. Let's start. Let's begin.

Okay. Where was Sarah from? Ah, she was from San Francisco. San Francisco. Sarah lived in

San Francisco. Was Sarah married? Yeah, Sarah was married. Of course, she was married. Who

was she married to? Yeah, that's right. She was married to John.

Where did they get married? Hmm. Where did Sarah and John get married? Did they get married

in San Francisco or did they get married in India? In India of course. They got married in India.

Who got married in India? Sarah and John got... When did they get married in India? Ah, seven

years ago. Seven years ago they got married in India. Did they get married in China? No, they did-

n't. They got married in India. How many people came to their wedding? How many people came

to India when they got married? Ahh, 20,000. Twenty thousand people came to India when they got

married. Wow. How many people came to India when they got married? 20,000. That's right.

Twenty thousand people came to India when they got married. And when did they get married?

Seven years ago. Where did they get married? In India. Who got married in India? Sarah and


How much did they pay when they got married? Hmm. How much did they pay when they got mar-

ried? Did they pay $50,000? No, no, no they didn't. Did they pay $100,000? No, no they didn't.

They paid only $2.00 when they got married. How much did they pay when they got married? Well,

$2.00. They paid only $2.00 when they got married. Who paid only $2.00 when they got married?

Sarah and John. Where did they get married? In India. How many people came to India when they

got married? Ah, 20,000, right. Twenty thousand came to India when they got married. And how

much did they pay when they got married? Only $2.00. Only $2.00.

Why did they pay only $2.00 when they got married in India seven years ago? Ah, they paid only

$2.00 because they got a great deal in India. Did they get a great deal for their marriage when they

got married? Yeah, they got a great deal when they got married. They paid only $2.00 when they

got married. It was a great deal. Right. Very cheap. After they got married they came home to San


When did they get Bubba? Hmm, when did they get Bubba? Ah, they got Bubba one year ago. Did

they get Bubba two years ago or one year ago? They got Bubba two years ago? How old is

Bubba? Ah, Bubba is two. Right. Bubba is two years old. When did they get Bubba? They got

Bubba one year ago. When they got Bubba was he huge? No, no he wasn't. When they got Bubba

he wasn't huge. When they got Bubba he was very small. Was he small when they got him or was

he huge when they got him? He was small. Right. One year ago Bubba was small.

One year ago how much did Bubba weigh? Ah, Bubba weighed one pound. One year ago Bubba

weighed only one pound. And now how much does Bubba weigh now? Ah, now Bubba weighs 258

pounds. Did he weigh 258 pounds one year ago? No, he didn't. He didn't weigh 258 pounds one

year ago. How much did he weigh one year ago? Ah, only one pound. One year ago he weighed


only one pound. Now he weighs 258 pounds. Wow.

Why is Bubba huge now? Ah, why? Ah, because Sarah feeds him one bag of cat food every hour.

Oh, right. He eats one bag of cat food every hour. Does Bubba eat two bags of cat food every

hour? No, no, no not two bags. Bubba eats one bag of cat food every hour. Does he eat one bag

of cat food every ten minutes? No, not every ten minutes. Does he eat one bag of cat food every

50 minutes? No, not every 50 minutes. Does he eat one bag of cat food every 60 minutes? Yes,

exactly. He eats one bag of cat food every 60 minutes, every hour. How many bags of cat food

does Bubba eat every hour? One, right. He eats one bag of cat food every hour. Who eats one

bag of cat food every hour? Bubba or Sarah? Umm, ha, ha, of course Bubba. Bubba eats one bag

of cat food every hour.

Does Bubba like milk? Ohhh, yes. Bubba loooves milk. He also drinks one gallon of milk every

hour. Does he drink two gallons of milk per hour? No, no, no not two gallons of milk per hour. Does

he drink five gallons of water per hour? No, he doesn't drink five gallons of water per hour. Does he

drink one gallon of water per hour, every hour? No, no, no not water, not water. He drinks one gal-

lon of milk per hour. Does Bubba drink one gallon of milk per hour, every hour? Yes, yes he does.

Does he eat one bag of cat food every hour, per hour? Yes. Per hour what does Bubba eat and

drink? Ah, per hour he eats one bag of cat food and drinks one gallon of milk. Right. One bag of

cat food, one gallon of milk per hour. Per means every. Every hour, per hour is same, same mean-

ing. So per hour Bubba eats one bag of cat food and per hour Bubba drinks one gallon of milk.

Is this expensive for Sarah or is it cheap for Sarah? Ah, expensive, expensive. Right. A lot of

money. Right. She pays a lot of money for Bubba's food and milk. It is expensive, expensive.

How much does she pay for each bag of cat food? Ah, $10.00 for each bag. And how much does

she pay for each gallon of milk? Ah, she pays $3.00 for each gallon of milk. Is her total cheap or

expensive? It's expensive, very expensive.

So now is Bubba huge or is Bubba small? Bubba is huge and Bubba is happy.

Okay, that's all for mini story C.


1. Changed MS-A

Hello. Welcome to mini story A. Mini story A for Changed. In this mini story I will ask questions you

know. Okay. Questions about the letter that you know. Let's start.

There is a woman. Where does she live? Where did she live? Let's practice past. Where did this

woman live? Well she lived in Phoenix. Alright. She lived in Phoenix. Did she live in Phoenix,

Texas? No, Phoenix isn't in Texas. Did she live in Phoenix, Arizona? Yes she did. She lived in

Phoenix, Arizona.

Who lived in Phoenix, Arizona? Ah, Grace. Alright. Her name is Grace. Grace lived in Phoenix,

Arizona. Did she live in Phoenix, Arizona or Tucson, Arizona? Well, she lived in Phoenix, Arizona.

Grace lived in Phoenix, Arizona.

Did Grace have a problem? Did Grace have a problem? Yes, she had a problem. Did she have a

problem with her children? No, no. She didn't have a problem with her children. Did she have a

problem with her mom? No. She didn't have a problem with her mom. Did she have a problem

with her husband? Yes, she had a problem with her husband.

What problem did she have with her husband? Ahh, no affection. Alright. He didn't show her any

affection. Did he show her affection? No, he didn't. He didn't show her any affection. Did he show

her a little affection? No, he didn't. He didn't show her any affection. Did he show her a lot of affec-

tion? No, no, none, zero. Her didn't show her any affection. Who didn't show her any affection?

Ah, her husband, yeah. Her husband didn't show her any affection. Did she want her husband to

show her affection? Of course, of course she did. Yes. Definitely, yes. She wanted her husband to

show her affection.

Was she happy about her husband? No, she wasn't happy. Was she sad about her husband?

Yeah, yeah. She was sad about her husband. Why was she sad about her husband? Ahh,

because he didn't show her any affection. She was sad because he didn't show her any affection.

She saw him through cancer and diabetes. Did she see him through cancer? Yes, she saw him

through cancer. Did she see him through a heart attack? No, no, no. Not a heart attack. She didn't

see him through a heart attack. She saw him through cancer and diabetes. Did he have cancer and

diabetes in the past? Yes, yes he did. In the past he had cancer and diabetes. Did she see him

through cancer and diabetes? Yes, yes she did.

Did she stay with him when he was sick? That's right. Yes, she did. She stayed with him when he

was sick. Did she leave him when he was sick? Nooo, she didn't leave him when he was sick. She

stayed with him when he was sick. When he was sick did she stay or did she leave? Ahh, she

stayed. Right. She's a great wife. She stayed with him when he was sick.

How long have they been married? Hmm, ahh, 39 years. Right. She said, "39 years." They have

been married 39 years. Have they been married 37 years? Nooo, they haven't been married 37

years. Have they been married 37 years or have they been married 39 years? That's right 39.

They have been married 39 years. Have they been married 39 years? Yes, exactly. They have

been married 39 years.


When did they get married? Hmm. When did they get married? They got married 39 years ago.

Did they get married 38 years ago? Noo, no, no, no not 38. They got married 39 years ago. They

got married 39 years ago. Are they still married now? Yes, they are still married. They are married

now. Okay.

Who are they seeing? Hmm. They are seeing a therapist. Are they seeing a doctor? No, they're

not seeing a doctor. Are they seeing a therapist? Yes, they are seeing a therapist. Are they meet-

ing with a therapist or are they meeting with a doctor? Well, they are meeting with a therapist.

Right. They are seeing a therapist. They are meeting with a therapist.

How long have they been meeting with a therapist? Ahh, for a year and a half. Who have they been

seeing for a year and a half? They have been seeing a therapist for a year and a half. Have they

been meeting with a doctor for a year and a half? Nope, not a doctor. Have they been meeting with

a therapist for a year and a half? Yes. Who has been meeting with a therapist for a year and a

half? Well Grace and her husband. The husband and wife have been meeting with a therapist for a

year and a half.

Does the husband – did the husband compliment Grace? No, he didn't compliment her anymore.

Who didn't compliment Grace anymore? Well, her husband. Right. Her husband didn't compliment

her anymore. Did she want her husband to compliment her? Yes, of course, definitely. She wanted

her husband to compliment her, but he didn't compliment her anymore.

Was Grace happy or was Grace sad because her husband didn't compliment her anymore? Oooh,

yeah, sad of course. She was sad. She was sad because her husband didn't compliment her any-


Was her husband having an affair? Ummm. No, no. He wasn't having an affair. Well, he said, "He

wasn't having an affair." Who wasn't having an affair? Umm. Grace's husband. Grace's husband

wasn't having an affair. Did he swear that he wasn't having an affair? Yes, that's right. He swore,

swore, past tense, he swore he wasn't having an affair. Did he promise he wasn't having an affair?

Yes, he promised he wasn't having an affair. What did he promise? Um. He promised he wasn't

having an affair. Who did he promise? Oooh. He promised Grace. Right. He promised Grace that

he wasn't having an affair.

Okay, that is all of mini story A. Listen to it many, many times. Listen to it every day. Do this for two

weeks or more. And of course answer every question. Okay. Bye, bye.


1. Changed MS-B

Okay. Welcome to mini story B for Changed. In this mini story I will ask questions you know and I

will also ask questions you don't know. If you don't know the answer you must guess. You must

guess. Okay. Let's start.

What was the woman's name? Ah, that's easy. Her name was Grace. Right. Grace. The woman's

name was Grace. What was her husband's name? Was it Buford or Tom? Her husband's name

was Buford. Of course, her husband's name was Buford. What was her name? Hmm. Her name

was Grace. And what was his name? His name was Buford.

Okay, Buford and Grace had been married 39 years. But they had a problem. What was their prob-

lem? Ahh, no affection. Right. No more affection. Their problem was that there was no affection

from Buford. Who didn't show affection? Ah, Buford. Buford didn't show affection. What didn't

Buford do? Hmm. Buford didn't show affection. When didn't Buford show affection? Well, never.

Never. Did he show affection in the morning? Noo, he didn't show affection in the morning. Did he

show affection at night? No, he didn't show affection at night. Did he show affection in the after-

noon? No, he didn't. Buford never showed affection to Grace.

Where did they live? Well, they lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Did he show affection to Grace in

Phoenix? Noo, he didn't. Did he show affection to Grace in San Francisco? Nope. No, not in San

Francisco. He never showed affection to Grace.

How many children did they have? They had four children. Did they have two children? No, they

had four children.

Were they seeing a therapist? Yes, they were seeing a therapist. What was the therapist's name?

The therapist's name was Dr. Phil. Was the therapist's name Dr. Phil? Yes, the therapist's name

was Dr. Phil. Who was the therapist? The therapist was Dr. Phil.

What did the therapist tell Buford and Grace? Ahhh, Dr. Phil told Buford and Grace to go to a nude

beach. Hmm. Nude N U D E, nude means no clothes. No clothes. Not wearing clothes. No shirts.

No pants. Nothing. Nude. Nude, no clothes. And a beach B E A C H. Right. Beach has sand and

sun and water. Right. Next to the ocean. Next to the ocean. So a nude beach is a beach where

people do not wear clothes. No clothes. Ahh. So Dr. Phil told them to go to a nude beach. Where

did Dr. Phil tell them to go? He told them to go to a nude beach. Who did Dr. Phil tell to go to a

nude beach? Ahhh, Grace and Buford. He told Grace and Buford to go to a nude beach.

When did he want them to go? Ahh. He wanted them to go on New Year's Day. New Year's Day.

Okay. It's January 1st. January number 1. Right. January 1st. He wanted them to go to a nude

beach on January 1st. Which nude beach did he want them to go to? Hmm. Did he want them to

go to a Los Angeles nude beach or to an Alaska nude beach? Of course, Alaska. Alaska. You

know, very cold. Is Alaska hot or is Alaska cold? Alaska is very cold. Alright, next to Canada. It's

very cold. Did he want them to go to a nude beach in Alaska? Yes he did. Dr. Phil wanted them to

go to a nude beach in Alaska. Hmm. When did Dr. Phil want them to go to a nude beach in Alaska?

Ahhh, New Year's Day, January 1st. Dr. Phil wanted them to go to a nude beach in Alaska on

January 1st.


Who did Dr. Phil want to go to Alaska, to a nude beach on January 1st? Ahhh, Buford and Grace.

He wanted Buford and Grace to go to a nude beach in Alaska on January 1st. Do they wear clothes

at a nude beach? No, no, no one wears clothes at a nude beach or on a nude beach. Do people

wear shirts on a nude beach? Nooo, no, no, no. Do people wear pants on a nude beach? Noooo.

Do people wear socks on a nude beach? S O X sox. Nooooooo. Do people wear underwear,

underwear, do people wear underwear on a nude beach? Noooo. People do not wear underwear

on a nude beach. Are people naked N A K E D? Are people naked on a nude beach? Yes, yes

they are. They are naked. They have no clothes.

Why did Dr. Phil want them to go to a nude beach in Alaska on January 1st? Why? Obviously

because it's very, very cold. Because it's very cold. Why does, why did, I'm sorry. Why did Dr. Phil

want them to be cold? Why did Dr. Phil want them to be cold on a nude beach? Ahhh, obviously so

they would hug each other. Ahhhh, very obvious, obviously. So they would hug each other. If they

were cold then they would hug each other. Right. If they are cold then they will hug each other. Dr.

Phil wanted them to go to a nude beach in Alaska on January 1st because they would be cold and

then they would hug each other. Ahhhhhhh, interesting.

Did Dr. Phil want them to hug

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