6. Leaving & Epilogue

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So heres the last chapter!!! This is going to be pretty short so I hope u enjoy!!!


3rd POV

Erza and Jellal were waiting for Meredy and Ultear in the lobby of the hotel. Mereddy and Ultear finally came down with smirks on their faces. Jellal started lightly blushing as if he thought they heard him last night.

" Good morning u 2! Howd u sleep?" Erza smiled and replied "Pretty good! U guys?" Meredy started putting up a dramatic act."Oh we couldn't really sleep very much! Someone down the hall was having a party so we couldn't sleep!"

"Well we couldn't hear anything." Erza told them. Ultear whispered to Meredy"Yeah, its cuz they were making it ;)" Erza and Jellal heard mumbling but they didnt know what they said though "Well lets go! We don't need the rune knights showing up!" Jellal and Erza led the way outside. 

The little group was headed towards the train station. Erza had to get back to Magnolia soon and Crime Sorciere had to go back into hiding.

"We're gonna miss u Erza. Come and visit us" Meredy elbowed Jellal in the ribs while saying "He'll like it too! if u catch my drift"

"U knew!" Jellal and Erza blushed as Meredy and Ultear tried not to laugh.


"Well i gotta go now! the train is about to go!!!!" But what surprised Erza the most was that Jellal ha kissed her. ON THE LIPS IN PUBLIC!!!!!

Her eyes were in shock. When he had separated, he smiled "Don't wanna miss ur train do u?" Erza had gotten onto the train with many stares on her and she left. But no one knew what was going to happen in the future.

Something was going to change their lives forever.


about a month later!!!!

Mira's POV

My matchmaker sense are tingling and Erza has been acting weird lately. I think i'll go check on her. Maybe something happened and it changed her. She also hasn't come to the guild recently. Today, i decided to go see her at the dorm in Fairy Hills. 

I arrived at her room and knocked but no one answered. I tried opening the door and it was unlocked. "She always keeps her door locked." I came in and walked around looking for Erza."I don't think she's here." 

I saw some strawberry cake on the table. Her bedroom was empty and there was only one place left to check... The bathroom. I opened the door and saw Erza sleeping on the floor. She looked like a mess. 

I gently shook her shoulders to wake her up. "Erza! Wake up!" She slightly blinked as she woke up. "Oh, Mirajane. Why are u here?" I was worried and so was a few others in the guild."We're worried about u! More importantly, why were u sleeping on the floor in the bathroom in all places?"

She wiped her eyes in exhaustion."I've been sick lately. I don't know what i ate." I was trying to think. "U might have eaten to much cake" She shook her head no. "My system has never gotten sick from cake! Its gotta be something else!"

I thought about it really hard and started grinning. "Did u have sex recently?" she looked away as if she didn't want to think about it. "Maybe." I made an even bigger grin."Is it with who i think it is?"

She blushed an even darker shade of red. "If ur thinking ?Jellal than yes." I got up from on the floor. "I'll be right back!" I ran out of her dorm room and went to mine to get something.  

I ran back to her room and gave her a box. "We'll see if ur pregnant or not!" I closed the door when i got out. I sat on her couch and ate a bit of her cake. It was really delicious. She finally came out with one of the tests. "What does 2 bars mean?" 

I started squealing. "it means ur pregnant!!! Yay!!!"Erza sweat dropped as i kept squealing. "Can i tell Jellal??" She sat at her table with a piece of cake with her. "Sure go right ahead!And u touched my cake, didn't u?" Her dark aura appeared. I happily shook my head.

Ultear's POV

Crime Sorciere was someplace i don't remember the name of when we suddenly got a lacrima call. I looked and it said Mirajane Strauss. I answered immediately "yes Mira?" She smiled and Erza was there as well.

Erza spoke first and sounded a bit frustrated "is Mr. Fernandes with u right now?"Her eyebrow was twitching a bit. I looked over to Jellal who was busy slurping ramen with Meredy. He had a questionning look. "Who is calling u?" I smiled. "Mira!And Erza is there too. She seems pissed and she wants to see u"

He came over to me and looked into the lacrima. He hesitantly said "Whats up Erza?" All we saw next was Erza's arm come out of the lacrima and strangle Jellal."Ur..gonna...Kill me....Erza!!!" She started ranting about responsibility when she suddenly blurt out. "U GOT ME PREGNANT U IDIOT!!!!!" 

" I WHAT?!?!?!" Jellal looked speechless. "Congrats! Ur gonna be a father!!!" Me and ultear couldn't stop laughing at Jellal who was still somehow being strangled by Erza through the lacrima."h-help!"

"U gotta be tough, future Father!"


And that was the last chapter of the book!!!!! If u guys really want a second book then comment it!!! It would be a second generation book!

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