Chapter 4: New Ally

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"It's my pleasure to meet you, Winx."

Before the Winx's eyes was a young lady around their age. Her hair was light blue in color, and her eyes were mysteriously deep, showing that this must be a complicated person.

They looked at the girl. It's certain that they had met her somewhere.

"My name is Kate. It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"Kate? Where did I hear this name?" - Bloom thought.

"Uh... Have we seen each other before?"

"Perhaps in the head mistress's announcement for freshmen."

"Right!" - The Winx were utterly surprised.

Tecna: "Could it be the one that was introduced by Miss Faragonda as the best graduate of Alfea when we were just freshmen?"

Musa: "She's the most successful student in the first school year of that famous 'Intensive Education Program'!"

Flora: "Besides, she was just our age when finishing the three-year course in that program! What a genius!"

Aisha: "Afterwards, she became the youngest member of 'Company of Light'!"

Bloom: "After a year in the Company, she suddenly disappeared without any traces. I can't believe that one day, I could meet her in person..."

Stella expressed her excitement: "My idol! Can you give me your autograph, please?"

She quickly ran to Kate, making her a little bit confused. But then she calmly gave Stella an autograph of hers, which had been prepared before.

"Here, Stella."

"H.. how did you know that I would want your autograph?" - asked Stella with her eyes wide open.

"Because at that ceremony, I heard you talk loudly to your friends that you wanted one, so yeah..."

The Winx were stunned.

"Holy cow... She noticed and remembered that piece of detail?"

"You seem friendly. When you appeared last night, I thought that you were a cold person." - said Bloom. - "Anyways, thanks for your help, Kate. You really saved us all."

"You're welcome."

The atmosphere became comfortable and cheerful, it felt like they had known each other forever. Understandable enough, because they were now allies on the same boat.

"Hey Kate, I've got a question. Why did you want to meet us here, at midnight? It's not just because you wanted to see the starry night sky, isn't it?"

"Good question, Flora." - Kate pointed upward at a weird star. It twinkled constantly. - "See that star?"

"Yes. Why is it twinkling?"

Bloom: "Last night, I also saw that kind of star, but it only twinkled three times then vanished."

"Do you remember about some kind of force that separated the Earth from Magic Dimension?" - the Winx nodded. - "That twinkling star is a sign indicating that the force is becoming temporarily weak, but it only happens at about midnight, and once a month."

They stared at Kate:

"For real? So that means..?"

"If we are in a high place and use a special spell, we will be able to contact our home, even only for a short time."


Without further ado, Kate cast a spell. A pretty aura was exuded from her body. It was so bright that the Winx had to cover their eyes. After that, something appeared, a kind of communication bubble. It was being connected to someone.

Bloom immediately recognized that person. Tears welled up in her eyes as she heard that familiar voice:

"Hello, girls. Hello, Bloom."

"Daphne...! I miss you so much..."

"I miss you too sis." - Daphne shed a tear. - "I'm glad to see that you're well."

"Daphne!" - the other five also exclaimed. What a touching reunion, though it is just like a normal video call.

"Winx, I'd like to have a chat with you, but we don't have much time. I've got something to tell you. Kate, thank you for bringing those girls to me. I knew I could count on you."

"Yes, always."

"Thanks. Now Winx, you must be careful. From what Kate told me, you will have to face a much more dangerous enemy than those you fought before. Her goal is to erase every single fairy coming to her territory. For that reason, I'd like Kate to fight by your side, ok?"

"Yes, I'm ready. I hope we can make a good team, Winx."

"Of course. Welcome to our club." - said Bloom on behalf of the Winx.

"Good." - Daphne continued. - "There's more. Now, I will send you my study about Babayaga, then the connection will be lost. Bye girls. Good luck."

"Bye sis. See you next month."

A file popped up in front of them, whose title said "Babayaga, by Daphne." The bubble disappeared right after. Bloom picked up the file.

"It's getting late. I think we should go back home to rest. Tomorrow we'll try to figure out how to beat that woman." - Flora suggested.

"I agree. See you tomorrow. This spell uses pretty much of my energy since it is an incomplete one."

Aisha: "Then it's settled. Kate, where's your house? I can drive you home if you want."

"Thanks, but I have my own car. Goodbye, Winx."

On the WinxMobile

"Hey, what do you think about our new friend?" - asked Stella.

Musa: "...Cool?"

Aisha: "Reliable."

Tecna: "Smart."

Flora: "Mm... Cute?"

"What?! How can you think she's cute? What's wrong with you?" - Stella yelled in surprise. The others also frowned in confusion.

"I.. don't know. I just feel like that."

"Geez... Hm? Bloom? What about you? You look serious."

"Huh? Well, I feel like... there's something complicated about her."


"Yeah, I see a bit of mystery in her eyes that I can't get clear. Perhaps she's been through a lot in the past."

"I wonder if it concerns the reason why she left the Company of Light years ago and came to Earth. Anyone know?"

They all shook their heads.

Stella assured them: "It's gonna be alright. She will open up to us eventually!"

Musa: "I don't know you can say that kind of nice words."

"Hey! I'm always nice!"



The Winx had arrived at their loft.

"It can't be..." - Aisha said in disbelief. Her friends were shocked just like her. - "Kate..., you... live right next to us?!"

Kate grinned naughtily:

"Surprised? When I found out that you lived in the loft opposite mine, I was surprised too. But isn't it good news? We'll find it easier to meet each other."

Bloom: "I guess you're right. But... *yawn* still, today has been so much plot twist. I need a break. See you tomorrow, Kate. Good night."


Then they all went home. However, ....

Hardly had Kate got inside the house when she received a call. After hanging up, she changed her clothes, got into the car, and left. Her work was not over yet.

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