Call me maybe~!

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Elizabeth’s P.O.V

    It was starting to get really late by the time Al decided to head home. “Ahh man! Do you have to go Al? I could play Call of Duty all night!” Al raised his eyebrows.

    “Are you sure? Its kind of late, and even I’m starting to get tired.”

    “Well, I’m not!” I lied, through it was obvious with my yawn as soon as I said it. Dang. Al laughed and flicked my forehead.

    “Sure you're not kiddo.”

    “I’m not a kiddo.” I mumbled, waving to Al as he left. I got up off the couch and began to walk up the stairs.

    “Good night Elizabeth!” Arthur called up after me. I grumbled a small response. I closed the door to my room and grabbed some pjs. Then, I did what I had been dying to do  since I had gotten here. I flopped down on the bed.

*******************************Time Skip of Elizabeth drooling in her sleep**************************

Author's P.O.V

    I watched the eggs carefully, trying not to burn them. Suddenly, I heard thumping noises from up stairs. Elizabeth was definitely up.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

    I held my foot. I hadn't really been awake before, but I was now.  “I. Hate. New. Layouts.” I said, trying not to scream. I wasn't used to how things were in this room, and when you're moving around with your eyes half shut, that was never good. I sighed and got dressed. Jeans. Check. Shirt with awesome math joke. Check. Hoodie to cover up said awesome math joke so people don't think I’m a huge nerd. Check.

    I left my room and looked down the stairs. I smirk, these were a bit longer than the ones back at the orphanage. “Ohhh.” I smiled, “This is going to be fuuuun!”

Author's P.O.V

    I sighed as I put the eggs on the plate. Even though I had tried, they were still a little black. Suddenly, I heard a loud “Geronimo!”. I turned to see Elizabeth sliding down the stairs. “Whooohooo!” She yelled, landing on her feet at the bottom. She did a pose like a gymnast and screamed, “Ten out of ten to take the gold medal! This years olympic champion, Elizabeth Newport!”

    Elizabeth turned and looked at me. I just stood there, shocked. She waved, “Good nom-nom-noming!” I stood there, and so did she.

    “Jeez! Your supposed to respond.” she said finally, brushing past me into the kitchen. “Whats that smell? Did you manage to burn liquids again. You really have to teach me how to do that. I can only imagine the skill that would go into it.”

    I sighed, she was such a rude little girl. She ignored my response of no in finding instead the answer to her original question. She looked at the eggs and said one word.

Elizabeth’s P.O.V

    “Black.” I said looking at what I guessed were eggs. I scratched the back of my head and sighed. Al had warned me about his brother’s cooking, so I wasn't really surprised. I sighed again and took the plate along with a ton of salt to drown out the taste. I sat down at the table and took out my phone. I had a message.

Al: sup! you awake?

    I sighed, and texted.

Elizabeth: Yeah. I have a plate of coal in front of me.

Al: ?

    I took a picture of my food and sent it to him.

Al: ohhhhh. did ya get out salt.

Elizabeth: Yeah....Not sure I have enough through.

Al: how much do you have?

Elizabeth: A whole shaker full.

Al: yeah, you may need 2 get some more.

    I laughed, causing Artie to look at me. I ignored his question and went back to texting Al.

Elizabeth: Yeah....So whatcha need boi?

Al: thats ain't good grammer grl.


Elizabeth: Sorry, caps lock was on... :3

Al: XD

Elizabeth: XD. So, really, what did you need?

Al: want 2 play some more COD?

Elizabeth: Do unicorns fart rainbows?

Al:.....I have no clue.

Elizabeth: Yes.

Al: they do? really?

Elizabeth: I dont know, but I do want to play COD.

Al: sweeeeeeeeeet! i’ll be over soon! dont tell iggy, i wanna surprise him!

Elizabeth: Do you really think I would?

Al: good point.... c u soon!

    I put my phone away and looked in front of me. I slowly ate, dumping salt on it. I really thought I was going to die. I’m not kidding, it was that bad. After a while, the doorbell rang and I thanked God. I ran to the door and threw it open to reveal Al holding Call of Duty. “Thank God, I thought I was going to die!” He nodded.

    “Yeah, his foods always worst the first time. Through, it doesn't really get better. Ever.”

    “That's reassuring.” I mumbled. I could hear Artie sigh.

    “Why are you here Alfred?” He asked. Al pulled me closer.

    “To hang with my favorite niece!” He yelled.

    “She’s your only niece.”

    “That doesn't change the fact that she’s my favorite!” Cue epic facepalm by me. After a lot of talking, Al and I were finally playing. Thats pretty much how the next few weeks went, after school and on weekends Al would come over and hang out with me, Artie would almost kill me with his food, and I slept. A lot.

Author's P.O.V

    It had been two weeks since I had adopted Elizabeth and she still acted so distant toward me. I decided it was time for desperate measures. I called Alfred.

    “Hey bro! Whats up?”

    “Speak proper english.”

    “I dont know what your talking about, I am.”  I sighed. “So, whats up?”

    “I want your help.”

    I could hear my brother gasp, “Really?! Dude, I knew it! What do you need from the hero?” I sighed again.

    “I need your help to get along with Elizabeth.”


    “You get along with her so well! I dont know what to do!”

    “Dude, Elizabeths easy all you have to do...”

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