Chaptor one: New teacher and the ironic shirt

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Elizabeth’s P.O.V

I woke up to the sun shining in my face. Cracking open one eye, I could tell it was a beautiful day. I could hear the sounds of the other kids happily getting ready for school, and I could feel that it was going to be a nice sunny day. A perfect day like this called for one thing only. I pulled my blinds down and flopped back down on my bed.

“Stupid sun~! Just lemme sleep!” I moaned, closing my eyes. However, it wasn't long before my  door was thrown open, and my sheets were pulled off. I kept my eyes closed; I was sleeping, and nothing could make me open my eyes. I felt a tug under me before I hit the ground. Glaring up, I saw the director of the orphanage.

“Get up. Theres no way that you're skipping school young lady.” I rolled my eyes; she and I both knew I could find a way to skip school if I really wanted to. But, I didn't feel like doing the work today, so I stood up, swaying as I did so. As she walked out the door, and it was tempting to flop back down, but I knew that she would just come up in a few minutes to get me again. I sighed and walked over to my closet, looking at all the outfits I had to chose from. I ended up grabbing my shirt with the british flag, jeans, and brown boots. I didn't care if other people thought I looked good or not, I liked it. Looking in the mirror, I decided to add one last touch. I took out a black bandana and tied it around my neck.

Smiling at myself, I ran down the stairs.Half way down, I began to slide down the banister. None of the other kids paid me much attention, I was kind of OCD, so I had to slide down the banister every day, or I’de like freak out. Yeah, I’m awesome like that.  I went straight for the kitchen and poured myself some cereal, cutting a banana over it. The, I made some toast with peanut butter and more banana. One of the girls gave me a look, but I just peeled another banana. What? I like bananas.

After eating, I left. My kitty book bag had nothing in it; its not like I had very much to carry, I just liked the kitty ears on it. I walked to school, purposely going as slow as I could. I didn't like being on time, thats way too mainstream. No, I liked to fashionably late. I saw a ton of kids running past me, and I could tell the bell was going to ring in a few minutes. I walked a little faster, but still not fast enough. The bell rang just as I entered the school. I smiled, walking slowly to my class.

I opened the door to the classroom. Some kids looked up and smiled, but that quickly stopped when they saw it was just me. I ignored the glares in my direction and sat down at my seat, putting my bag next to me. I looked around, realizing that the teacher wasn't here yet. I sighed. “Whats the point of being late if the teacher isn't even on time?” I tipped back in my chair and looked at the ceiling, pretending not to pay attention to the conversations around me. I knew no one would answer me if I asked them out right, and I was fairly sure I wasn't supposed to  care either, but it was weird. Our teacher was never late, and she hadnt missed any school yet either. Of course, it had only been a month, but I had already missed a week worths at least.

I picked up on a few bits and pieces of conversations, but nothing really useful. No one else seemed to know where she was either. I glanced at the clock, it was 8:15. Class should have started at 8:10. This really made no sense. Why wasn't the teacher here already? Did something happen? I was lost in deep thought (Yeah, thats kind of scary....) when the door finally opened. The whole class jumped and looked toward the door. I turned my head along with them. We all expected to see the teacher, but instead we saw the principal. He cleared his throat before he spoke to us.

“I regret to inform you all that your teacher is no longer working here.It seems she had a mental break down, and is medicly not alowed to work here anymore.” For some reason I felt as though he looked at me when he said that.

I shrugged at him, giving him a look that said “Not my fault she couldn't handle the awesome.” I thought about flinging another pencil into the ceiling to join the others, but now didn't seem like an appropriate time. I felt the rest of the class look at me, but I didn't really care.

The principal continued to speak, “So, I would like to introduce you to your new teacher, Mr. Kirkland.” For the first time, many of the kids notice the man standing behind him.

The man steps forward smiling. He has shaggy blond hair and bright emerald eyes. But the most defining feature about him were above his eyes. He had big bushy eyebrows. Like really bushy. Those things were so bushy it was unnatural. Like really-you know what, I’m just going to stop now before its too late.

The principal said something to Mr.Eyebrows(I like that better than Mr. Kirkland, it suits him better), and left. Mr. Eyebrows walked to the front of the class and wrote something on the borde. “Nice to meet you all, my name is Arthur Kirkland, and I will be your new teacher.”

“He’s British.” I thought with a little interest while looking down at my shirt. I looked back at Mr. Eyebrows.

“Well, how about we go around and introduce yourselves so I can learn your names. Why don't we start on the front left and and move around to the back.”

The first few kids happily stated their names, then it got to the girl sitting beside me. “I’m Rosalie Monro.” I rolled my eyes at her happy voice. Rosalie was not one of the names that I would call her. Evil, backstabbing, mean, and a few others my mother would never tell me what they meant, only that I should never say them. But, I knew they were insults. Then, it was my turn. I smiled and got ready for my favorite joke, and since this guy was british, I could do it with so much more fun.

“Kirkland. Arthur Kirkland.” I said, mimicking his voice perfectly. The rest of the class groaned, and Mr. Eyebrows looked at me surprised.

“Ughhhh! Elizabeth! Why can't you be nice to one teacher?!” Rosalie hissed in my ear.

“I don't know, why do you have to be such a suck up to every teacher?” I hissed back.

She raised her hand like she was going to hit me, but I knew she wouldn't. The teacher was right there. She put her hand down in a look that told me we weren't done yet. I guess that there was no way I’d be sticking around long enough for her to finish. She may be smaller than me, but she also had four kids to back her up, two of them middle schoolers.

I looked away, the rest of the class just kept introducing themselves like it was nothing new. Which, it wasn't. Though, most of the time I introduced myself as James Bond, but hey, it almost never gets old.

I ran my fingers through my shaggy hair, wondering if I should cut it again. I watched my new teacher, he had snapped out of his initial shock, and was doing his best to learn everyone's names. When everyone was done, he turned back to the board and wrote some more stuff. I felt some stuff hit the back of my head and instantly felt bad for the janitors. They always had to clean up pieces of paper and eraser that got thrown at me.

********Time Skip brought to you by Elizabeth Caramelldansen with a Kitty!******

    When the bell finally rang, I got ready to run only to realize something highly important. I had to pee. Like mega bad. And there was no way it could wait until I got home. “CURSE YOU TINY BLADDER!” I mentally screamed while running to the bathroom.

******Time Skip of flying mint bunny joining the Caramelldansen party******

    I finished my business and got ready to leave the bathroom, only to find the exit blocked by Rosalie and her goons. I sighed, there really was no way to avoid this, eh? I took up a pointless fighting stance. “Lets just get this over with.”  



Hello! Here's the first chapter everybody!

So~ what do yall think of Lizzy?

Please Vote, Comment, and fan! Mostly comment, I would love to know what you guys think so far! Take it away Elizabeth!

Elizabeth: Eh, Okeay. Lolsie doesnt own Hetalia. Just her story and...........Me? Ahhhhhh naw! Nobody owns me! *Rants*

Me: Well....She may be like that for a while.....*Bows* See you in the next chappie!

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