Leo is now the most epic person on Earth

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Elizabeth’s P.O.V


I rolled over and groaned, “I don't wanna go to school!” I could hear Artie sigh.

“Leo starts today.” I looked at him.

“He can skip with me.” I said before rolling back over, pulling the blankets over my head, and closing my eyes wanting nothing more than to go to sleep. Or some pizza. Pizza sounded really good. I probably would have gotten out of bed for some pizza. I wouldnt have gone to school, but I would have at least gotten out of bed.

I felt my blanket get pulled off me and shivered. I rolled back over and looked at Artie, “Now will you get up?” He asked, I smiled and reached on the other side of my bed.

I pulled out another blanket and smiled, “Nope~ I have a spare~” I wrapped myself up in it and curled up into a little ball. Again, my blanket was tugged off me, through this time due to the wrapping, I was pulled off with it. I hit the floor with a small thud and un curled myself from the blankets rubbing my head. I glared at Artie and stood up, “Fine, I’m up now.”

I pushed Artie out of my room, still grumbling. I was not a morning person, or a school person for that matter. It didn't take me long to get dressed. I could hear Artie getting ready downstairs. I opened my door and saw Artie standing at the bottom of the stairs. “Are you sure you don't want me to drive you to school?”  I smiled and slid down the banister.

“Nope. I like walking. That and Leo and I planned on walking together if we couldn't skip.” I could see his eyebrows (still incredibly bushy) twitch.

“You planned on skipping?” He asked. I hummed getting a banana from the kitchen and nodded.

“Yeah. Hating schools just another thing we have in common.” I could hear Artie sigh as the door flew open. Leo ran in with his bag over his shoulder.  I smiled, best friends don't need to knock. Leo saw me hoist my bag onto my shoulder and sighed.

“So, skipping is a no go?” He asked and I nodded sadly. He grumbled, “I hate school. Why do we even need to go?”

I nodded, “It should be a choice. If it was, then teachers wouldn’t have so much work and the kids that go would do their work!” Leo nodded in agreement and I sighed, “Well, lets get this over with.” I adjusted my bag and went past Artie, “Bye Artie!” I called, Leo followed me.

“Bye Mr.BushyBrows-er- I mean Mr. Kirkland!” Leo quickly corrected himself before running past me. I laughed and ran after him, catching up quickly before we both slowed down. Leo looked at my bag and smiled.

“A cat bag? Why?” I smiled.

“ ‘Cause I like playing with the ears. That and cats are cute devils, just like me.” Leo nodded and pulled his bag off showing it to me.

“I have Batman because Batman.” He thought for a moment, “Though I don't want to be Batman. It would kind of suck to have your parents murdered.” I bit my lip.

“Yeah, it really does suck.” I mumbled, Leo looked at me.

“Sorry, what did you say? I couldn't hear you.” I shook my head and smiled.

“I said that a lot of super hero’s parents die. Have you noticed that? Like none of them have parents!” He thought for a minute and nodded.

“Your right! What's with that? Why cant you have super powers, save the world, and still have living parents?” I shrugged.

“Who knows....Hey, we’re almost to school.” Leo stopped and looked at the school.

“Is it too late for me to skip?” He asked and I nodded.

“Yeah....On that note, lets get this over with. I’d tell you the kids in our class are nice, but they're jerks. Watch out for Rosalie through, she is evil. Pure evil. Like homework on a friday evil. And that homework is a 10,000,000 word essay evil. A non-fiction essay. That you have to read a book for. And do math.” Leo blinked.

“She sounds like the most evil person in the world.” I nodded.

“And, she hates bananas.” Leo drew back, in shock.

“How can you hate bananas? I shook my head.

“You can only do so if you are the purest of evil. And Rosalie is.” Lep nodded.

“She must be.”  I nodded and pulled the door to the school open. Kids where flooding in around us and Leo looked around, sighing.

“I really dont want to be here.” I gave him a pat on the back.

“Neither do I. Stupid laws.” I said brushing past him. I showed Leo the way to the classroom. Everyone turned to look when I walked in. Through, they stared at Leo more than me. Knowing this, I still smiled and waved before taking a bow.

“Hello my adoring public!” I said using an overly dramatic voice. Most of the kids rolled their eyes, and a few started throwing stuff at me and yelling to sit down. “Wow, tough crowd.” I shrugged it off and made my way to my seat. Leo sat beside me and turned to face me.

“What was up with that?” He asked causing me to shrug.

“Eh, these guys don't like me too much. I have no idea why. I’m the most epic person on the planet.” Leo laughed before he was interrupted by Rosalie-sorry I mean the she-devil- tapping him on the shoulder.

“Excuse me.” She said, “You're kind of in my seat. Could you please move?” Leo looked up at her and nodded.

“Yeah, sorry.” He started to get up before Rosalie caught my eye. She smiled at Leo while glaring at me.

“Is Lizzy bothering you? I’m so sorry that you have to put up with her on your first day! She’s such a pest.” Rosalie shook her head while I glared back.

“First off, your aren't allowed to call me Lizzy. Second, why don't you shut your mouth Rosalie. Don't go assuming that I was making him talk to me. He’s out of your seat, so just shut up and do whatever it is you do before school and leave us alone.” Rosalie’s glare deepened. I glanced over at Leo who was squirming. Rosalie flashed me her classic smirk.

“Wow, you really are desperate, aren't you?” She asked, “You really want someone to like you. Well guess what. No one does. No one ever will. You’ll be alone forever,and you’ll never have any friends.” I opened my mouth to retort, but I couldn't think of anything to say. My mind was drawing a blank. Thank god that Leo stepped in.

“Why don't you shut up!?” He asked stepping between us, “She does have friends! She has me and Al! So what if you dont like her? Personally, I wouldn't want someone as mean as you to like me, and I bet Elizabeth doesn't either! Your calling her desperate! I bet you're the desperate one! You're picking on her in front of the whole class, and thats not cool! You just want people to think your cool, right?” Rosalie was speechless, and Leo kept going, “You just need to knock it off! I’ve known you for two minutes and I’ve already had enough! You need to apologize! Apologize to my best friend! Apologize to Elizabeth right now!”

By now the entire class was watching silently. Neither Rosalie or I knew what to say. Rosalie just silently shook her head at him. It was a minute before she came back with a retort.

“You know what? You must be a huge loser if you like her. But, whatever, thats your choice. When she finally ends up annoying you, you can always come and hang out with the rest of us.” Leo just shook his head and sat down in the empty seat behind me.All I could do was look at him with the rest of the class before smirking. I held out my fist for him to bump.

“Losers unite?” I asked, he nodded and fist bumped me.

“Losers unite.” He confirmed.

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