Turn Down for What, prt.2

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The very first thing I did was close the door and dig out my ipod and ihome. I set them up on the desk. Turning on my ipod, I went to my favorite play list and pressed set it to shuffle and pressed play. The volume was kind of loud, but thats how I think music should be played.

The first song to come on was “We are Wild” by Fall Out Boy. Thats. My. Jaaaaaaaaam. Well, one of them. I have a few of those.

I began to unpack and sing along. “When Romes in ruins, we are the lions free from the colosseum!” About half way through the song, Artie came and knocked on the door asking me to turn it down. He even said please and everything. Of course I just acted like I couldn't hear him. “Turn down for what~?” I whisper sang. After the song, I did turn it down a little.

When I was done packing, I had options. I could:

Flop down on the bed.

Watch some anime.

Read some yoai.

Go down stairs.

    If you chose A, you're wrong as tempting as it was. If you chose B, it was also tempting, but no. If you chose C, you were most wrong. I don't even really know what yoai is, its just a word that I’ve thought about Googling. If you chose D, then your right.  

    I slowly walked downstairs to see what Artie was doing. However, a loud thud sounded from the entrance way. Being curious little me, I ran to see what it was.

    “Yo! Iggy!” A blond guy yelled while walking in. Like with Artie though, I noticed one thing about him right away. His cowlick. That thing was really defying gravity. I could hear Artie coming, yelling at him that he was a “bloody wanker”, whatever that means, and to at least knock before coming barging in. But the guy was ignoring him and looking at me. “Dude! Who are you?”

    “I’m not a ‘dude’. And its Elizabeth.” I said looking at him. Just then, Artie walked in. He seemed to pale when he saw us.

    “Oh no.”

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