Second Tag

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I was tagged again by FairyTailBaka to do this. So let's start!

1.What are your nicknames? What do you prefer to be called?
I don't have any nicknames. My family and friends just call me by my first name.

2. What is the strangest thing you beloved as a kid?
A Barbie doll that when I try to make it split, it's leg falls off.

3. What's the most recent compliment you received?
A friend saying that I'm nice.

4. If you could restore one broken relationship, which would it be?
It would be the friendship I used to had with my ex-best friend.

5. If you had to change your first name,what would you make it?
I would change my first name to Yuriko.

6. What do you consider unforgivable?
Spreading lies about people and bullying people.

7. Have you forgiven yourself for your past failures?Why or why not?
Yes, I have. Because the past is in the past. If I didn't forgive myself, I wouldn't be the person I am today.

8. What was the best news you ever received?
That school was suspended. But it wasn't today.

9. When do you find yourself singing?
When my friend sings a song and when I listen to songs. But my singing voice isn't that great.

10. Family Members?
I live with my grandparents, my parents, my sister and my little brother. I'm the second child.

11. Fave Anime?

12. Pet(s)?
I have a dog.

13. Hobbies?
Playing board games, watching anime, listening to music and reading. If fangirling about OTP's count then it's a hobby of mine too.

Alright, now that that's done, it's tagging time! Sorry if I tagged you the last time!



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