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Heroes Lore

Winds of Soltia

Section 1: Guardians and Character Types

1.1: Guardians

1.2: Abilities

1.3: Characters

1.4: Tips

1.5: Leveling

Section 2: Walkthrough

2.1: Ronin

2.1a Basto

2.1b The South of Jusablow Desert

2.1c Basto

2.1d Temple of Fire

2.1e Basto

2.1f Journey to Locus

2.1g Locus

2.1h Journey to the Temple of Water

2.1i Temple of Water

2.1j Journey to Solum

2.1k Solum

2.1l Journey to the Temple of Earth

2.1m Temple of Earth

2.1n Journey to the Forgotten Temple

2.1o Forgotten Temple

2.2: Reah

2.2a Locus

2.2b Journey to the Temple of Fire

2.2c Temple of Fire

2.2d Basto

2.2e Journey to Locus

2.2f Locus

2.2g Journey to the Temple of Water

2.2h Temple of Water

2.2i Journey to Hunter's Camp

2.2j Yes - Rescue Mission Quest Details

2.2k No - Something I Don't Know Quest Details

2.2l Journey to the Temple of Earth

2.2m Temple of Earth

2.2n Journey to the Forgotten Temple

2.2o Forgotten Temple

2.3: Aramor

2.3a The South of the Jusablow Desert

2.3b Temple of Fire

2.3c Journey to Basto

2.3d Basto

2.3e Journey to Solum

2.3f Solum

2.3g Journey to Hunters Camp

2.3h Solum

2.3i Journey to the Temple of Water

2.3j Temple of Water

2.3k Journey to Locus

2.3l Locus

2.3m Journey to Solum

2.3n Journey to Path in Central Mountains

2.3o Central Mountains Bf

2.4: Boss Faq

2.4a Rocky

2.4b Nord

2.4c Geb

Section 3: Quests

3.1: Ronin

3.1a Main

3.1b Sub

3.2: Reah

3.2a Main

3.2b Sub

3.3: Aramor

3.3a Main

3.3b Sub

Section 4: Mixing Guide

4.1: Items

4.2: Stones

4.3: Orbs

Section 5: Monster Drop List/Location

5.1: Ronin

5.1a Temples

5.2: Reah

5.2a Temples

5.3: Aramor

5.3a Temples

Section 6: Equipment and items

6.1: Weapons

6.1a 2 Handed Swords

6.1b Spears

6.1c 1 Handed Swords

6.2: Equipment

6.2a Armor

6.2b Shields

6.2c Helmets

6.2d Boots

6.3: Items

6.3a Potions

6.3b Mixing Materials

6.3c Attribute Stones

Section 7: Game Mechanics

7.1: Stats Raising

7.2: Refining

7.2a Weapons

7.2b Armor

7.3: Weapons vs. Sp Usage

7.4: Completion Percentages

Section 8: Credits and Contact Info

Section 1: Guardians and Character Tips

Section 1.1:Guardians








Fireball, Rage, Fire Shield



Heal, Recovery, Regeneration



Earthquake, Protection of the Earth, Blessing of the






Flame, Fire Pillar, Inferno



Frost, Ice Shield, Restoration



Stomp, Stone Pike, Kiss in the Abyss

Section 1.2: Abilities






Attacks 4 spaces ahead.


Spreads out 3 spaces from center.


Shoots 2 fireballs that land 3 spaces away and make a

wall 3 spaces wide.

Fire Pillar

Hits random for a few seconds max 3 spaces out.


Spreads out from center for 3 spaces.


Kills an enemy with fire attribute instantly, 3 spaces

ahead(bugged on mine).

Kiss in the Abyss

Kills an enemy with earth attribute instantly, 3

spaces ahead.


Like frost but earth based

Stone Spike

Hits random for a few seconds max 3 spaces out


Blessing of the Earth

Heals abnormal statuses

Fire Shield

When attacked damages attacker


Restores Hp

Ice Shield

Invincible while inside the swirling dust

Protection of the Earth

Raises defense(How much depends on lv of Guardian)


Increases Attack


Restores Sp


Speeds up Recovery of both Hp and Sp


Recovers both Hp and Sp at about half of Heal and


Section 1.3: Characters

1.3a [References]

[Battle squares]

Center square is your character the rest can be occupied by enemies. Bigger

enemies(mainly the golems and bosses) take up at least 2 squares if not more.





5=Standard attack

7=Strong attack

1.3b [Ronin]

Rookie Swordsman

A boy from Basto who wants to be a guard knight. He likes Reah

He uses two handed swords and has the highest strength out of all of them.

The two handed sword has the ability(after attaining the combos) to hit

enemies to the front left and right squares as well as a 360 hit with his

final combo attack. His combinations are as followed.

557 - A forward thrust putting him behind the enemy(if able)

5557 - More powerful version of the first

55557 - A 360 spin slash ending with a forward power slash

[Beginning Stats]

HP 72

SP 60

Power 8

Hp 5

Agility 3

Will 4

Attack 6(bare handed)

Defense 1(without armor)


Temple of Water

Temple of Earth

Lake Locus - East of Lake Locus - N Central Mts - N Morionis Frst - Hunters C


Central Mts



W Central Mts

Temple of Fire

Forgotten Temple


South of Jusablow Desert


1.3c [Reah]

Rookie Refiner

A girl from a good family. She joined the rebellion with the persuasion of

Lonak. She has a good feeling about Ronin.

She uses spears as her weapon of choice and has high agility. Spears have the

standard ability to hit enemies 2 squares ahead or 2 that are in line with

each other. It is also carried over to her combos as well.

557 - Jumping slash

5557 - More Powerful jumping slash

55557 - Multi hit combo ending with a slash

[Beginning Stats]

HP 60

SP 72

Power 3

Hp 4

Agility 8

Will 5

Attack 2(bare handed)

Defense 0(without armor)


Temple of Water

Temple of Earth

Lake Locus - East of Lake Locus - N Central Mts - N Morionis Frst - Hunters C


Central Mts



W Central Mts

Temple of Fire

Forgotten Temple


South of Jusablow Desert


1.3d [Aramor]

Rookie Knight

Young Knights of Templers sent to protect Refiners

He uses 1 handed swords and the only one that can use shields. This allows

him to have the highest defense out of the 3. His combos have the ability to

create tornadoes and Daggers for his last one to hit enemies 3 squares away or

up to 3 in a line.

557 - Mini tornado

5557 - Bigger tornado

55557 - Daggers come up from the ground

[Beginning Stats]

HP 108

SP 48

Power 5

Hp 8

Agility 4

Will 3

Attack 4(bare handed)

Defense 1(without armor)


Temple of Water

Lake Locus - East of Lake Locus - N Central Mts - N Morionis Frst - Hunters C


Central Mts



W Central Mts -------------- Forgotten Temple

Temple of Fire

S Morionis Forest


South of Jusablow Desert ------------------ E of Jusablow D.


Section 1.4: Tips

-Save always, save often. There are no penalties or counters for saves so

don't be afraid to.

-If you can't beat a boss try just leveling some. It doesn't take that long

and really helps

-If stuck on a quest go to your menu and go to the quest tab. When there

click on the quest and most of the time it will explain everything to you.

-Problems with a dungeon puzzle or trying to find an entrance or chest press

0 to check the map. Everything you need will be colored blue.

-Don't forget you can power up weapons and armor by refining. It won't show

up on the item stat screen but if you check your personal stats before and

after you will see.

-Orbs are nice at times too. Really only a few have very useful effects. But

they do help.

-Taking advantage of the elements has great results especially at higher

levels. Water to Fire, Earth to Water, Fire to Earth.

-At the Guardian select screen I recommend Water and Earth. Water you use at

the first temple, Earth you use at the second. You don't need Fire until the


Section 1.5: Leveling

Really it's not hard to level high enough to have an easy time through the

game. Compared to most rpg's it takes quite a while. Normally just a straight

run through the game I'll end around level 42.

Now for my personal preference I like to be around level 20 and with the best

weapon you can buy before beating the Fire Temple. By then you should be able

to complete the fire and water temples with ease and either receive better

armor drops or just save up enough money. It shouldn't take any longer then a

couple hours to level that high.


This recquires a lot of potions, maybe 20 or 30 wines, the weakest weapon and

strongest weapon you can buy. Find a good sized area with at least 2 or 3 Nord

spawns in close proximity. Equip your weakest weapon and the water element.

Now starting hacking away at them with combos(combos are the most effective in

getting them to multiply). After you have enough of them on screen for your

liking switch to your strongest weapon(and maybe earth element if you're weak)

and just start killing them. After you've cleared the room they will all start

to respawn(including the split ones). So just stand around and keeping hacking

and slashing and healing as needed. It may take a while but you don't have to

move anywhere else and normally they respawn at a nice rate so there's little

to no down time. Just don't run out of potions!!


If you're a hard core gamer and want to attain a high level with the greatest

weapons then you're best bet for leveling is waiting till the Forgotten Temple

and just grind the Stone Golems. They offer the best experience with the

quickest availability. There are 5 in the room just stock up on potions(hp and

sp) and equip your fire guardian. Go in unleash a spell and just start comboing

away healing as needed. Once they are finished exit, then re enter, then repeat.

I am currently at level 56 and it takes me 15 to 30 minutes to gain 1 level.

I'm not sure yet how high the levels go but just be warned it's a long grind

to the top.

Section 2: Walkthrough

2.1: Ronin


2.1a Basto

Items: None

Go to the village Chief's house to start the main quest. Then head to

Lesley's and the weapon shop to see Nicholas for the subquests.

2.1b The South of the Jusablow Desert

Items: None

Find Reah to the north, touch the body to teleport back to town.

2.1c Basto

Get quest from Reah to visit the Temple of Fire. Head north out of the

village then to the doors in the north east side of the map.

2.1d Temple of Fire

[1st Floor]

Items: Crest of Light,

Head north one room from through the east side. In room 2 the right leads to 2

Basilisks, the west leads to two more Basilisks and the Light Crest to

continue. From room 2 again head up through the west side. Use the crest to

move on.

[2nd Floor]

Items: Broken Key1 and 2, Hp Stone recipe, Key to the Temple of Fire

In room 1 grab the Broken key from the dead body. Head north then in the

second room the south west leads to the Hp stone recipe, north west gives

you the second broken key, last head to the north east and use both keys to

get the Temple of Fire key. Use the key and head to the north. SAVE then head

onto the boss.

Boss Attacks: He has 3 attacks, in order he starts out teleporting around the

room which if you get hit by his fire it will hurt you, next he will stop

and do a flame attack that goes out like a cross, then staying in the

same spot he does a major flame attack which unless you are within 1 or 2

squares of him it won't affect you but is the strongest of the attacks.

After the last one he pauses for a second and that's your opening.

2.1e Basto

Head back to Basto. Talk to the village Chief. Then go to Ronin's house then

back to the village chief's. Talk to him twice to start two quests. Head over

to Lesley's again and start a third.

2.1f Journey to Locus

Items: None

Head North through the South of Jusablow Desert and north through the Western

Central Mountains to arrive at Locus

2.1g Locus

Items: None

Once there head to the north towards the public office. Talk to the Guard

outside to start the Investigation quest. Then head to the Inn and talk to

the master of the Inn twice. Head upstairs and enter the middle room. Check

the bookshelf on to the east to start the Water temple quest.

2.1h Journey to Temple of Water

Items: Crest of Rebellions

Head out of Locus to the north to The East of Lake Locus. Head to the east

side of the map and battle through the crusaders. Grab the chest they were

guarding then make sure you go back to Solum and finish that quest before

the heading to the temple. If you forget you can still finish it later.

Head north from here to the Temple of Water.

WARNING: After beating the temple of water: Locus, East of Lake Locus, Lake

Locus, and the Western Central Mountains will be inaccessible.

2.1i Temple of Water

[1st Floor]

Items: Blue Brickx3, Simple Key

In the first room head to the east and get the first blue brick from

the chest and place it in the pedestal in the middle of the room. Head

across the newly formed bridges to east and grab the chest. Again place

the blue brick in the pedestal then head to the west. Grab both chests and

put the last brick in the pedestal. Touch it again to move on.

[2nd Floor]

Items: Broken Lever, Orb of Death Recipe

Grab the Broken lever from the guy on the ground. Now there are 3

combinations that lead you different places.

L=left, M=middle, R=Right, and U=up, D=down.

LU,MD,RD - Room full of Ice Golems

LU,MU,RD - Room full of Hydras

LU,MU,RU - Room with Ice Golems and a recipe chest.

LD,MU,RD - Ice Golems, the middle entrance takes you back, northern one

leads to the boss. As always save before entering.

2.1j Journey to Solum

Items: None

Head to the east exit from the starting point in the Northern Central

Mountains. From here head towards the south exit in the North of Morionis

Forest to enter Solum.

2.1k Solum

Items: Will Stone Recipe, Power Stone Recipe

First head to Alex's house for the Will Stone Recipe. His is the one towards

the middle(one of the few that are unlocked). Then to Sid's(one furthest to

the middle east) to receive the Power Stone Recipe and do your last two

combo tests. After that go to the house just south of that and start the

missing fiance quest(see quests section of details). Can't complete the

reference book quest until after the Temple of Earth.

2.1l Journey to the Temple of Earth

Head out of Solum then head to the east to Hunter's Camp to do the Missing

Fiance quest. Then go back and head up to the Temple of Earth.

Tip: The Temple of Earth has the highest level monsters in Ronin's game. If

you haven't been taking advantage of the elements in the other temples it's

a really good idea here.

Also Read the Boss Faq before leaving Solum to see how many potions you

will need.

2.1m Temple of Earth

[1st floor]


Orb of Faint Recipe

From the first room head north. From here you'll want to head to the east,

then north(to the east leads to the treasure chest), then north again. If

you venture into any of the other rooms just touch the square face etched into

the stone(press 0 and look for the blue dot on the map).

Note: The letters on the walls are there to help guide you. The correct path

that leads on will spell out GEB. So if you're confused just read the letters.

(contributed by Dylan)

[2nd floor]

Items: None

In here you will want to head through the southern most exit. The second room

just follow it till it ends then push the tile to open up the path. Now go

back to the previous room and head through the northern one this time. Follow

it to the end and save before touching the stone, it leads to the boss.

2.1n Journey to the Forgotten Temple

You'll start out in The North of Morionis Forest, head south into Solum. In

Solum head north and go into the public office. Inside immediately turn west

And talk to the librarian. Get the book and head back to Basto to complete the

quest. Now head back to Solum and exit out the west. From here head west to

the Northern Central Mountains. From here go to the south west exit into the

Central Mountains. Follow this to the south east and head into the temple.

2.1o Forgotten Temple

Once inside its up to you where to go. The overall objective is to visit all

three rooms and touch the circle on the ground then head to the circle in the

middle to fight all 3 guardian bosses of the game. To the west is Fire Golems,

north is Ice Golems and Nord Spawns, the east is Stone Golems. Now this is the

best place to level and mine mithrils and 2 unidentified items(Hero's Shield

and Grim Ripper, look in tips section). By now you should be high enough level

you can just hack and slash through the

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