First steps

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Hope y'all enjoy!!!!!



The mystery of who you called daddy was still there but hey, a week later, you started walking! Here's what happened.

"So you guys are still arguing? Even Natalya forgot about it." Eduard commented. Tolys and Ivan were still arguing on who got called daddy. The other always denied being called it. The only time they ever stopped was to eat, sleep or go to the bathroom. 

"Big brother, can you do me a favour?" Natalya asked, making his head turn. "Yeah, sure."


"Has anyone seen the little one?"

"She's over there." Raivis pointed to you. You were trying to walk. Your mom was smiling a lot and your aunt was clapping.


"Walk child." Alfred was watching you again. Matthew was coming back soon anyways. All he was doing was going into town for a few minutes.

"Come on dudette. You can do it!" Alfred tried to put you on your feet but all you did was plop back down to the floor. "You are a stubborn child. Guess I taught you that." He said, "Nuh-uh." You replied.

"Don't be like that!" You shook your head no. You heard the door unlock and what you did was lay down and roll to the door, as if you were going down a hill. your father went down to pick you up but.....

Everytime he tried to pick you up, you rolled a bit further away from his grasp. It just looked like a tiny burrito rolling around. 

"Y/n?? Alfred, what are you teaching her?" He asked, going to pick you up again. You stood up and dashed away. But you fell back to the floor in about 3 seconds. "well. First steps. And first dash." Alfred said.

"But why was she rolling?!" Matthew asked, still slightly confused.You pointed to Alfred. " Good job Y/n. Alfred. Come here" 


Nothing very special happened. You were both watching television. At the commercial break, he got up to go get you both a snack, you got up and followed closely behind. You noticed you and picked you up, kissing your forehead. 

"Ma Petite fille a-t-elle faim?" (is my little girl hungry?)

"OUI!" (do I need to translate this -_-)


"y/n! Do you hate daddy?" Matthias asked you. You simply said "No en."(I don't- Finnish)

 You answered in Finnish. "Can you tell me in english or danish?" Every time your dad tried to talk to you, you would answer in any language other than Danish or English.

"Nr" (no-Icelandic)

"Was that Icelandic!?" 

"Jag hatar inte dig" (I don't hate you- Swedish)

"I understand that a bit more but thats swedish. Danish is left." 

"Du glemte norske" (You forgot norwegian-Norwegian)

"O-oh.I did forget Norwegian. Anyways, do you hate me?"

You got up onto your feet and walked (kinda) away to the door. Tino was watching the whole thing unfold from the stairs.

"Aww, it's okay Denmark. Maybe you just don't speak Danish enough here. I'm always speaking Finnish. Trust me she doesn't hate you." He came down the stairs with an extra cup. 

"Eggnog?" He offered.

"It's not even close to Christmas! But I will take it. Thanks."

"Merry Christmas in July!"

"It's August."


Lovino was trying to find you. The Italian gene in you made you move fast. the only one ever able of catching you was either Feliciano or Ludwig. That's just cuz Ludwig has to catch Feliciano on a daily basis so he was used to it. 

The thing was, you weren't even running away. You were just crawling away, very fast. "Feliciano! Have you seen Y/n?" He yelled through the house. "She was in the kitchen 10 seconds ago!"

"She's beside the stairs. "

Lovino ran to the spot and was dragged behind the corner out of sight by Feliciano. "Shh. Look" He pointed to her.

It was you trying to stand up but kinda failing. You kept getting up falling over. 

After about 2 minutes of this continuous pattern, You finally took one step towards the step. Then another. You took a step going upstairs and a few more, just as you were about to fall over again. Lovino pushed you back to your feet from behind you and you kept going up the stairs. He smiled and Feliciano cheered from the bottom of the stairs.


You were at the park with your dad, and a few other people you didn't know. You were all having a picnic. One of them was really tall though. You looked at him and almost hurt your neck.

Turns out, a few of these people also had kids, but only 2 of them did. There was an Italian girl and a French girl. They were trying to play with you.

Yao knew of your love of pulling things that were sticking out. One reason he hid his ponytail in the back in his clothes, or put it in a bun.(MAN BUN!) So of course, seeing this guy with these huge ass eyebrows made your eyes sparkle. You were constantly trying to pull them. (Poor England)

"She's adorabl-Oww leave my eyebrows alone. How old is she?" The man said trying to keep your grabby hand away from his eyes. "She's almost 1. Arthur, I would just move. That's not going to work unless you hide them." Yao informed him. Arthur got up to move, but noticed you trying to follow. 

You got up on your two feet and tried to get to him, only falling back over. "Arthur, just climb the tree." One of the girl's was trying to support herself on you while the other dashed around. You were all around the same age. 

You took a few steps towards the british man. "Man, she really likes those eyebrows!"

"She just loves hair. That's why mine is hidden." Your father said. He saw you taking a few steps and his eyes turned to hearts looking at you. "Aww, it's her first steps!"

"AWW" everyone said at the same time. Except that french girl was clapping.


If you want a certain scenario, juts request it and I'll put it down!

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