If you were born back then

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This is just a fun scenario I thought about. It came to me while I was writing the Romano section of the break-up chapter. 

In these scenarios, you are very capable of dying, so you might not be immortal.


Belarus (Late 1800)

Ever since you woke up this morning, your 3 brothers and one sister have been bugging you to bring them to the local festival in town for the day.

And since it was Sunday, you and your mom weren't making them learn whatever you had planned so that basically means, no school!

"Mom, I'm taking (brothers and sister's names) to the festival." You told her, arranging your clothes in your bag for later.

"Don't forget about the dance performance in the square tonight. Oh, and we're meeting up with your uncle and aunt later." She told you, fixing up something. 

"Already got my outfit fixed up! Yay, I can't believe he got a day off." You said happily. You were glad she gave you permission to go so you all hurried off into town. You ended up bringing a basket of food with you so you wouldn't need to use up any of your money.

When you arrived, your brothers went off to see his friends and you walked around with your little sister. You ended up seeing your uncle showing off his muscles to some other younger boys, who weren't even as tall as his shoulders yet.

It was one of those rare days that your uncle got 

Around lunch time, you brought your sister to the main hall, where most of the women were going to meet up. You were all performance a fun traditional folk-dance. You would all be wearing some traditional dresses and dancing to a random song they would play. (I put a picture of Belarus is the outfit.)

You put in your hair accessories, aka the millions of little flowers and some very light makeup. Lipstick, just that. You helped your sister get ready too. After you were all done getting ready, you and our sister went to go find your aunt Yekaterina and uncle Ivan. They were participating as well.

When it was time for the performance, you placed yourself beside your dance partner, a really hot guy, and begun the dance. You ended up with your brother, some other guys in the village and finally ended up with your uncle. You all finished with a bow and everyone laughed and clapped. 

The night finished with a bunch of random singing and flirting between everyone else.

Canada (1890-1900)

You woke up with a lot of weight on you. You opened your eyes to see all your younger siblings laying on all of your limbs. A usual occurrence in the Williams household. 

In your family, there was a total of 8 siblings. You being the 2nd oldest, with you having an older brother. He was chopping wood outside. He also got his own room. Lucky....

You slowly got out of bed, careful to not wake up the younger children. You got dressed and went to the kitchen to see your mother cooking and your dad reading the morning papers. 

Did I forget to mention that you guys were a french family in ONTARIO at the time. (shocker i know... But for the sake of too many translations, imma keep it in english)

"Dear, can you go shopping in town today? I need to take (6 brothers and sisters) to school." She asked you giving you your eggs and oatmeal. You nodded and finished your breakfast.

You left the house with your basket and went by horse because it would be quite the ride. But of course, your brother came with you. 

You stopped by the Farmer's market and checked the produce, and hearing the teasing and hateful comments in the back. "Look! It's the snobby frenchies!" You heard one of the town ladies yell out mockingly.

"Forget about it Y/n" Your brother said, picking certain things and purchasing them. 

READ IF YOU WANT OR SKIP[Mini history lesson for the non-Canadians out there] The French and the English never really got along together, even now there's a small tension between us. One of the main reasons that the French stayed mostly in Quebec and certain maritime provinces. Well anyways, Ontario was amongst the provinces to be almost completely English, with the exceptions of small communities completely in French. In an English community, speaking French was basically asking to get made fun of, teased and forever shamed by everyone else. Other provinces still had this problem, but not as bad because there are communities who don't speak a word of English or French, like the many Ukrainians, Asians, German, and other communities.[History lesson over. I'm so sorry for the length]

You proceeded to buying more things before turning around to see one of the bigger brutes who tended to get more physical when confronted. A few weeks back, he nearly killed you because he didn't want your 'kind' around. He had almost stabbed you in the stomach with a knife before you blocked it with your arm. Luckily, your older brother, built like a bear, beat him up while walking through town to see his beloved.

From that day on, you had to have your brother with you. 

In the end, this wasn't the worse part of your day. It was falling off the horse. The ground hurt. But later that day, you picked up your brothers and sisters from school and laughed at their little stories of the day and proceeded to make some things with your mom and little sisters, enjoying the cosiness of your 'little' family and the weird laughs of your older brother.

France (1793)

One thing that was certain, was that you definitely did not want to be in your status and position. First class citizen. Why was that? 2 words for you.

French. Revolution.

Protests had been made all over the country, especially Versailles. 

And since your dad was really close to the king and his wife, you guys were staying at the palace. One night, a servant gave you and your dad some commoner's clothes and were told to escape as soon as possible. Without asking any questions, you both left in a hurry, wearing the clothes.

A few hours later, a disturbing news hit you both. The monarchs had been killed by guillotine. And the nobles close to them were getting the same treatment. you kinda like your head on your shoulders so you both left. 

Though someone had recognised your dad as one of the advisors of the king, he was put to the guillotine. But too bad your dad is immortal. 

The shock of the executor when the head rolled and said "That's not very nice, you know. Now pass me my body please."

Let's just say that was the last execution of the day and the executor thought he was going mad. Your dad explained why he was still alive and you sew his head back onto his shoulders. "Let's get out of here before he comes back and realises it wasn't a dream"

Denmark (1200s)

You were constantly travelling because your dad was a viking. Along with his buddy Lukas and his archenemy Berwald. Your dad was supposed to come home today so you made some food. 

Alot of food, because Lukas was coming over too.

The door opened and you saw him walk in covered in snow and carrying his axe like a trophy.

"Bust open more heads dad?" You asked and he smiled. "You betcha! Thanks for making dinner early." He told you after putting down the axe. 

"What'd you do for the last 3 weeks? Was it fun?" You asked, stuffing some meat into your mouth (sorry if your vegetarian).

"Yeah I (describe a shit ton of inhumane stuff but that still makes sense because they're vikings.Pull stuff from Danish Slaughterhouse if you want. *slightly cries*). " He said it with a smile. You just stared at him for a few seconds. 

"Oh we also burned the village down and killed everyone. I pushed him off the boat because he was being annoying." Lukas said, nonchalantly, just putting some potatoes into his mouth.

"So it was the usual?" You lifted an eyebrow. 

"Mm...Yeah. Basically. You should try it!" Your dad exclaimed, talking with his mouth full. You got up, went behind him and smacked him behind the head. 

"Don't talk with food in your mouth, and I'm good with the cleaning and cooking. I hate seeing dismembered people covered in blood." You finished off. Then you went to sit and continued eating your delicious meal.

Romano (Late 1800)

You lived with your dad in a nice little country side village in southern Italy. It was just you two. No siblings, no wife. The occasional Antonio who came by and your uncle who was trying to get along with his brother.

Your dad made pizza and pasta in your small restaurant and you helped him out. You made the food yourself and cooked it with your dad. It was the real delicious stuff.

You also flirted with people who came in, making them want to come back. It was your thing you really liked to do. Apart from Pizza. That was fun too.

"Hola la familia Vargas!" You heard at the door, you looked over and saw Antonio standing at the door. He was waved at you and walked over, handing you a flower. 

"Would you like me to get my father for you?" You asked him, smelling the flower. He nodded.

You went back to go get your dad who was taking a nap, cuddling a small stash of Tomatoes."Dad, Antonio is here" You informed him "And your curl latched itself onto one of the cherry tomatoes again." 

"Whaa? Oh.." He said looking up to see a tomato hanging from his hair. He took it out and ate it, savouring the taste happily. You grabbed one of the small tomatoes and munched on it, following your dad. 

"Aye, you're both eating tomatoes again. Will you stop?" He asked. You and your dad looked at each other and started laughing.

"We're Italians. We can't help it" Your dad said, passing you another.

You all had supper and headed home. Antonio was on his way to a friend's house a few cities over so he stopped by for fun. You all played games till the early hours of the morning, drinking wine and laughing.

China (Somewhere between 1300-1400)

You barely had anything to do. Your dad was a scholar, and one of the main advisors to the emperor, and you were a one of the ladies who lived in the palace. You mainly had to stick to the Empress and some of the young ladies in the palace seemed kinda jealous. But then again, you had the Empress on your side so... HA! suck it. One reason the Empress liked you so much...Was because her son liked you too. Though she didn't like your father though. 

That week your father got sick? Oh that was the Empress poisoning everything he ate and drank. Strange how he didn't die though..She did that for a month. She poisoned a servant's tea and he died an hour later.

One thing you found funny was when Im Yong Soo and the Korean Emperor came to visit and you were trying to tie your dad's head back onto his body.  

"Maybe you shouldn't be talking back to the Emperor" He said, passing you a needle. You carefully sewed into his neck with it. 

"The little shit needs to learn respect towards me!" He complained. You took both your hands and held his head in place. "Stop moving" You grumbled. 

"Anyways, he's gonna laugh so hard!" He exclaimed. You poked him in the side of the head with the needle so he would finally stop. "I will leave you to carry your head everywhere if you keep moving" You threatened him. "Fine...I'll stop moving, aru" He finally gave in and you proceeded to keep carefully sewing.

"Anyways, Y/n, have you found yourself a husband yet?" Yong Soo asked, lifting an eyebrow in confusion. Usually, girls of your age would already be married and some would already have a kid or two. You were already 18. 

"No. And I won't be able for a while." You informed him. He cocked his head to the side in confusion. Your dad sighed and informed him. "Meaning the Prince already has his eye on her. That's why she can't" 

"But...How could she do that? She's immortal too. It'd be weird to outlive all of your descendants. I mean, there is this wonderful person I know that you would love" He laughed, looking slightly off.

"Yong Soo....." Your dad grumbled darkly...An aura around him. You finally finished and cut the threat off of the needle and watched your dad jump Yong Soo. You laughed in the back and fell over from the weight of your outfit.

"I *trying to breath* Didn't mean me! Help!" Yong Soo exclaimed, trying to escape your dad.


I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!

Should I do a part 2 for this? I feel like I should. It could be fun.

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