Meet your 2P parent pt.1

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Requested by someone and It's finally finished!!!!! Enjoy!!!


You had just come home from a date with Feliks to have him stop you just as you opened the door.  The first person you saw was an odd version of Tolys. He smiled deviously and pointed to the hallway, which both of you suspiciously went into. 

You saw your 'uncle' chasing your 'mother' muttering about becoming one, and your 'aunt' drinking and wearing revealing clothes.  

"HELP MEEE" Your mom's counterpart shrieked as your uncle's counterpart had gotten a hold her her and really wanted a kiss. 

Your aunt's counterpart however, was just laughing her head off at this and encouraged her brother to keep tormenting her. One figure that caught your eye was a blond man sitting in the corner with a red scarf on. Feliks saw this and placed you behind him slightly.  "Don't go near them. They're dangerous."

"That's rude of you to say~ Have more respect~" You one of them say. Your aunt's counterpart took out a bloody pitchfork and your uncle's counterpart took out a large shovel and slung it over his shoulder. "Disrespect can earn many punishments, da~"


You entered the house and went into the living room and saw someone who looked like your dad drinking some coffee on the couch. Your dad beside him, drinking some tea or coffee and smiling beside him.


"Oh! Matt, meet my daughter, Y/n, Y/n, this is Matt."Your dad introduced you and you nodded in acknowledgement.  "I'm so happy you're nice!"

"I'm just going to go up to my room..." 


You could smell the intense scent of cigarettes, and you knew your dad didn't smoke at all. In fact, he would never even go near the smell. So you entered the house with caution, holding your can of pepper spray under your sweater sleeve. 

A strange looking man came into the hallway and you sprayed him in the eyes, making him scream. "WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU???"

You heard something fall in the living room and saw your dad tied to a chair. "Do I leave you there or call the cops?" 


"Leave you there and do nothing it is."


'You'd swear Matthew and Tim passed again...'  You thought as the smell of marijuana came out of the house. You entered the house to see Lukas tied up in rope with ducktape over his mouth. You run over to him and rip it off.

"Leave now!" He quickly told you before you felt a weight go onto your shoulders. "Egill. Leave her alone" You looked up and saw Emil's odd looking counterpart. 

"But she's so cute and he does nothing! He can barely even protect her" You watched his aura go a 180 from the happy you just witnessed and shivered on the inside of fright. 'Yandere'  you thought. 'Very dangerous yandere'

You heard a gunshot go off and looked a the top of the stairs and saw Tino's counterpart with Berwald's counterpart.

You felt an arm go around your neck in a somewhat loose hold. You looked up and saw a taller and a more mature counterpart of your dad. "Where's Loki?" His gruff voice said. Everyone just shrugged their shoulders and then laid their eyes on a now free Lukas.


"EEEEEEKK" Was the first thing you heard walking in. "HELP ME" You ran to the living room to find a blond identical version of your dad in a nice white designer jacket, and some pretty expensive sunglasses. "DON'T TRUST HIM!" Your dad was on his stomach on the ground, legs tied to his arms and he was struggling in the ropes.

"Hey! I told you to watch that language and you didn't! "His 'twin' claimed, pushing down his sunglasses to show his glimmering red eyes. "This is the punishment!" He smirked. He looked at you "You are a cute one, piccola. I'm surprised you don't talk like him" He chuckled to himself.  "What do you think about trying on some clothes?" He asked you and you shrugged. 




"I'm home!" You yelled out when you opened the door. You and Kiku were out for the day doing some shopping. You both started getting hungry so you went back to your house. "What is that smell..." You sniffed the air and scrunched your face in disgust. it had a floral scent, but it definitely wasn't flowers though. Kiu seemed to recognize it as he put his hand on your shoulder to make you stay and narrowed his eyes.

"Zhao! Why are you here?" You heard Kiku's voice exclaimed from the kitchen. 'Zhao?' You thought in confusion. Who the heck do you know who's called Zhao. You went to the kitchen to see a man, identical in facial features to your dad, but his eyes were red, his hair was short and his arms were coated with a large dragon tattoo. He was smoking a well.

"She's pretty cute. Have you told her though?" He smirked looking at you, making you somewhat uncomfortable. He got up and circled around you, letting out a puff of smoke aside. He touched your hair gently, not in a creepy way but looking over it. You grabbed his arm and glared at him. "Sh's not a fan of contact either, I see" He chuckled.

"I don't know you." Was all you told him before taking his cigarette and crushing it in the palm of your hand. "And there's no smoking in the house." you threw out the rest of the cigarette. "What is this stuff anyways? It smells weird." You washed your hand from the disgusting substance.

"Opium. Would you like so-OWW!"You cut him off by grabbing a fist full of his hair and smashing his face off your knee.

"No. Where's my dad?" You asked him, your voice going deeper and now pinning him on his stomach to the floor. A little vial fell out of his coat and you picked it up, seeing an odd colour liquid.

"Don't touch it Y/n. It's what you call gǔ." Kiku claimed. You put it down immediately and look at the vial. 


Piccola- Italian word of endearment meaning little one (feminine form of Piccolo)

Gǔ 蠱: a Chinese poison made by putting various venomous creatures together, then letting them devour each other till only one remains. The venom becomes more lethal and dangerous.

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