Memevis-I mean Eurovision

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(It'l be a mix of the last 10 years)

Behold, eurovision



"we lost again..." Your mom sighed heavily, grabbing a glass and filling it with Vodka. " I can't believe I even asked Poland for help..." She mumbled low enough so you couldn't hear.

"Rybakkkkkkk~" You cried, stuffing a piece of potato in your mouth and you cried a little bit. 


"Eurovision?" You cocked your head. Arthur was visiting one day.

"Year dear, you should tae a look at it."

A few hours later~

"Why is there a chicken lady?" You asked, trying not to laugh. Arthur sat beside you with a bottle of heavy alcohol. 

"I *hic* don't know!" He started ranting about Francis winning over him. 


"I win again!" Your dad cheered.

"You didn't win." You told him.

"Oh yes I did. I got more points than the black sheep! It is a win for la belle France!" He cheered. 


"How is this man so hot?" You were basically glued to the TV. 

"Who is?" your dad walked in with a cup o coffee. 

"Alexander Rybak~" You pretty much started hugging the TV. You began humming the tune. " I'm in love~~ With a fairytaaaaale~" 

"Hmp!" Lukas huffed, walking into the room, full of pride that his contestant was that great. "13th place, Den." He mumbled teasingly to him. When he turned to face Lukas, he was spelling out something. 

"F-I-R-S-T P-L-A-C-E~" Lukas laughed before taking Den's coffee and walking away. 


"Ahhhh there's a gorilla suit!" You were almost crying from laughter as you watched Italy's performance. "who thought it would be a good idea to send a gorilla man as a joke contestant??" You were almost rolling on the ground at that point.

"I-a agree. Stupido..."

"Vee~ Fratello! they weren't that bad!"

"Say that to the gorilla man!"

"Vee~ That is embarrassing though..." Your uncle ended up agreeing in the end.


"Can we pleaseeee watch?"

"No!" You dad told you.


A few hours later.

"Where did y/n go, aru?" 

"Oh she went somewhere with S.Korea. she didn't tell you?"

"Aiyaa! No she didn't!" 

Someplace else~~

"Yay! Thanks Yong Soo!" YOu kissed his cheek. 

"He, no problem! Whoaa Estonia's dress looks great this year!" He smiled.

"The song is great too!" You smiled, enjoying the show.

I won't tell her that Estonia's personification is actually wearing a dress though... Yong Soo told himself, keeping it to himself.


So I know Eurovision was a few weeks back so I decided to make a mashup of the past years of the competition. 

Btw, my favourite of all time was the 1974 winner entry from Sweden, Wateroo by ABBA. Second place is 2009's Alexander Rybak singing Fairytale and my third pace is a tie between Hungary's Viszlát Nyár (2018) and Finland's Hard Rock Hallelujah (2006)

Which are your favourites?

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