Olympics pt.2

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Part two!



"3 medals... We still got more golds than a large portion of the countries!" You cheered. Thought you hadn't placed in top 10, medals were good. 

"I'm glad most competitors didn't get hurt this year..." Your mom sweat dropped. 

You all laughed slowly, trying not to draw attention to yourselves.

"Ivan still didn't need to hurt the poor guy..." You mumbled, thinking of the one casualty that decided to shove his victory in his face.


"We lost in hockey... To the USA..." You and your dad were almost crying on the side. 

"You both still got more medals than America did. Be proud."

"At least the Russians got the gold...I could never allow those... Germans to take the title" Your dad mumbled under his breath, glaring at a buff blond German who was standing nearby. 


"We did awesome this year. We beat the reigning champ from Canada in one of the skiing events." You told your dad. You didn't even want to be near him at the moment. In fact, you were currently wearing a blindfold over your eyes because your dad insisted that the 'old ways of the games' make a come back.

Nothing else was needed to be said.

"We also beat the UK."


"Great job guys." you congratulated Lukas on getting first place, and Berwald, sixth. "You were better than dad. Dad was an embarrassment..." You mumbled to Lukas the last part so it wouldn't depress your dad even more.

"This year was not their year..."

"At least Berwald got out of it without getting any more injuries!" Tino popped in. 

After you had had pumped your dad up for victory and lost in curling, he tried to punch Berwald in the face. He succeeded, but the cops had to take him away for a few hours.

That was the start of the games...


"We did better than the Russians this year!" You and your uncle cheered happily.

"We did better than the tomato bastard!" Your dad cheered. "Suck it Russian!" A tall Russian man in a tan coat turned around and an aura appeared, followed by a Kolkolkol.

"Run. RuUNNNNNNN" Your uncle grabbed your arm and sprinted the other way.


"This was an awful season for us, aru."

"Your ass got beaten bad dad." Your dad starred at you intensily. "I mean... it was bad luck!!"

"We will do better in two years. Beijing is our territory." Your dad claimed.


I decided on doing this for fun~~~

Should I make the chapter of  "You figure it out" now or later on?

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