Someone gets drunk

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So in this scenario, someone in your family, whether it be you, your dad/mom, your uncle, or even the pet! Enjoy!

Thank you for requesting this Lemon_Princess.

Y'all can request by DM too. Doesn't have to be comment.

Age: between 15-17


You came home to a very strong smell of Vodka in the air. You followed the smell and found your uncle, drunk drinking his bottle of Vodka. For a while, you had thought he couldn't get drunk off of the stuff but this proved you wrong.

"Ahhh*hic* Welcome home Y/n!" He exclaimed, waving an empty bottle as a 'hello'. "Hi, uncle Ivan...where's mom?" You asked, kinda scared.

"She's *hic* out with Sister Ukraine!" He said. 'Ukraine? Is he talking about Yekaterina?' you asked yourself. "You mean aunt Yekaterina?" You asked him and he simply answered with a "Дa! Come have a drink!"

"U-uncle! Im not legal drinking age yet! Mom will get mad!"

"Oh? But where i live, you can drink if I watch you! And I'm watching you so drink!" His aura began appearing so grabbed a glass and poured, slowly sipping. 

You watched Raivis, Eduard and Tolys come in the door and when they noticed Ivan, they almost bolted out. "Latvia!Come here!" He exclaimed, Raivis almost jumped out of his skin. 'Is Raivis Latvia?'

You gave a 'wtf is going on' look at Tolys as he kept calling them country names. 

"Y/n? do you know where you get your height?" Your uncle asked you, lots of hiccups coming out. "Umm..Mom?" You answered. 

"ME! Look at how tall I am!" He said, standing up. "What?" Was all you could say. 

"I'll take care of him" Tolys said, grabbing Russia in a hold in which he couldn't move, dragging him away. You finished your vodka quickly and your mind went hazy after that. 

This was a much stronger alcohol than vodka, unknowingly to you. You sadly turned into an emotional wreck kind of drunk. Poor Eduard.


You had discovered the bottle of maple whiskey. Of course, you weren't drinking age yet in your province. You still had to wait 2 years before you could drink in Quebec.

(Drinking age is 18 in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec. Drinking age is 19 in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Yukon, northwest territories and Nunavut. Too many provinces and Territories.)

So you mixed a bit of it in with juices or soda most of the time. Your dad let you drink a bit in moderation. Here's what he said. "If you start getting dizzy, stop drinking. If I arrive and you can't stand anymore, you can't drink till your 20 and I'm hiding the alcohol." You of course agreed to his terms. But if he was already home, you could go overboard. It was just you to deal with the hangover after. You took responsibility.

Your dad was in the other room making himself coffee so you could drink in the living room. Completely unaware of the new type he had bought, you poured in your usual amount into your cup. You told your dad you were drinking.

About an hour later~~ (from Canada's POV)

I heard a thump in the living room so I got up and noticed Y/n on the floor. I ran up to her and lifted her to a sitting position. She was really giggly. *sigh* "Papa~ Why do people forget me?" she asked, laughing. 'You'd think she'd be upset about that.' I thought. 

"I don't know. Let's get you to your room."I picked her up in my arms and began making my way up to the stairs. "Non!" She whined hanging on to the wall. "Let go." I tried taking her hands away. "ohh. What's this?"She tried reaching up to the hair so I did the one smart thing.

I dropped her. And hid in a closet.

I opened my phone and dialed America

"America! Get here right now!"

"Canada, bro! Sure! Let me just get a cab. I'm drinking with the frenchies."He claimed. He hung up and I waited.

'Of course...He can't drink in his country so he comes here..'

3rd POV

About 30 minutes passed and Alfred opened the door. "Bro?Where are you?" He asked. He saw you on the floor being giggly. "Then I'm guessing he's in the closet" He walked to the closet and saw he sitting on the floor. "Dude, control your daughter. She's all giggly in front of the stairs."

"Take care of her" Then Matthew closed the door again.


Arthur was over and he brought some whiskey. He of course offered you some and you accepted. Arthur was used to the stuff. you on the other Arthur's word, you only ever had a bit of 'shitty french wine'. 

You were basically jumping off the walls.  "This was a mistake France!" He screamed, getting your dad's attention. "I told you that you stupid black sheep!"

After a few minutes, you had already run out of energy. instead of falling asleep, you miraculously regained enough energy to flirt. 

With the cat. You flirted with France Cat.

"Can I video tape this? Will I be seen as a bad parent if I do?" Francis asked Arthur, taking out his phone. "Just don't post it on YouTube. We'll show it at the next meeting." Arthur replied. 

You proceeded to....flirt with Arthur. Or well, convince him to marry your dad. Actually, both.

Of course, he didn't actually marry him though, only said so so you would leave him alone. Then you started to play with his hair. He fell asleep first, then your dad did, then you just sat there for an hour just starring at the wall.


To make things clear, you can drink below the age of 18 with supervision...So obviously knowing this, everyone in the house was drunk when you came home late. Berwald, Tino, Emil, Lukas, your dad and even Hanatamago had something. The dog couldn't even walk straight.

"Come on Y/n. Drink!" your dad shoved a bottle of booze in your hands. You weren't sure it was the best idea because you know, even the dog was drunk. You have seen what drunk people are capable of and you had yet to know about the Scandinavian men. You already knew what Tino was like. He was kinda an emotional drunk who just blurt out anything that came to mind. Berwald told you.

"I think I'll just head to bed now...It's past my bedtime." You said, trying to get to your room. Your dad blocked the way, accompanied by Berwald. 'Damn tall people with their bodies.' You thought. Both of them had a pretty good build so passing would be impossible.

"FINE!" You exclaimed, popping open the bottle of Vikingfjord, or otherwise known as Norwegian Vodka. You took a gulp of the drink, feeling the burning sensation through your throat. "Whoa! This stuff acts fast" You said, leaning up against the wall. You already started to have blurry vision. Usually it kicked in a few minutes after. Not immediately.

"FINISH THE BOTTLE!" Lukas screamed with a grin on his face. Your eyes widened as he actually expressed emotions. 'Lukas is an happy drunk. This is just plain uncomfortable'  You looked at Tino, just ranting over and over. 'Tino is kind of an emotional drunk.' Berwald was now sprawled over the floor. 'Berwald is a sleepy drunk.' You looked at Emil, who was crying while Mr.Puffin was flying into walls 'Emil is a very emotional drunk.'

'That leaves my dad...' You turned to see him walk into the wall. You snorted when he face-planted into the fridge about 45 seconds later. 'Dad's a blind drunk.I didn't even know that was a thing.It could be dizzy too.'

"I know that this will not end well. But who cares!" You said, taking another swig from the bottle. 


You came home to see that there was 4 empty bottles. 'Dad gets drunk easily..This can't be good' You thought as you picked up the bottles. "I mean, it's just wine...I still don't understand how someone gets drunk off of this." You mumbled.

You walked around each room to try and find him but you found only your uncle sleeping. He didn't smell of wine. 'I'll pour myself some wine then since it's out." You said, pouring yourself a glass. Compared to them, you could actually keep your calm.

you heard odd sounds come from upstairs as you sipped it. You put your glass down and walked upstairs to find the sound. The sounds became more distinct as you got closer. 'Oh dear god...Don't tell me..' your thoughts drifted off. It came from your dad's room.

You heard one sentence come out and it shocked you. "Oh dios mio!" It was Antonio's voice. It sounded raspy. Not when you're sick raspy. The other kind... 

'Oh.My.God. I'm not opening that door.' You thought as you walked back. 

'I'm never going to be able to unhear that.' You thought, going back downstairs and leaving the house. But not before dragging your uncle out too.


You guys didn't drink much at home. Only on special occasions. Like the Lunar new year. Which was this week. The streets were getting decorated, people were going to see family, and most importantly, the alcohol came out. not to mention red envelope money but this was about alcohol.

It was weird when you came home. You found an odd man in a uniform in your house with your dad. He had a stern face and Yong soo was there too. And Kiku. And Mei.

"Hey dad." You said, closing the door behind you. Thats when you noticed. "N-Ni hao*hic*! " You dad stuttered out. 'The booze came out early' You thought. 

"I don't know you, but come drink with us." The stern man said. "Y/n! This is my twin Im Hyung Soo!! Da-ze!" Yong Soo exclaimed, with a flushed face. The man nodded and passed you a small cup. "Nice to meet you."

While you could kinda hold your liquor, it still kinda changed how you acted.

You had undone Hyung Soo's braid and decided to play with it. He ended up going home with a few french braids in his hair(And a few hairpins, but only you knew that)

Then you yanked your dad's hair, tried to gel Yong Soo's curl down. You wasted alot of hairgel and it stayed up.

Then you proceeded to mess up Kiku and Mei's hair. No one knew what that was, but you called it a masterpiece.

The cherry on top of the night was definitely when Kiku started singing and dancing. You video taped it so everyone could watch the next day.


There's a part 2 for this as well!! I hope you guys enjoyed it!!

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