Part 2

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Hello! Make sure to comment and vote! I only own Clover and Freak!

Okay, that isn’t it’s real name, but that is where he liked to hang out the most.

He was always be making improvements to the room. He was, I think, working on the projection of Camp Half-Blood. That was probably why he needed the blueprints.

I ran down the hallways, searching for the awesome hang out room.

I wanted to go on the quest just so I could hang in that room. Sure, I would be facing my death 24/7, but still! I loved the effort Leo had put into that room.

I ran down the wrong hallway once before I reached the hang out room. The door was totally blasted off, but I was able to step through. I saw Leo in the ground, still knocked out, but there was no sign of the creature. I realized what was going on too late. I looked up and was squashed to the floor. There was a whoring sound in my ear, and I realized it was breathing.

“CREEEEEEEEEEKK!!!” It hissed. I translated it as, Sit still, or I will have to kill you.

That wasn’t a really happy welcome, so it probably was an indication I was ruining it plans.

I turned so I could see the creature, and the sight of it made me scream!

It was a metal machine! It had a metal box, like and engine, for his head and razor sharp saws as teeth! It’s body was made of different parts. A washing machine was used for his chest and old bendable lamps were used for it’s arms. It’s eyes were green, like I had seen, but they were from old flashlights that were spray painted green. It’s legs were made out of an old wheely chair, which creaked and groaned. How it crept up on me, I had no idea. It weighed about two tons, so I was unable to escape by tossing it off of me.

“SREEEEEEEEEK!!!!” said the thing. It sounded like, If you move I will ___. The line represents a whole line of cuss words.

I squirmed, trying to free myself, but the creature just hissed into my ear.

“HISSSSSSSSSSSS......... CREEEEEEEEEEK......... MOOOOOOAN!!!” Which pretty much meant, I will let you go, but if you go get help, or even call for help, I will kiss your friend.

Okay, maybe I translated the last part wrong, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it did kiss Leo. I wouldn’t be the first time.

Long story.

I think he said kill, not kiss though.

The machine leaped off of me and pulled out a knife from the door of the washer on it’s chest. It put the knife under Leo’s chin. Leo groaned and his slumped head almost hit the blade. I bet he didn’t want to get his head cut off.

I stood up nervously and eyed the creature.

“Um, are you a girl or boy?” I asked the creature. It growled at me.

“SKREEEEEPPPPP!” It screamed. I translated it as, Neither.

“Um, okay. What is your name then?” I asked stepping toward it.

“FREEEEEEEAKKK!!” It replied. I realized that it wasn’t in Creak and Squeak. It was normal speech.

“Freak?” I asked. That sounded like a stupid name for a thing that held a knife to my crushes neck.

Oops! Did I just say that? Don’t you dare tell him!!!

Anyway, the thing croaked a response like,Well DUH!! I decided that I shouldn’t ask, afraid that I would get chopped to pieces, or worse, Leo getting chopped to pieces.

“Um, what do you want... Freak.” I asked taking a step closer.

“CREEEEEEKS.... MOOOOOOOAN.........SSSSSSSSSSSSSS!” Which meant, You have been reading it! Bring it to me! I realized it was talking about the books I was reading and shook my head,

“No! You don’t want those! They are just, um, dusty old, um, speeches! Yeah, speeches. They are boring!” I bet Freak could tell I was lieing, but I was determined to stick to that story.

“SSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Freak hissed, which meant, You will get the book, or he dies!

Leo’s eyes started to open, but he couldn’t focus on me, or Freak for that matter.

“C-Clover?” he croaked.

I shook my head, which made him confused. I tried to tell him to be quiet, but it didn’t work.

“Clover, what is going on?” Freak pushed the knife into Leo’s neck and I shouted,

“No! Don’t hurt him! I will go and get the book.” I turned to leave, but Freak shreeched,

“FFFFSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!” I turned to face him. He had said, I must come with you! So you don’t bolt! He squeaked closer to me and tossed Leo in front of me,

“SSSSCCCCCRRRRRRREEEEEEEEE!!” he screeched. He had said, Get moving! I picked up Leo and helped him walk.

“What is that thing talking about? He said something about a book. Is it the book you were reading?” I looked ahead.

“It.... I can’t tell you. I’m sorry, but I can’t tell you anything.” Leo gave me a look of loathing.

“I showed you everything in Bunker 9 that I know about and you can’t tell me about a book?” That made me feel so bad, I wanted to take it back.

“Leo, that’s not what I mean. I want to tell you, but it is sort of a secret that you can’t know about,” I explained. Leo looked away from me and I wanted to scream at him to listen to me.

“Look, I want to tell you, I really do, but I can’t.” Leo looked at me, anger in his eyes.

“Who gave you the book? If you were supposed to read it, why couldn’t you tell me about it?” I bit my lip. How was I supposed to tell him without telling him. I know that sounded confusing, but that was how it was. Freak had the knife pointed at our backs and would occasionally poke me.

“HISSSSSSSSSSS!” it said, which meant, Keep moving and shut up!

I decided that Leo was the only person who could get us out of this mess, and I thought he was formulating a plan as we walked. We climbed out of the Argo II and Freak screeched,

“SCRREEEEEEEEEEEEEE........... THHHHHISSSSSSSS!!” Which meant, Go get the book! Now!

I climbed down and walked over to the table that my book was placed on. There was no cover, but I was afraid Leo would know what it was.

I picked it up and read the last line. It read, “Festus, raise the sails. We’ve got some friends to save.” That was the limit of my knowing of the future. Leo saying those words.

I closed the book and turned to Freak.

“What are you going to do with it?” I asked him. Freak hissed, which translated as, I will use the information to fix all of the discarded machines in the whole bunker! Information is full of power! Leo looked at Freak, then at me.

“You know the future?” He asked.

I looked down at the book. It was bound in leather and the paper had been freshly printed.

And yes, it is made from trees, but from the nymphs who died during the Titan War. If it were from the nymphs alive, they would go on strike.

Freak held out his hands, but I gripped the book tight.

“HISSSSSSS..... MOOOOAAAANNNNN!” Freak said, which meant, Yes..... Come on girl, give it to me!

I looked at Leo and he seemed to understand my look. He slowly backed up behind Freak and pulled tools out from his belt. He grabbed random pieces of metal and began to put them together. Luckily, Leo managed to work and pay attention to the scene.

I held out the book, but I made sure I put some invisible netting underneath. (I knew where everything was, so that was why I was able to slip some of the netting underneath the book). I made sure that one of the strings was hanging down and I kicked it toward Leo.

Freak didn’t seem to notice our movements, he was just focused on the book.

Leo quickly picked it up and connected it to his makeshift device.

Freak stretched out his hand to grasp the book but Leo yelled,

“NOW!” I tossed the book straight over Freak's head and Leo’s device shot into the air. It flew away, with the book dangling underneath it, like a helicopter rescuing a rock climber.

“SCREEEEEEE!!!” Freak yelled, which translated as, No! Come back! He raced after the book, and Leo pulled out a remote and threw it to me,

“That controls it! Keep him occupied while I work on the trap!” I grabbed the remote and moved the control wheel.

The device with the book flew to the right. I turned it the other way, and it went to the left. I pushed a button and the device almost sailed into a wall. I pushed the button under the other one and the device reversed.

I smiled and flew the device down a passageway that Leo and I had explored a few days ago. I ran after it, then called behind me.

“Leo! Hurry up with the trap! I don’t think Freak will be interested in the book for much longer!”

Leo was standing on top of one of the catwalks, and grabbing some extra wire. He nodded at me, indicating he knew what I meant.

I turned back to the passageway and ran to keep up the the device which was flying at a fairly steady pace.

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