Another Mistake

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I walk in the kitchen with Springtrap.

He did the same thing that we did a few days ago to get started with making the pancakes.

I poured my own batter, I turned the stove on and I even started to set the plates up as I was cooking.

"Wow, [Y/N], you've been getting really good with making pancakes haven't ya'?" Springtrap exclaimed.

"Yep, just like you said, 'Maybe one day I'll be as good as you'." I quoted.

He... laughed.

This was the first time in a while I had seen him smile, laugh and have fun in front of me.

It was shocking to me because ever since I was around he had been in a funk.

"Well, can you do this?" He asked.

He took the pan and flipped the pancake, majestically, in the air and it landed back into the pan it started in.

He gave me a smile.

"Oh, you're on!" I say.

His smile faded.

I tried to flip the pancake as Springtrap waved his hands at me.

"No, no! Don't-?" Springtrap tried to speak but it was too late.

The hot grease had landed on my arm.

It burned.

"Ow!" I exclaimed.

Springtrap walks up to me quickly.

He took my arm carefully maneuvering me to the table.

"Now, whatever you do... Do not touch your arm! Follow me!" Springtrap said.

I follow Springtrap to the bathroom.

This is just great.

No matter what I do or how hard I try I always end up doing stupid stunts in front of Springtrap.

Springtrap runs the bathtub with cold water.

I stared at Springtrap and he runs the water as if I was dying or something like that.

"I'm sorry! I was being stupid and-!" I start to say but Springtrap had stopped me.

"Don't worry about it!" He assured me.

He smiled at me.

"You were just trying to impress me! That's all!" He assured me again.

I blush.

"Was it that obvious?" I chuckle.

"Yeah, you know, you're so cute when you try impressing people." He says.

He watched the bathtub flow with cold water.

"It was stupid of me." I say.

"No, no! You were just learning!" He says.

"Yeah, learning not to cook." I say.

"Now, now, don't give up just because you hurt yourself again! It means your learning!" He says.

I think back not that one night when I had dropped the plate on the floor.

"It's just that no matter what I do or how hard I try I always make mistakes! That's all I'll ever be is a mistake-creator! I didn't mean to make another mistake." I say

"Trust me [Y/N], people make mistakes all the time. Please, don't feel bad." He says.

"How can I not? We were supposed to being cooking and forgetting about the bad stuff that has happened and all I can think of now is all the ways you could possibly be upset or mad with me! I ruined our one opportunity to actually have fun!" I exclaimed.

"Look, I would never get mad at you and even if I do I want you to know that I will probably regret every second and on the plus side, we'll get through this! Besides, I love taking care of 'My Sweet [A/C]" He assures me.

I blush again.

Goodness he definitely has his own way of cheering me up!

He stops the faucet from continuing to pour anymore water.

"Here, let me see your arm." He says calmly.

I walk towards Springtrap with my arm.

"Now, I'm gonna have to put your arm in the water and I'm not gonna lie to you, it will sting." He says.

"Oh." I say.

"But~! I know you'll be 'My Brave Little [A/C]', right?" He asks me.

I shake my head as I smile.

I could tell that Springtrap had missed my old smiles because he smiled greatly as I gave him my old head shake and big smile.

He takes my arm and puts it under the water, goodness did it hurt like hell!

"Nnnnnn!" I made a sound that sounded like that but I didn't pull away, but you bet that it's what I wanted to do.

He looked at me worried.

"You're fine! It's fine!" I say.

"Alright~?" He responded.

He lifted it out of the tub and it did hurt still but not as much as before.

He stands up and opens the cabinet above the toilet and takes out some kind of rolled up bandage.

He takes the bandage and starts to wrap it around my arm.

"Now, [Y/N], I want you to avoid putting pressure on your arm, it will only make it hurt even more." He explains.

"Now, why don't I continue to fix those pancakes?" He says as we start to walk out of the bathroom.

"Can I help?" I ask.

"No." He said.

"Why not?" I ask.

"Your arm is too hurt!" He said.

"Even to hold a frying pan?" I ask.

"Even to hold a frying pan. I don't want you to hurt your arm anymore than it already does." He says.

"I feel bad that I can't help!" I say.

"Don't you worry! It's completely fine!" He says.

"If you say so?" I say.

I sit at the table in front of one of the plates.

I watch as Springtrap starts to cook two pancakes at the same time.

A Half-hour Later

Springtrap's POV

Me, Deliah, Nick and [Y/N] sit at the table eating pancakes.

"So, [Y/N], are you gonna be fine going to school today?" Deliah asked.

"Um, yeah? Why?" [Y/N] ask.

"Aren't you worried about MacKenzie and Emily?" Deliah asks.

MacKenzie and Emily must be the two girls that bully [Y/N] around at school.

Well, that's not happening on my watch!

"Please, they're just a couple of bullies who think they can get the better of me." [Y/N] explains.

"So, you're not bothered by going to the school?" Nick asks.

"Ofcoarse not!" [Y/N] says.

"Yeah, Nick, [Y/N] will be fine, because I'll help her with her assistance!" I exclaimed.

"Huh?" [Y/N] says.

I get up and walk towards her.

"Yeah, I'll help 'My Sweet [A/C]'!" I say again.

"She'll probably need help carrying all of her stuff with her hurt arm! Besides, I've got nothin' better to do here but house sit anyway." I explain.

"Yeah, Springtrap, that sounds like a good idea! Don't you think so, Nick?" [Y/N] says.

"Yeah, Nicky, don't you think so?" I ask him.

I really don't mean to threaten him but I will do anything to keep my little, sweet, beautiful, [Y/N] out of harms way.

"Yeah, I guess so." Nick says.

"Well, how about you two girls get your stuff together while I clean the table." I say.

"OK." Deliah and [Y/N] said in unity.

[Y/N]'s POV

I rush to the couch to grab my book bag.

The teachers will only allow me to around Deliah as a part time assistant and a student so now I have to do homework as well as other assignments in class.

I grab my book bag as I watch Deliah come down the stairs.

I see Springtrap walk next to me as we wave by to Nick.

"See ya', Nick!" I waved.

"Bye, [Y/N]! Bye, Deliah! Have a good day at school!" He says.

"We will!" I exclaim.

Especially with Springtrap by my side!

We stand outside and wait for the bus.

"You two seem to be in a good mood." Deliah said.

"Well, this is the first time I'm going to school with a romantic companion, like Springtrap." I say.

Springtrap comes behind me and wraps his arms around my stomach.

"You're too sweet, [ Y/N]!" Springtrap says.

As Springtrap stand there he puts his head against mine.

But then I start to remember my nightmare: The creepy, evil Springtrap and how much I was crying for my big bunny.

Could I have been dreaming about Springtrap's past?

Could Springtrap have done horrible things.

"I love you, [ Y/N]!" Springtrap says.

Yeah, he's definitely not a bad guy!

"I love you, too, Springtrap." I say.

The bus arrives.

"Come on, guys!" Deliah yells.

"Deliah, wait up!" I chuckle.

Springtrap goes first then me then Deliah.

Springtrap rushes up to Harry on the bus once he notices he goes on this bus.

"Oh hey man, did you tell [ Y/N] that you-?" He was stopped because I interrupted.

"Did you tell me what?" I ask.

Springtrap had noticed me behind him and he turned to Harry.

"Brat, give me a book!" Springtrap whispered but I didn't hear it.

Harry hands Springtrap a book.

"I was gonna tell you I got you a book! Hope ya' like it!" He says nervously.

"How did you know I love to read." I say enthusiastically.

"Well, let's just say you learn something new everyday!" He says.

I laugh.

Five Minutes Later

Me, Springtrap, Deliah and Harry got out and walked to Deliah's classroom.

"Hey, [T/N] (Teacher Name), this is Springtrap, he'll be my assistant!" I say nervously.

"Alright, you two take a seat." She says.

"Go on, Deliah. We'll be fine!" I say.

Me and Springtrap sit next to eachother and hold hands at a big table as I watch someone else walk in, two people.

It was MacKenzie and Emily!

I watch as they sit at their seats not looking at me, yet.

"You ok, [ Y/N/N] (Your Nick Name)?" Springtrap asks.

"Those are the two girls." I say as I point to MacKenzie and Emily.

"Who bully you?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"Well, they're gonna have to get through me to get you!"

"Thank you!" I say.

"Anything for 'My Sweet [A/C]'!" He says as he holds my hand tightly.

"Could you hand me my journal?" I ask.

"Ofcourse." He says.

Springtrap gets up.

"Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. I'll be right back." Springtrap says.

"Ok. Don't be too long!" I say.

A couple minutes pass by as I draw.

I try not to use my hurt hand at all just like Springtrap says.

I hear someone walk over and I assumed it was Springtrap.

"Good you're back! Could you hand me an eraser?" I ask.

I take an eraser from his hand until I realized only is it a human hand it was a female.

It was Emily.

I was scared but I pretended not to be.

"Oh, it's you! What do you want?" J ask.

"Aww, you say that as if you don't want me here!" She says.

"Cause I don't!" I say.

"Here, MacKenzie told me to give you this." She says.

She slams it on the desk but it wasn't loud enough for anyone else to look behind themselves.

She gets up and walks away.

I looked to see it was a folded piece of paper.

I pick it up and unfold it.

It was a message that reads: Dear Freak, the circus left already! You are not welcome! If you don't scram while you still have your life we will take it from you one way of another! Signed Your Worst Enemies!

I read.

It was a death threat.

I started to get scared I put my head down.

What are a couple of brats actually gonna do anyway?

I hear someone open the door and come inside I ignored it.

They sit next to me.

"Hey, [ Y/N], you ok?" Springtrap asks.

I start to sobb.

"[ Y/N]? Are you ok?" He asks again.

With my head still down, I hand him the note.

He reads it gets angry immediately but then his anger turns into sadness.

He hugs me.

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