The Mistake

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I wake up in the morning with happiness.

Nick walks up to me and shakes me fully awake.

"[Y/N]? [Y/N]?" His soft voice reaches me.

"I'm awake, Nick." I say.

"Oh good, Springtrap needs your help in the kitchen." He says.

"Ok." I say.

I get up and follow Nick to the kitchen to see a little girl sitting at the table.

She wears a pinkish brown colored shirt and blue jeans. Her long brown hair matches her eyes perfectly as they are a dark brown color as well.

She looked adorable with her giant eyes and wide smile.

"Hey, Dels, how about you get ready for school while [Y/N] and Springtrap prepare breakfast." Nick tells who I assume her name is Deliah since he called her 'Dels'.

"Who's Dels?" I ask as I stand beside Nick.

"That's my daughter, her real name is Deliah." He says.

"Shes so cute." I say.

"Oh, well thanks." He said.

We continue to watch Springtrap cook what looks like...

"Pancakes?! My favorite!" I exclaim.

Springtrap smiles as he turns around to see my smile wide as well. He turns his head and continues to cook.

"You like pancakes?" Nick asks.

"Do I like pancakes? I LOVE pancakes!" I exclaim.

"Wait how does he even know how to cook?!" He asked me in shock as if he had just realized that this tall animatronic was cooking.

"I have many questions." Nick says as he points at Springtrap.

"First how do you even know how to cook." He says getting closer to Springtrap.

"I just do." He replies.

I was confused so I just watched and Nick turns to me with a very small hint of anger in his eyes.

"How do you know how to cook?" He asked.

"Umm, I don't." I say.

"I don't really have any experience with cooking." I say.

"Well how do I know you two don't have a human in your suit?"

Springtrap grabs his head as he talks.

"What a stupid question. But if you insist I can prove it to you!" He says.

He lifts his top-skull far from his jaw big enough to see if there was a human in his suit: in this case ther wasn't.

"You too!" Nick said.

"Fine." I say in an annoyed tone.

I grab my (beak/upper-jaw) and pull them away from eachother.

It revealed no human in my suit either.

Springtrap walks up to me to inspect the inside of my suit.

"Now is there a human in there, Nick?" Springtrap asks as he points to me.

"No." He says.

"Theres a wise fella." Springtrap teases Nick.

Springtrap looks at me as I put my jaw back in place.

"Now, how about I teach ya' how to cook." He says to me kindly.

"Really?!" I ask.

"Ofcourse." He exclaimed.

He places the pancake mix in his as I walk up next to him and stare as he perfectly places it inside the pan.

He places another pan on the stove in front of me.

"Here." He says.

He hands me the pancake mix. I gently pour it in the pan as I remember my old owner.

I had belonged to someone else before Nick had bought me. Even if I made one small mistake he would... hit me... he knew I was human. What if they were gonna break me like they did if I made a mistake.

I continue to pour the mix in trying very hard not make a mistake and I stop pouring it as soon as I thought it was enough.

"Very good, [Y/N]." He said calmly.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah, maybe you'll eventually be as good as me." He says.

A few minutes went by and all that happened was surprisingly I had done everything fine and Springtrap compliments my cooking.

It made me feel good because I have never gotten compliments for a long time.

"Alright I think they are ready! Nice job, [Y/N]!" He said.

"I can't believe that they're actually done!" I exclaimed.

"Well, time does fly when you're having fun." He said.

"Yeah, I guess so!" I say.

While cooking with Springtrap I had completely forgotten that I was so worried about him getting mad at me.

I take the pancake and place it on the plate.

It looked perfect.

Springtrap turned around to grab his plate to put it on the table.

I take the plate and start walking and all of a sudden I slip on what I believe was water.

I fall as the plate shatters as the perfect pancake is now all dirty and soggy on the wet floor.

Springtrap turns back to look at me.

"Woah, are you--." He didn't have enough time to speak cause I started stuttering.

I cover my face as he turns around to reach for my hand.

"I-I'm so-sorry! I-It w-won't happen a-again I-I promise!" I exclaimed.

"Its fine, [Y/N]! It's ok! Accidents happen all the time. Heh. I tend to trip on this floor every now and then, too." Springtrap says trying to calm me down.

"You're not mad? Or going to hurt me?" I ask.

"Ofcourse not! Why would I hurt you for something that you unintentionally did." He said as he crossed his arms.

"Oh n-nothing!" I say.

"Come on, [Y/N]! I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise." He says.

"Well, ok." I say as he helps me off the ground and we both sit at the table as Deliah and Nick get ready for school and work.

"Well, tell me what happened." He said.

"I-I don't know." I say.

"[Y/N], you have to tell me what's wrong otherwise I don't know how I can help you out." He says.

"Fine. I used to belong to another owner." I say.

"Continue." He said.

I sigh.

"Well, you see. When he first bought me he seemed like a kind gentle man but then he started going out more getting... drunk. So then he started to get mad at me more easily. One day I was making breakfast for him and I dropped a plate. He started to yell at me he knew I had human thoughts so hit me again but this time he was so much worse he grabbed a bat and beat me till I was broken. The next thing I know I'm right here."I say.

"Oh, [Y/N], I had no idea!" He said.

He stood up as I put my head down on the table in sadness.

He walked over to me and hugged me.

It felt nice and it was tight too. I had never felt a tight hug ever.

He released me and sat next to me as I lifted my head up.

"Well, I would never do that, no matter how many times you made a mistake." He said.

I smiled.

"Thank you!" I say.

"Well, we should be getting this mess cleaned up." Springtrap said.

Nick rushed up to us immediately.

"Is everything ok? What happened?" He asked.

"[Y/N] dropped a plate that's all." Sptingtrap replied.

"Well, ok then. I'll go get Deliah." He said.

"Why?" I ask.

"You're taking her to school." He said.

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