The Nightmare is Real

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I get to the place.

It looked like all the other Freddy's that my old friends told me about.

I walk inside the place and see the animatronics: Freddy Fazbear, Bonnie the bunny, Chica the chicken, and Foxy the pirate fox.

I was excited on working here but I was nervous too. 

I wondered what would happen if they were possessed by dead children from the Fazbear murders that took place years ago.

I wonder what happened to that guy who committed the crime.

I hope he got what he deserved!

At Deliah's School...

Springtap and Deliah listened to the teacher as she gave out instructions.

Springtrap looked at the door.

He was worried.

MacKenzie and Emily have not arrived at school yet.

"Springtrap? What's wrong?" Deliah asked.

"Oh, it's just... those brats that had bullied [Y/N] haven't gotten here." Springtrap says worried.

"You don't think they-?" Deliah started but she was interrupted by Springtap.

"No, no! Ofcoarse not! I think she's gonna be just fine." He said.

"Hey, Springtap!" Deliah exclaims.

"What is it, sweetheart?" He asks.

Deliah hands Springtrap a piece of paper.

He read it: Prom Night!

Springtrap knew this was his one chance to actually show [Y/N] that he really does care about her.

"Why are you giving me this?" Springtrap asked Deliah.

"I know you wanted to dance with [Y/N] so I wanted to give this to you." Deliah said.

"I should give this to her once we get home." He said again.

"I think you should, too." Deliah answered.

Back to [Y/N]...

I sit down and listen to the LONGEST phone call I have ever heard of.

But I was scared.

The dude on the phone was talking about how the animatronics were able to walk around the pizzeria after dark!

I can't believe it!

The stories are true!!!

Harry was right!!!

I cower in fear as I put my head down on the counter, praying that the dude was just screwing with me.

After a few minutes I lift my head up.

I get up to walk around the pizzeria.

I look at the show stage as I realize that the animatronics, all of them, were missing!

I feel a tug on my shoulder.

It was Evil Springtrap!

"What do you want from me!?" I begged.

"It's not what I want... It's what you don't want." He says.

What could he possibly mean?

"I have no idea what you're talking about!" I shout.

"Aww, babe, I'm sure you do." He said.

He grabs both of my wrists with both of his hands as he pushes me to the ground.

"No! Leave me alone!" I yell again.

"We should have fun! You know... just me and you!" He said.

"I'm not ready for that yet! Please!" I yell.

"Well, that's not for you to decide!" He said.

"Please! I don't want to! I-?" I start as I see him move closer to me.

"Stop it, please!"  I yelled.

I woke up in the security office.

I look to my left as I see a purple bunny at the window just staring at me.

I quickly run up to the big red button and watch as the color turns green and the door slams down with force.

I so need a break!

I wait for the Six AM bell to ring so that I know I can go home.

It rings as I leave the restaurant quickly because I kind of never wanna come back here again.

But I have to.

Not because it is my new job... but because Springtrap got this job for me and I wanna make him happy so I will keep working here until the end of my days.

Back to Deliah's School

Springtrap and Deliah walk out of the school.

The good thing about asking [Y/N] to prom night was that the prom was tomorrow so he was gonna ask her as soon as she arrived home!

Springtrap as well as Deliah were very excited about this prom night even though Deliah was not going with anyone.

"I can't wait to ask [Y/N] to prom! Do you think she'll say 'yes'?" Springtrap asked Deliah.

"Spring? I will be very surprised if [Y/N] didn't say 'yes'." Deliah answered.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"Ofcoarse!" Deliah exclaimed.

"I wanna do something else special for her, but I don't know what?" Springtrap asks.

"Maybe you can make her a poster or get her flowers or maybe I don't know a card or maybe all of it!!!" Deliah exclaimed.

"Dels? I'm asking [Y/N] to prom, not for her hand in marriage." Springtrap chuckled.

"That's not a bad idea either." Deliah chuckled.

Springtrap and Deliah walked inside the house and Springtrap had immediately noticed that [Y/N] was not there.

"Maybe she's just getting off work." Springtrap said.

Deep down inside of Springtrap ha had to just pray that [Y/N] was OK.

"You know what!? Since [Y/N/N] isn't back yet you could work on the poster!" Deliah considered.

"Even if I wanted to, what would I write on it?" Springtrap asked.

"Simple. Just write: [Y/N], will you go to prom?" Deliah explained.

"Girl love it when they are asked to prom." She said again.

"Yeah, well, [Y/N] isn't the type of girl who likes to get out she's more of a dinner-at-home type of girl." Springtrap explained.

"I'm certain she'll love to go to prom, especially with you!" Deliah said.

"Thanks, Dels." He said.

Springtrap hugged Deliah, happy that she could help Springtrap.

Nick did not like that.

Back to [Y/N]...

I walk in the streets on the way home.

I was at least a block away until I had noticed someone standing in the middle of the road.

Were they in trouble?

"Sir? Ma'am? Are you OK? Do you need any help?" I ask.

I start to walk up to them as I felt something hit my head hard as I blacked the last thing I heard was: 

Are you sure this is the right one? 

Yeah, this is her. 

What will we do? 

Just like the old man said, we break her.

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