Chilling with Louis

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"I'm bored. What can we do?" I whine.

"Well, it's a nice day out. Wanna go to the park?" Louis suggested.

"Ooh. Ooh. Pick me!" I shout waving my hand in the air.

"Yes, Lydia?"

"Can we go to da beach?"

"Yeah, sure. I'm going to go change. Be right back."

4 hours later, Louis and I were surfing. Well, he was trying to teach me how to surf. So far, I have failed.

"Ok! I'm officially done! I suck at surfing!" So I splash him.

"Oh no you didn't," Louis says.

"Oh yes I did," I taunt. Then I see a playful murderous look in his eye. I try to run but since I'm in water, it's in slow motion. He grabs me by the waist, picks me up and throws me. I scream bloody murder. "Ow ow ow." I wince in pain. "I've got water in my eyes."

He gasps. "Sorry! Oh, I'm so sorry!"

I wave him off. "It's fine. I'll go dry them off and get a snack." As I eat my Doritos, I watch Louis play in the water. I shake my head. He's like a five-year old. While I was looking at people around us, I spotted a familiar blonde/brown haired someone. Who was supposed to be in Ireland. As I watch a girl walks up to him, but I couldn't see what happened next because paparazzi swarmed around him.

Later, Louis and I were walking around the mall when I saw a Hunger Games magazine.
"Ooh! I saw this when I was in America."

"What were you in America for?" Louis asked.

"It was summer vacation, so I decided to travel the world. I got mobbed by lots of fans though."

"Why? Oh yeah I forgot, you're dating Niall from ONE DIRECTION!" I stared at him. Was that bitterness in his voice? "I-i mean yay?" He stammered. I stood with my back to the magazine stand.

"What is up with you? I mean, we're just talking and then all of a sudden you are so bitter! Is there anything you want to talk about?" He shakes his head and refuses to look at me. Suddenly his eyes widen and Louis grabs a magazine and turns it around. "What? What is it?"

"Oh, haha. Nothing! Nothing at all!" He says with forced cheerfulness.

"Louis, move!" I try pushing him, but that boy is so darn heavy! "Louis, move out of my way," I say, my voice dead serious. He swallows and quietly moves. I turn over the magazine and read the headline.

Niall Horan from One Direction cheating on Lydia Henninger??!!

Underneath was a picture of Niall and a blonde girl kising. They were at...the beach. I gasped horrified. Niall was NOT the kind of guy who would cheat. Just then my phone dings. Oh, joy. A text from Niall. It read:We need to talk. Suddenly, I was mad. No not mad, furious. So I sent back Where are you?
An answer came almost immediately. At home. I could only assume that he meant my house.

"Come on, Louis," I said my voice shaking with rage. "We have to meet our friend Niall."


A/N: It's getting real!!!!!!! What do you think is going to happen? Love you guys! -Emily Grace

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